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Newb needs advice

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I'm really new to this game now i'm deeply considering modding it but i play only in the career mode (im not very good at this game but i want to learn) its boring when its easy i'm thing about kethan

any suggestion for mods or when i should start mods like how proficient with stock should i get before it would reasonable to start modding ex. space station,mun landing,...ect

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If you can land reliably on the Mun then you should think about getting mods. Until that point don't even worry about it. Though I do suggest you get FAR It helps with the stock aerodynamics (as in makes them way better). Also, Kerbal Engineer Redux is another good first mod. It gives you lots of useful information that you need. (Though I would still know what TWR and dV are, as well as how to calculate them)

Edited by Taki117
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define reliable

You can land on the Mun and Return to Kerbin in a single launch without breaking anything at the Mun, and without having to quicksave/load more than twice. Or until you feel comfortable doing it, whichever comes first.

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You can land on the Mun and Return to Kerbin in a single launch without breaking anything at the Mun, and without having to quicksave/load more than twice. Or until you feel comfortable doing it, whichever comes first.

I would define it as looking at landing on the Mun as a means to an end, rather than a white-knuckle ordeal that has you cheering if your Kerbals survive the one-way trip.

But yeah, Kethane is awesome, and the latest version is fully incorporated into career mode.

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I agree with kerbal engineer redux. Always the first mod I install. Knowing the delta-v and thrust to weight ratio of every stage as you build it is invaluable.

I like mods that give me more information while using stock parts like,

kerbal alarm clock

docking alignment indicator

Also love chatterer. This just adds extra sounds to your ships like voices and bleeps.

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The two mods, KW Rocketry and Novapunch, will fill the gaps in various size fuel cans and rocket engines in making efficient designs. They will work well in both Sandbox and career. Still, it is best to get familiar with the performance of stock before expanding your horizon with the additional parts of mods. To separate them from the original install, make a copy of KSP and place the mods there.

Informational mods are good once you have learned the basics without them.

Then, there the pure fun mods such as Dr Who's Tardis, Star Trek Enterprise, and Alternate Kerbal. Those are best used on a copy of your original KSP

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1. Be able to reliably land on and return from the Mun and Minimus. (you also need to be able to reliably pick your landing spot)

2. Be able to dock ships in orbit.

Until you can do these two things, mods like Kethane are going to be of no use whatsoever. Mods you might want from the start would be things that give you extra information, not parts. Things like Kerbal Engineer and a docking aid like Navyfish or LAZOR.

Once you've mastered the basics, start modding to your heart's content.

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My take on mods - perform a task stock until it gets boring to have to do it every time. Then find a mod that'll take care of it. Do it by hand every now and again so your skill doesn't atrophy.

You can also do it like I do - set a series of personal goals for yourself, and award yourself with a mod every time you finish one.

Mechjeb for me will be the prize if I ever successfully launch from Eve...

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Of course, your computer may not like you...

Tell me about it!

I "ruined" a good screen that way. Well... KSP does make heavy usage of the CPU. And at home I have an iMac. CPU behind the screen. Which gets kind of hot. Like REALLY hot.

Interesting rainbows on the screen...

Thank Bog, I payed for the Apple Care thingie... They changed it without a fuss....

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Would it advisable to make a copy of the game on a flash drive modding that game thus having two copies the vanilla ksp and a mod ksp?

If you want, though I would use one copy to see if you like a mod before installing it on your main save.

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But still i stand the point that Mechjob is the easy way out and you shouldn't use it :)

As a rule, don't use MechJeb as a means of being lazy. On the other hand, if you haven't figured out gravity turning during your orbital ascent, install MechJeb and let it put a couple of rockets into orbit for you. Watch carefully, and then try doing gravity turns by yourself. Once you have it figured out, stop using MechJeb for anything but the tedious things you've already mastered. (Never use any mod as a crutch.)

Oh yeah, and MechJeb can also teach you the basics of planetary intercept...but if you can intercept the Mun or other orbital spacecraft, you should have it pretty much figured out already anyway.

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Tell me about it!

I "ruined" a good screen that way. Well... KSP does make heavy usage of the CPU. And at home I have an iMac. CPU behind the screen. Which gets kind of hot. Like REALLY hot.

Interesting rainbows on the screen...

Thank Bog, I payed for the Apple Care thingie... They changed it without a fuss....

Man, that sucks.

Of course, I'm not much an apple-backer.

currently I'm saving up to build a really powerful machine, partly because of the mods I like to run.

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There are a few excellent AddOns out there that simply improve the user interface and do not change the inflight behaviour.

Enhanced Navball


Editor Extensions

When you start with docking ships, RCS Build Aid is very helpful.

When you start to ask yourself the question "does my rocket have enough fuel to reach X?", Kerbal Engineer Redux is recommendable.

If you don't want to miss certain points in time Kerbal Alarm Clock will help.

If you get bored doing the same thing over and over again (and not before!), MechJeb might help.

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I'm a noob too. (I can't reliably land on Mun, and even Minmus gives me problems) I have major difficulties with inclination, and picking a spot and landing there is beyond my ability.

I haven't even tried docking yet.

The number of mods and add-ons is bewildering, and confusing. What the heck do they all do? At present all I'm using is the unmodded basic game with stock parts.

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My take on mods - perform a task stock until it gets boring to have to do it every time. ...

You can also do it like I do - set a series of personal goals for yourself, and award yourself with a mod every time you finish one.

Mechjeb for me will be the prize if I ever successfully launch from Eve...

I like that idea. i'm currently building a space station for eve ill get kethane when i finish building the fueling section. i've already landed on the mun then (same ship same journey) went to miminis finally returning to kerbin

... i guess i was unsure when you said reliable because i parts some time break during launch and sometimes it bounces landing on its side btw any advise for landing with nuke engine i don't wish to lose it on reentry/landing

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I like that idea. i'm currently building a space station for eve ill get kethane when i finish building the fueling section. i've already landed on the mun then (same ship same journey) went to miminis finally returning to kerbin

... i guess i was unsure when you said reliable because i parts some time break during launch and sometimes it bounces landing on its side btw any advise for landing with nuke engine i don't wish to lose it on reentry/landing

Depends on where you are landing, If it has an atmosphere (Except Duna, Duna's is too thin to matter) Don't, otherwise you want to put it up high enough so that you don't smash it against the ground when you deploy your landing legs (They have a bad habit of falling off)

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... i guess i was unsure when you said reliable because i parts some time break during launch and sometimes it bounces landing on its side btw any advise for landing with nuke engine i don't wish to lose it on reentry/landing

If things break during launch, add more struts!

Bouncing on landing means you were trying to land too fast and/or had too much horizontal velocity. Make sure you've killed all your horizontal velocity (the velocity marker on your navball should be right in the center, if it isn't turn towards it while you're burning). And make sure you've slowed down enough by the time you touch down (sure you can land at 10m/s without breaking things... but it's a lot easier if you get down to 1-2m/s)

I would advise against trying to land anything with a nuke engine. They're long, heavy, and fragile. Much better to leave them in orbit, detach a lander, and then meet back up with your interplanetary stage afterwards.

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If things break during launch, add more struts!

I'd say, use more struts when it needs more struts. Sometimes you can make your design work better by removing struts instead, or putting them to places where they do their work right. Badly placed strut may make the ship even more prone to disaster.

I would advise against trying to land anything with a nuke engine. They're long, heavy, and fragile. Much better to leave them in orbit, detach a lander, and then meet back up with your interplanetary stage afterwards.

Nuclear engines are great if your lander is big and the place where you're going to land has low gravity. You just need to mount them high, i.e. not at the bottom of your ship.

The thing below is not very efficient but it can land on and return to orbit from all bodies in the system except Eve, Tylo, and Laythe (well and Sun and Jool and Kerbin but I think these don't count). The rover on top is optional.


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