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[1.10.0] Final Frontier - kerbal individual merits 1.10.0-3485


KSP 1.1.0  

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  1. 1. Is FinalFrontier working in KSP 1.1.0?

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I kind of use the engineer/command/science ribbons as rank. The more mission types of that style they do, the higher rank of the ribbon I give them. My pilots/MC's all get operations ribbons, guys I send out to Eva to fix things get engineer, and most of the guys in my research stations get science ribbons. It works pretty good, even though it's a completely arbitrary method that I award the ribbons with.

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At the moment, I do the same. But I'd prefer a system. :)

Also, is it possible to make it so that the award of Qualified is superseded by the award of Specialist which is superseded by the award of Senior?

I put forward my proposal at http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/67246-0-23-5-Final-Frontier-kerbal-individual-merits-0-4-12?p=1026884&viewfull=1#post1026884

My wish list at the moment is still ranks and then retirement... But it's Nereid's work. :) I'm happy just to use it.

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I like the graphics, and I like option 2 for promotion. I also feel a non-military style track should be available. My 2 cents.

- - - Updated - - -

Fine with me. I've thought about this a fair bit for the last however long and I haven't wanted to distract you while you've been working on debugging custom ribbons, so can I suggest how to implement it?

Kerbonauts start at Lt2 and the date that they are brought into the game is recorded.

Their promotion to the next grade (Lt1) becomes available after x game months minus a factor determined by the number of missions they've been on, and how many other ribbons they've received. When they're ready for the next promotion, you can either (1) have it happen automatically; (2) click a button to promote; or (3) have a promotion "day" every month or so when Kerbonauts who passed the formula are placed into a pool for promotion to the next higher rank.

I would prefer option 3, because it would allow a process to only promote the best candidates to the upper ranks. 100% of candidates from the pools should be promoted to Lt1 and Capt, but after that there should be a set percentage of available candidates can be promoted up (down to, say, 50% of candidates getting promoted to Col). So the candidates with the most ribbons should get promoted over less decorated colleagues.

There should be a set number of Kerbonauts at the General ranks (say 3 Brigadiers, 2 Major Generals, 1 Lt. General and 1 General), and the best qualified (most ribbons) individual from the next lower rank should replace retiring Kerbonauts. Or you could set it so that a choice has to be made from 2 or 3 or whatever on retirement of someone from an upper rank.

I have done graphics (although I'm open to criticism, and they'd need a background to fit with whatever) for each rank that you can set as the first ribbon in FF's display perhaps?


...I've tried to avoid the ranks being too Americocentric (or Auscentric for that matter too), so no eagle for Colonel, no Leaf for Major or Lt. Colonel etc.

Does this seem reasonable, Nereid (and anyone else)?

I like the graphics, and I like option 2 for promotion. I also feel a non-military style track should be available. My 2 cents.

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Ok Nereid, still having my issue. I updated re-landed my one kerbals mission 10 (thanks to a accident with the F9 key), and still no ribbons for missions. I took a screenshot of the last mission summary and hall of fame window open, what else do you need to track this bug? The hall of fame file, right? Whatever you need, I can get it for you later tonight when I get home.

Also, one thing I just thought of, how many hall of fame files should I have? I'm not by my computer, but I'm pretty sure I remember seeing multiple copies in my save folder, just wondering if that could cause an issue?

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I like the graphics, and I like option 2 for promotion. I also feel a non-military style track should be available. My 2 cents.

I see a way for everyone to get the ranks they want.

How about a config file that holds a list of ranks that can be edited by the user? Even better, I'd like to have a list that includes multiple rank tracks, and a filename to be displayed for that rank (and maybe a branch insignia for each rank track). That way, we could edit the ranks to our liking and display whatever rank insignia we want.

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Ok Nereid, still having my issue. I updated re-landed my one kerbals mission 10 (thanks to a accident with the F9 key), and still no ribbons for missions. I took a screenshot of the last mission summary and hall of fame window open, what else do you need to track this bug? The hall of fame file, right? Whatever you need, I can get it for you later tonight when I get home.

Also, one thing I just thought of, how many hall of fame files should I have? I'm not by my computer, but I'm pretty sure I remember seeing multiple copies in my save folder, just wondering if that could cause an issue?

I will send you an private message with a list what I need.

Multiple halloffame.ksp are just there for a backup. Everytime FF saves the halloffame.ksp (and this is quite often), it creates a halloffame.ksp.1 and rotates the other files. So halloffame.ksp.1 ist the newest backupg while halloffame.ksp.9 is the oldest one. So if I make a big mistake with a new release this would not instantly screw up your achievements.

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I see a way for everyone to get the ranks they want.

How about a config file that holds a list of ranks that can be edited by the user? Even better, I'd like to have a list that includes multiple rank tracks, and a filename to be displayed for that rank (and maybe a branch insignia for each rank track). That way, we could edit the ranks to our liking and display whatever rank insignia we want.

That's a good idea

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My FF Button isn't in the toolbar. I can't even pick it to show up nor can I access the FF menu with alt+f.

KSP 0.23.5, toolbar 1.7.3, FF+FAR 0.4.12

My Career has like 3 flights in the books. Anybody knows what could cause this?

Fixed it somehow after restarting KSP 4 times :rolleyes:

About the death of Kerbals. It could read various terms. For example: "Lost in space", "Lost in accident" etc.

Edited by Happ
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Mind if I plus one that idea for the discription death of kerbals along with some additional tips:

Also, stating where it happened and on what ship. (For instance, "lost in space on Deep Space one on escape velocity from the sun," "lost in collision with Mun pm Munar 1 Lander in the Mun's Highlands" or "lost in in collision on Kerbal Space Station Service Module 13 with Kerbal Fueling Station")

You should also see about creating an object tree with information about all the kerbal's achievements so other mods can integrate.

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Yes, I forgot about retirement. +1. Not sure how that would work without killing them though.

Technically, you could mark retirement as an "assignment" in the KSP system. They would be assigned to a non-existent craft called "retirement"

The other option is to mark them as "lost" because it is the "death" of their career. If KSP has a line for cause of death, just list "retired" and you can use it for a flag so you can initiate a rehire option.

Edited by Ruedii
add how assignment could be done.
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I cannot open the FF menu by pressing alt+f or by pressing the button in the toolbar. Toolbar 1.7.3, FF 0.4.12, KSP 0.23.5. I cannot think of why it happened. I looked in all the .dat and .cfg files that I could think of to make sure that the toolbar was still set so that the windows would open and not deleted but they still do not show up. I really do not want to have to uninstall FF and lose all of my ribbons that the Kerbals have earned. I'm only going to do that if I cannot get help from you guys.

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I cannot open the FF menu by pressing alt+f or by pressing the button in the toolbar. Toolbar 1.7.3, FF 0.4.12, KSP 0.23.5. I cannot think of why it happened. I looked in all the .dat and .cfg files that I could think of to make sure that the toolbar was still set so that the windows would open and not deleted but they still do not show up. I really do not want to have to uninstall FF and lose all of my ribbons that the Kerbals have earned. I'm only going to do that if I cannot get help from you guys.

I'm having this same problem. I was trying to revoke an incorrectly awarded ribbon and I accidentally right clicked on the ribbon and now I can't bring up the window at all.

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I think that I might have fixed it. If you go into the gamedata folder and delete the FinalFrontier.dat file it might fix it. I did that with mine and it seems to have fixed it. Also, I have figured out that if you right click a window it closes it and you cannot re-open it unless you reset the window positions. I think that might have been what I did, right clicked both windows.

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I think that I might have fixed it. If you go into the gamedata folder and delete the FinalFrontier.dat file it might fix it. I did that with mine and it seems to have fixed it. Also, I have figured out that if you right click a window it closes it and you cannot re-open it unless you reset the window positions. I think that might have been what I did, right clicked both windows.

Thanks dude!! I'll try that now.

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Just a heads-up, Final Frontier breaks RealSolarSystem when used with the RSS-EVE dev release. Not entirely sure what the problem might be, but they muck around with the planets so that might be a good place to start if, y'know, you want to support RSS. :)

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Which version of ATM are you using? Have you altered the ATM configuration?

The plugin is labeled April 2nd while the cfg file is June 15th.. I downloaded the most recent one only 3 days ago. I'm not smart enough to mess with any settings. All the configs in BOULDER are April 5th.

EDIT: 3-1

should I move something from your folder into it?

EDIT2: I tried copying your settings withing the Nereid config in ATM but the ribbons are still blurred. Guess I'm doing something wrong.

Edited by Wyrmshadow
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