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[.23][Mod] Space Shuttle Tutorials | 27/01: Build a Space Shuttle Propulsion Module


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I think the topic explains itself, but...

This is a tutorial series about building and handling your own space shuttle in KSP. At the end of the tutorial series you will have all modules to put your own real like space shuttle together and the knowhow to launch and land it. Also i will add a lot of background data and knowledge of the real and our shuttle.

For a better expirience (for fun and learning) i recommend to use Ferram Aerospace Research and Deadly Reentry. And for required modifications check the respective tutorial, there you will find link lists.

#1 HowTo:

Build a Space Shuttle Propulsion Module


Online: martinerkelens.nl/acc

(Hosting and Style by Lucchese - Big big thanks!)

Download: File-Upload.net

License: CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0


This is not the final version, i will rework it.

The craft file of the module is included.

Planned Tutorials

#2 HowTo: Build a inline Service and Docking Module

#3 HowTo: Build a Aero Control and Landing System

#4 HowTo: Build a Lifter Module

#5 HowTo: Setup the Shuttle Systems

#6 HowTo: Launch the Shuttle

#7 HowTo: Deorbit and Land the Shuttle

feel free to ask, suggest or discuss :)

Edited by acc
more details + planned tutorials added
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This is a good method/look if you're going for realism.

However, I recommend using the linear aerospike engine if you want "a bigger bang for your buck". It's right about as powerful as the 3x cluster you have, but more efficient- even at higher thrust ratios. It can also double as a shuttle's OMS (Orbital Manoeuvring System) when you disable trim and limit the throttle to when you have a TWR of 1 (or something less ridiculous than 5+ you'd normally get when building a shuttle of the same scale). Put the engine into "smooth" mode for less jitter and you're set!

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  BananaDealer said:
This is a good method/look if you're going for realism.

However, I recommend using the linear aerospike engine if you want "a bigger bang for your buck". It's right about as powerful as the 3x cluster you have, but more efficient- even at higher thrust ratios. It can also double as a shuttle's OMS (Orbital Manoeuvring System) when you disable trim and limit the throttle to when you have a TWR of 1 (or something less ridiculous than 5+ you'd normally get when building a shuttle of the same scale). Put the engine into "smooth" mode for less jitter and you're set!

thanks for your feedback :)

yes, this is for building a real life oriented shuttle, just a litle bit more modern design. i try to hold the shuttle systems much as possible to the rl-system, so the people can learn about real shuttles while building. this tutorial is just the first one and i plan a series of 4 or 5 tutorials. at the end you will have the entire shuttle.

there are real shuttle packs, but i think it's better let the people playing with the construction, instead of put 5 parts together and done. it's harder, but you learn something, if you have to build the wing shape too, thinking about aerodynamics and physics in general (and maybe increasing the own building skills). learning by doing... i just give a litle push to get interested and motivated, because i know how frustrating it can be.

to get to this point i'm yet, i have tons of shuttles lost, prototypes built, sites read, specs noted, documentations watched, skizzes drawn, and so on. in general, i spend a lot of time and it payed back. it was a realy amazing learning process, but all that time and frustration teached me a lot, not just how to build a shuttle. it can teach you also "it's good to spend a lot effort on things, because the learning and hard work pays back". i want to share this expirience and knowhow with all interested people.

i like the aerospike too, but it's not the right engine for the conception of this one. but thanks for the explaintation too :)

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I'l have to check this out, i've just started getting interested in building shuttles and found this right after :) I tried out a few things but the shuttle can't stay on target because of the weight of the shuttle, and as soon as it tilts to one side, the wings grab wind because i'm using FAR and it's screwed... Can a shuttle concept be reliable with FAR? Also, is it flown in the same way as the American shuttle since it tilts backwards right at launch but manages to stay that way.

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  Aknar said:
I'l have to check this out, i've just started getting interested in building shuttles and found this right after :) I tried out a few things but the shuttle can't stay on target because of the weight of the shuttle, and as soon as it tilts to one side, the wings grab wind because i'm using FAR and it's screwed... Can a shuttle concept be reliable with FAR? Also, is it flown in the same way as the American shuttle since it tilts backwards right at launch but manages to stay that way.

Yeah, i use FAR and even Deadly Reentry. If you get the feeling for shuttles, you will see, FAR is working for you, not against you. But to get a friendship with FAR aerodynmics, you have to know some rules.

Compared to stock, FAR adds high aerodynamic forces, so you need in general less huge wings and less powerfull control surfaces. And keep the hull of your shuttle clean as possible. Every part on the hull generates drag and can destabilize the shuttle during high speeds.

To check this and tweak the max control authority of your elevons (the control surfaces on the wings; elevon = pitch and roll, no yaw) use the FAR graph in editor. Be sure your rudder does only yaw and the elevons only pitch and roll.

For launch: roll maneuvers can help stabilize, but it sounds like your shuttle with lifter has inbalance.

If you want, you can post screens, then i can say more :)

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okay, will do :) I must say I was a bit disappointed by what I found in your tutorial :/ My goal isn't to offend you, but to be honest, I was hoping for a more theoretical approach to build your own shuttle on your own with your own set of mods. I hope there will be the approach to real life shuttles as you promised. Having you build one as an example only from stock parts and letting everyone personalize it to their liking with their own mods would open you up to a wider audience. Plus, the constraints you would have from using solely stock parts would force you to explain principals and work-arounds to different problems everyone faces at some point. I hope this isn't taken too harshly.

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all fine, thanks for your feedback :)

i chose this way because stock shuttles with this amount of functionality is nearly impossible or you need to much parts. but the goal is for sure, to become knowhow for own designs. but everyone knows a litle bit about the real shuttle and this is a good base to get started with shuttles in general. it's less complicated to talk about one shuttle/module/system, which everybody can play with.

and yes, i need to add a lot more background informations.

if you want to use other mods, just do that. you can change the tutorials for you own :)

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It's not so much for the functionality which for the bay doors, mechanic arms, ... will obviously need mods, but making something this complex that can fly, whatever mods you wish to use is the interest I see in this tutorial. The shuttle needs to be able to maneuverer in space and in atmosphere, so engines for both, dock (so rcs all over the place as well) land (even with realism mods such as FAR and DeadlyReentry, so wing sizes and tilts, how to control reentry, ... ), while the rocket needs to keep it's balance with a huge thing attached to the side of it, even once you let go of your two great boosters. All of those factors make building it very difficult and changing an existing model to adapt it to our mods and needs, would probably destabilize the whole thing and and put an end to the mission briefly after it lifts-off.

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and thats all part of the planned tutorials, to get that knowledge - balancing too (#5 HowTo: Setup the Shuttle Systems)

also i'll rework the first turtorial, adding some informations about main engines, orbital maneuver system and so on. or lets say: i'll add the"whys" to the "hows" :)

i keep the amount of required mods low as possible, but also the part count for lower computers.

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hard to say. i can't announce a release date or interval, because real life. i try to rework and create the next part soon as possible.

every release i'll show on the thread title, write a post and tweet it

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So here is my stock shuttle that I worked on some more, It flies well by itself but now, I need to strap it to the side of a massive rocket and hope it flies. But instead, I know it'll just tilt over and crash. Can you give me some tips as to how this extra weight can be compensated so that it holds in the sky even once the boosters are detached?


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A shuttle's engine cluster needs to fire through the CoM, which means they need to be tilted a certain amount depending on how big of an offset there is between the CoT and CoM. That's difficult to do using stock-only parts. I'd recommend using the Shuttle Engines Pack.

Also, keep the external tank "on top" of the shuttle (i.e- it needs to be opposite of your gravity turn angle). That would make it easier to handle as the External Tank holds most of the fuel. Have as little fuel on the actual shuttle as possible, preferably just enough for a return burn.

Burning through your CoM, instead of vertically like a normal rocket, would mean your shuttle would always be "tilted" "backward"- use this in your favour. Don't try to fight it and just make it your gravity turn. Basically, you'll be flying inverted, pushing the External Tank over the OV. At first it might be confusing but you'll get used to it.

I also suggest using MechJeb's Smart SAS for precise attitude control. Stock SAS is OK, but you'll be fighting to keep the thing stable.

However, even with MechJeb, your ascent angle will always be somewhat higher (by my estimate from experience- about 10-20 degrees) than what you tell it to be.

So for instance, if you want to have the craft pitched at 40 degrees (heading 90), you need to launch orientated at 270 and put in 160 as pitch. Remember- flying inverted inverts the pitch.

Have your gravity turn angle as shallow as you can, for best efficiency.

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the problem with the stock engines is, they are not really good as SSMEs. not enough gimbal range for compensating CoM and less powerfull. so i would install the space shuttle engines pack. before this pack was released, i made my own SSME with stock models.

without the pack you can only try to balance it by angle the engines and move the external tank forwards. and more torque (sas modules) is helpfull too.

also check the SRB's thrust and external fuel tank. minimize the mass of the shuttle fuel to a minimum. it would be perfect your internal tank is right empty after deorbit burn.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm thinking it might be feasible to use something like this mod to balance thrust on a shuttle, not using gimbal but variable engine thrust. It would likely need engines on both the main tank and the shuttle, so not quite like Space Shuttle or Buran, but something in between. As a bonus, it would also align thrust on the separated shuttle too if using e.g. an aerospike cluster.

A major benefit is for people preferring to use stock parts only.


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