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HGR 1.875m parts R&D Thread [Mod reboot in progress] (First Dev build now available)


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OK, newest update is up. There's been a TON of changes so I can't stress enough, end all flights in progress using this test version. A lot of geometry and node positions have changed so there's a HIGH chance that if you don't land before updating that your craft may get deleted.

The soy-Juice now needs a heatshield for reentry. To get that working the decoupler had to change a bit. I also dropped its expanded node. This was to make it less wonky, and lets face it, at this point the Soy-juice is a 1.875m pod for all intents and purposes. The service module is back and now includes a small engine and an animated engine cover. I've seen a plugin that would allow the cover to toggle depending on engine activation, but it isn't fully released yet. Once that plugin is finished and stable I'll likely add it. The large inline chute is completely remade, with a lower profile and better canopy. Pretty much all the non Soy-juice stuff got an art pass. (mostly adding ambient occlusion to everything:rolleyes:)

A lot of the new stuff is unpolished, but that will come with time. I think on the whole everything is taking a much better shape and this starting to really come together.

I did a LKO reentry test, but haven't done much other testing yet, so feedback on how well the heatshield works would be appreciated.



Edit: I also added my entry for the Open Part Mod as well. However since this only a test version of HGR, I didn't include NathenKell's crossfeed Enabler. It will allow the fuel to flow from that tank into whatever it's radially attached to.

True, for me it's just a bit too digital. I prefer analog controls and 1960's designs.

*Insert Cartman voice* Shweeeeet.

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Just used to new parts to make an upgraded version of my Laythe/Ike series Minmus lander mission. Flew like a dream, and I'm loving the recessed service module engine. I'll get some pics up in a little bit.

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Just took it on a free-munar return flight with direct reentry into a DRE/FAR atmosphere; no problems noted at all. Entry interface was about 3100 m/s, set at a periapsis of ~33000 m. Took about 110 ablative shielding off. It may be a bit much at 750, but it may just be built to be overbuilt :D

(In the tradition of mix-n-match, the flight was paired up with the tanks from here)

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Does anyone know how to actually add RealChute compatability?

Stupid_Chris said he would work on it in the next RealChute update.

- - - Updated - - -

Thanks, I also fixed the coliders on the top bits as well btw.

You sir...are a god!

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The solar panels are from Space factory and have a more stock appearance than Bobcats plus they rotate. Any plans for your own solar panels or RCS units to complete the set of parts?

Also SPS engine effects could be a touch larger.

Edited by Green Skull
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I've got a strange bug; none of the 1.875 meter engines show up in the VAB/SPH. I can see the config files, but so far as I can tell the game isn't using them. Later on I might try sifting through the debug logs to figure it out, but I wanted to see if anyone has a fix they know of first because I have a **** ton of mods and it'd take ages to sort through them all.

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Pics from the Laythe 4 mission to Minmus, as promised:


In orbit with the fairings removed. I like that the new service module allows for a shorter command craft, and (off topic) the Aerojet Kerbodyne upper stage works really well for this type of mission.


Arrival at Minmu. Bill and Jenbert get ready for the landing.


Bill landed, with the flag planted backwards. Dangit Bill!


Sightseeing trip to an asteroid after recovering the lander.

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I've got a strange bug; none of the 1.875 meter engines show up in the VAB/SPH. I can see the config files, but so far as I can tell the game isn't using them. Later on I might try sifting through the debug logs to figure it out, but I wanted to see if anyone has a fix they know of first because I have a **** ton of mods and it'd take ages to sort through them all.

Hmm the engines use the MODEL {} definition in the cfg. Maybe check to see if the pathing is correct. As soon as I can Ill check things on my end to make sure I didn't screw anything up when I uploaded. Are the engines showing up for everyone else?

@TerLoki: cool, can't wait to get a better look at the pictures on my computer.

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A sleep deprived thought occurred the other night; Soy-juice service module is not the most exciting name. With the Daikon service module, why not the Edamame module? (Soybean in a pod still.)

No problems with the engines here, either.

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Digging the new soy service module actually... Makes for a very compact Zond-like setup. What it needs is a light heat shield for aero braking with the cover closed & a collider on that cover so it can work as landing gear on low-grav bodies.

The heat-shield could easily be added with a config edit, but I don't think it would work too well as landing legs, except maybe on Gilly.

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I made a very basic cfg to configure HGR parts for realfuels (so I can use them with real-sized kerbin/earth mods). This file makes them work under realfuels. They function, but I would not say that they are "balanced" just yet. Place the cfg in your realfuels directory.


*I didn't include the radial tank or service modules as setting a single volume for them seemed wrong.

Edited by Sandworm
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The sfr mod can let you see the kerbal without a command seat capability.

I looked at this thread but I don't see any licensing information, so I'm not sure if whatever he used to achieve it is available to the community.

So, I'm sorry everybody. I had hoped to have updated textures for the latest parts this week but life kept me too busy. Should have them sometime next week. After that I want to start focusing on the OM.

I've decide to make two after all. A soyuz style "sphere" that would act similarly to the current version onion except with a two kerb capacity and no probe core. My plan for a revised shenzho OM will be a 1.875m cylinder that tapers down to 1.25m at one end. I'd also like it to act as a smaller MPL albiet a little less efficiently. I'll elaborate on these more when I have more to show for myself. They likely won't be released until they have at least basic IVA's in place to keep me from getting lazy, I think I'm going to do that with all pods going forward.

Anyway just wanted to give a quick status update and I'll leave you with a fun picture from a recent mission to the Mun.


There's two kerbals on the Mun, la la la lala (Sorry too much Yogscast XD)

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