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Ranting about "Kerbalnaughts" and the K syndrome.


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Don't forget all the people who call their first Mun lander Munpollo. It's not like the Apollo astronauts were going to the planet Ap!

And Jebini for the first orbital docking mission. You think the first person to dock in orbit was named Gem? I don't think so. That would be outrageous. Truly, truly truly outrageous.

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To be fair, 'naut' is derived from 'nautical', which is further derived from the ancient Greek word for 'exploration'. So, by calling them Kerbonauts, we are basically calling them "Kerbal Explorers". That seems a bit gross to me. :P

Seriously, though, chill. It's just a little meme, no need to go ape over it.

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Personally, I'm more tired of the "Guys, why do you do this? I don't like it!" threads that seem to be popping up with alarming regularity.

The one about LV-Ns, another thread about glitches being interpreted as funny features, and now this. Honestly, if you don't like the K thing, ignore it. Just disregard it entirely. Nobody's forcing their opinion on you.


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No, its are your kimmies rustled, OP.

Now that's just uncalled for. :P

On the more serious side, I don't think it's a lack of creativity. Squad has made K words the signature of the Kerbals. The fact that it has been perpetuated might make it dry, but it doesn't make it any less important to the game and its universe.

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There was something like this in the early U.S. space program. Literally speaking, "astros" means heavenly body, and "naut" means a sailor. So "astronaut" would mean a sailor in space. We didn't use "chimponaut" because quite frankly that would suggest a chimp in sailor pants. Kerbol, henceforth Kerbonaut seems a likely explanation, but Kerbalnaut is saying a Kerbal in sailor pants.

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Wow, I really made a mess here. Let's clear some things up:



2) Believe it or not, I've never watched Star Trek besides a few episodes because I was at an uncle's house, so I guess I'm not that kind of "nerd".

3) I understand the origin of the words astronaut and cosmonaut (or even afronaut :P), what I don't get is stuff like kerbalnaught. that's just wrong.

4) The loading hint that reads "adding K to every word" didn't start the K syndrome, it was the other way around. Former Dev Novasilisko hates it when people suffer from it. It was added as an internal joke.

5) Guys, I think you're the ones that need to chill. I'm not mad at anybody, just saying that whole 'K' meme is getting really, really old. It's the equivalent of Minecraft's "Today I built a dirt house" comments. The only difference is that those are kinda funny.

6) I'm not your Nemesis. I kinda feel like everybody threw a bunch of rocks at me for starting this thread. ;.;

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Daily reminder that the sun in KSP is called the sun.

thats also why solar panels arent called kerbolar panels too.

Unless Kerbin's sun is also named Sol like our sun, the name 'solar panels' doesn't make much sense either.

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I partially agree with you, K-everything is not particulate imaginative. Then again, it does allow you to easy reference human things like without raising the issue of why kerbals have the exact same thing as us on earth. You can say "Kuston we have a problem," calling up ideas attached to that city, without making people question why kerbals have a city called Huston. But needlessly adding Karis, Kondon, Kydney Kong Kong, etc, just makes it a little bit ridiculous.

I don't mind Kerbalnaut, as there are lots of different 'nauts here IRL.

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Unless Kerbin's sun is also named Sol like our sun, the name 'solar panels' doesn't make much sense either.

... Which would be why Squad named them "Photovoltaic Panels," and not, in fact, "Solar Panels."

astropapi, while I might have sympathized with you over the sheer magnitude of replies you generated, but I kind of left your corner when you came back to post a numbered list of retorts, complete with a self-generated meme. Using K may be "just wrong" to you, and that's fine, but if you're going to rant about it in a public place you must accept the inevitable backlash. I hate to say it, but... You kaused this yourself. :I

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