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HGR 1.875m parts R&D Thread [Mod reboot in progress] (First Dev build now available)


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Hello, This thread will be to discus the projects and updates I'm currently working on to add to my actual release, HGR or Home Grown Rocket parts. If you would like to see the release thread you can find it here.

HGR started as a collection of random parts I made all the while learning to mod. Over time it has evolved to primarily focus on a full feature 1.875m part set including kerbalized versions of the Gemini and Soyuz spacecraft, which both fit the size category excellently.

I've come a long way in the last year and learned a lot about making parts for KSP. Because I've grown so much and because of the messy state HGR came to be in, I've decided to reboot the mod from scratch. This time there will be a better focus on 1.875m parts an the spacecraft that fit that size range best. As such not *every* part will be re-made and included in the new version, but I will always make sure there is a legacy download available for those that still want them.

I'm working in phases this time around, starting with the fuel tanks, aerodynamic bits, and adapters. I'll then be moving on to engines. And finally I'll be re-working the spacecraft. I've already managed to remake a few of the parts which are shown in the album below. I'll be updating it as more gets finished.

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-Community Techtree


-Extract the GameData file into your KSP directory and merge the contents.

-The file path should flow as follows: [YourKspDirectory]>GameData>HGR_Redux

-Make sure not to extract the whole .zip fie into your KSP directory.


HGR_Redux is all rights reserved

My current WIP is a stock alike Soyuz/Shenzhou style capsule, OM, a 1.875m parts pack, and a few other goodies. While my main focus is on the Soyuz parts, I will still also be releaseing 1.875m parts as I get those done.

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This is the beta version of HGR and new parts are always coming out. You can download and try it out below. The pack now contains everything found in the normal HGR release and what used to be known as HGRtest. You will no long need both versions.

Just extract the "HGR" file into your KSP>Gamedata folder and you're good to go. Make sure you delete any old HGR content before updating to a new version.

You MUST extract HGR into gamedata or many parts will not load.

Warning If you are upgrading from an older version it is always advised to back up your save files first to avoid any mishaps.

DOWNLOAD: HGRbetaV0.24(Oct 20)

Previous version:HGRbetaV0.23(July 20)

Alternate Service Module featuring four small nozzles instead of a single larger one. (Does not replace standard version)

Original Onion (Old red stripe)

(July 20)

-Re-balanced for "First contract"

-Some parts moved on the tech tree to reflect the new layout

-The original onion and the 1.875m tri adapter were removed

-Added New "Leek" Orbital module

-Added 1.875m Nose cone

(July 7)

-Updated IVAs

-Updated RPM support

-Updated KAS support

-Added first release of the Onion's IVA

-Updated Latch-O-Matic's texture

-Added the "Low Pro" RCS set

(June 27)

-Updated Textures

-Updated landertron (Soy-juice GUI not so cluttered)

-Service module works properly with BahamutoD's animation plug-in. (Plug-in now included)

-Docking port should have an easier time connecting now

-fixed the Spud's missing RPMs. (thanks HawkW)

(June 15)

-many changes, check my post here

(May 30)

-Switched to new "beta" format

-Improvements to several textures

-New OM, nosecone, engine, and solar panels

-First build of the progress style pod "Lima"

(May 15)

-Fixed the FX issue with the G90

(May 14)

-Version 1 of PMK released

-Updated visuals for the Soy Svc Module

-New Engine Effects for the G90

(April 22)

-new geometry on existing parts to allow heatshield

-new parts added including 1.875m heatshield, Soy-juice service module, and radial tank from OPM

-Art pass on pretty much everything not directly related to the Soy-juice

-Reworked the large inline chute completely

(April 10)

-fixes to the G47b

-added a 2.5m shroud to the G47b

(April 7)

-Added soy-juice IVA

-made some engine tweaks

(April 2)

-Changed nodes to size 2 on tanks and engines

-Minor tweaks to the G90's mesh and the decoupler's .cfg

-Flag Decals added to the Soy-juice and Radist"test"

-Small escape tower added

-Newer version of the small inline chute


-Added G90 and G47b Engines

-Added A test version of the Radish and its associated parts

(March 22)

-Fixed a model path error for the small flat adapter

-Fixed an issue with the small tank that was conflicting with one of the stock ones

(March 21)

-Autoshroud on Soy-Juice is now its own part and acts as a decoupler. (has 2 bottom nodes to choose from)

Unfortunately Ferram let me know that for the time being, even with a custom drag model, the double node would be an issue. I've decided to do away with double nodes on capsules for better reentry safety. Expect a new test version of the Radish in the near future.

-As such node placement on many parts has changed.

-Removed the Service module. (I think that I'll make a unique service module and other assorted specialized parts for the soy-juice as an extra add on similar to how SDHI did for the MK1-2. But it wont be untill all this is done)

-Added new fuel tanks, adapters, and a placeholder decoupler for the 1.875m parts line.

-TAC life support and DRE compatible modules added to the soy-juice and onion's .cfg files. (For some reason module manager stopped working correctly on all my HGR parts and I haven't gotten it fixed yet)

-Some career mode placement changes

To do list:

-finish/improve textures

-General Balancing

-Add IVAs

-Mod support

-Career integration

-Probably other stuff I've forgotten at the moment

------Fan Contributions--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

RealFuels cfg by Sandworm

RT2 cfg by Hades

ECLSS cfg by HawkW

Thanks everyone I hope you enjoy it and all feedback is welcome.

Bundled Plug-ins: (Not required)

-Landertron.Dll by XanderTek, source can be found here.

-BDAnimationModules.dll by BahamutoD, source can be found at here.

-Thank you,


Legal Information:

-XTLandertron is GNU GPL

-B.Dynamic engine animation .Dll is CC-BY-SA

-All models and parts in this mod are All rights reserved.

About Orionkermin

I'm a beginner when it comes to 3d art and scripting, but I'm enjoying everything I learn. I'm hoping to get the opportunity to go to school and learn 3d art proffessionaly, but for now online tutorials are my main educational resource. This is the first modding work I've ever done and I'm loving it all!

Edited by Orionkermin
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Registered to say that I enjoy the Radish v2 pod, and this new one as well. Looking forward to the test version.

The unintended use made me laugh; a pair of mk1 pods mated at the nose + some struts made for a viable munar rescue lander at one point. I was surprised how well it flew, actually.

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Works well... holds up quite well even under abusive reentry conditions that killed the Kerbal aboard and burned up the parachute. (I'm using the Deadly Reentry pack in tandem with FAR.) Plenty of ablative for my uses... I might have been able to reuse that particular capsule! :)

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  MaverickSawyer said:
Works well... holds up quite well even under abusive reentry conditions that killed the Kerbal aboard and burned up the parachute. (I'm using the Deadly Reentry pack in tandem with FAR.) Plenty of ablative for my uses... I might have been able to reuse that particular capsule! :)

Hmm parachute burned up? I've been having mine burn up too, but I've been sticking them on upside down because it looks better. Was it not being shielded by the bottom of the capsule or was just the reentry profile? I'm a little worried there might be an issue where parts on too are not being shielded properly.

Edit: Made a slight change to the top of the physics mesh that I think is helping. Still not shading things as much as I'd like but reentry should be a little safer. I updated the download but that's the only change I made so anybody not using deadly reentry won't see too much of a difference.


Thank you, it makes working on this stuff that much better when I know others are enjoying it.

Edited by Orionkermin
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I took your little round Russian-like pod out for quite the spin this morning. If it had onboard power generation it would make for the perfect rover! Unfortunately it ran dry before I could roll over to the mission control building to give them my suggestion.....

I'm wondering what would happen to this pod if it landed on a hillside or the edge of a mountain. Roll all the way to the ocean?

Either way I like the looks of it, and might give it a test launch later in the week. Should make for a wonderful multipurpose lander/reentry craft.

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  Cydonian Monk said:
I took your little round Russian-like pod out for quite the spin this morning. If it had onboard power generation it would make for the perfect rover! Unfortunately it ran dry before I could roll over to the mission control building to give them my suggestion.....

I'm wondering what would happen to this pod if it landed on a hillside or the edge of a mountain. Roll all the way to the ocean?

Either way I like the looks of it, and might give it a test launch later in the week. Should make for a wonderful multipurpose lander/reentry craft.

Yea it can get around pretty good with just a reaction wheel. I actually have the physics mesh flattened a little on the bottom to try and help keep it from rolling too much after touchdown. best thing to do is aim for the dessert I guess.:rolleyes: (ok anywhere flat, or just strait into the ocean too)

Edit: I suppose you could completely cover it with photovoltaic panels... DISCO ROVER!

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So, thought I'd show the current state of the exterior. It's mostly just a little less shading to make it match the stock look better and a little more detail on the shroud. (Instead of a bunch of boxes)

Also I've found that due to the shroud you can use the single direction RCS port to make a low gravity 2 stage lander. I tried adding a second stack node, but it was too fiddly and most the probe size parts don't fit well inside the shroud. It does however make me want to make a 2 man lander can designed with being 2 stages in mind. Maybe something for the future.

p><p><img src=

<a  href=%7Boption%7Dhttp://i1276.photobucket.com/albums/y477/morrowindorion/2014-01-30_00004_zps0f9fb688.jpg' alt='2014-01-30_00004_zps0f9fb688.jpg'>

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