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HGR 1.875m parts R&D Thread [Mod reboot in progress] (First Dev build now available)


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Still no luck with the integrated chute (Thing just hangs in the air) trying something different to see if that fixes it.

After Slamming into the ground at 600+ m/s several times, the integrated chute is a no go (At least for me) HOWEVER: The clipping of the .625m stack into it looks beautiful, and works!

Edited by Taki117
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Orion, what about attaching this to 0.625m stacks? I know with the radish, you have both the small and large nodes. Could this come with a small and tiny node option?

I've tried it a couple times but, it was a little fiddly. I'll go ahead and add it back in for the next test release to see what everybody thinks and if they find it useful. I'm glad you found the right version of the radish, the older one on spaceport always seems to be the one that pops up first on searches. I like pictorial journal style missions so keep up the good work I like what you've done so far.

@Komodo, thanks I think finding a good looking way of attaching parachutes will make a lot of people happy. And I think you're right, take a few days away to just play the game, maybe fly to moho for a bit and come back fresh, then get back to work. I can get overly excited and then I push too hard, end up with burnout. Something I have to be careful of.:)

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@Taki, I think the 'clipped' realchute (or other inline) is the best 'quick' solution at this point. Even with DRE, it seems viable.

@Onion, sounds a plan, just don't try to defenestrate your computer on the way to moho. Gads that place is a pain to get to :P

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A ship. Also, could you somehow make the shroud toggleable? I want to put a docking port on top, and a mk1 pod underneath it.

Also, for a next model, could you make a soyuz like pod? You deliver high quality :D

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A ship. Also, could you somehow make the shroud toggleable? I want to put a docking port on top, and a mk1 pod underneath it.

Also, for a next model, could you make a soyuz like pod? You deliver high quality :D

Next version will have a small size node you can use if you want instead of the shroud. I've actually been brainstorming how a soyuz themed stock-a-like would function and look, so if it's not the very next thing I work on, it'll probably be something I do in the future.

I'm glad you like my work, I'm really new to all this so its nice to hear.

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If you want to differentiate this pod from the 1m command pod and lander can, why not give it increased RCS capacity and really weak reaction wheels, sorta like what Porkjet did to make his Orbital Orb distinct from other stock cockpits. That way you could stick some little landing legs and RCS thrusters on this thing and use it as an escape pod.

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You wouldn't happen to have a link to that would you? I think it fits the style nicely.

I can upload this chute with the changes of parameters,but i don't know if is Legal this,because this part is a create of another people!

Somebody can answer if is Legal or no?

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Is it from this? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/4076-AVK-Spaceworks-r4-12-19-11-NEW-Cyclone-1-1

Also I've done yet another update. (Sorry I know they're frequent and minor) Some more cosmetic improvements and added that extra node on the bottom. I'm also trying out a little bit different lighting for the IVA picture, so let me know if you like it. Its supposed to look like a glow from the instruments and looks best up in space in the dark.

Finally something I made for no real reason...

<a  href=%7Boption%7Dhttp://i1276.photobucket.com/albums/y477/morrowindorion/2014-02-03_00005_zps55e67ee4.jpg' alt='2014-02-03_00005_zps55e67ee4.jpg'>

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Dat snow-actually-not-so-snowman. Or is it a scarecrow?

Anyway, downloaded teh update! These are so much gonna be the escape pods for my space station :o

Definately a snowman, and I am loving the look of the pod. This will certainly be featured when I do my No stock parts playthrough. (Will require a much more robust PC)

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A lovely and well detailed little pod, currently using it for a telescope serving mission, Unfortunately poor Bill suffered a slight re-entry problem on version upgrade (Crashed mid re-entry, upgraded and the chute and Jeb-9000 unit tore off in a heartbeat.) He met an untimely end upon impact with the seabed (Yes, the seafloor)

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well I don't want to make any promises this early, as I'm still working things out and brainstorming. It's going to be tough to pull off well and I want to take my time and get it right. I'm searching for good inspirational pictures It of course wont be a replica, but more like my other stuff; a stock like pod that's meant to be analogous to the real thing.

I want to stress that this might take me a while to get right, and figure out exactly how I'm going to do it though.

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Thanks I have seen that. Mine might be a little small for it, but I'm not sure yet. I definitely want to make it slimmer than the 2.5m parts, probably something like 2m and then have it taper out to 2.5m at the bottom. That should give it that distinctive shape. For now I'm going to be focused on the capsule and service module, as an orbital section should be able to be rigged up using other parts/mods for now. I also want to go for something more cartoony/kerbal or less advanced looking as I know bobcat's HOME project is sort of like a futuristic soyuz type thing.

The main thing for me is figuring out a good way to handle visibility. I know I could use RPM to make a periscope, but I like my parts to function like stock without other plugins and things, for me that's a part of being stock alike. (I'll of course still add MFDs as I know people really like them) Things I've thought about are using a collider to change the camera to the inside of a periscope tube, like when you double click on a window. And having the middle kerbal in a lower recessed part of the pod with forward visibility under the nose.

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I have some suggestion about spud.

I think you shoudl move it higher in tech tree. Its lander can, well even more than that - fusion of can and capsule. So it requires more advanced tech than simple mk1 "placeholder" capsule, isnt it?

Oh by the way, i plan to use your spud in my Urania exploration tour. I think it fits atmospheric lander quite nicely, its more areodynamic and sturdy looking than standard one kerbal can.

Edited by kiwiak
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