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Impossible to land with FAR.

O Nerd

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  O Nerd said:
Yea... It is impossible to land with FAR. When i try to touch the ground, far decides that i'm actually aiming to it. When it touch it, far decides that a flat spin would be nice. When i turn on the brakes, it decides that i should roll my plane a little, just to lose a wing. If i try using SAS, it wobbles like crazy. If i use the pitch and/or yaw controls, it flares in all directions that are possible. I'm getting mad. Any suggestions?

EDIT: I think i sould give up on planes. The plane i'm using is my new jet, Which landing speed is of about 160-200 m/s, but can land on higher ones and can acellerate at 3.15 Gs near sea level.

You're landing at a bit more than half the speed of sound at sea level.. Sounds to me like you need more lift. Use flaps for landing & takeoff, and activate spoilers when touching down to decrease the lift. There's also a possibility that you need to relocate your landing gears. There's a landing gear diagnostics vid around somewhere but I can't seem to find it.

Edit: Found it.

One last advice: struts.

Edited by MAKC
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This sounds like you're hitting very high angles of attack and stalling the wings. Odds are that you need to use more wing surface and to fly at a lower angle of attack. As for the brakes, that's a problem that happens even in stock, and the issue is that your plane needs its main gear further apart than they currently are or needs poor-man's ABS to stop properly.

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If it's really impossible to do a horizontal landing, one can always use vertical rocket engineses, landing legs, or parachutes. (combo of landing legs with engineses or parachutes is preferred)

Edited by Tery215
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Remember me F-15 strike eagle training :), to land, you have to use "fly-by-wire" as it is used IRL even by commercial (heavy) jetliners, it means you have to lower throttle quite a lot to just barely glide and rising the nose in order to maintain enough lift. With this, the weight will be a bit higher than the lift and the drag will help decreasing horiz speed, your plane will smoothly going down with its rear landing gears ready to touch the ground, the front ones in the air and when they (rear wheels) touch the ground, brake and cut throttle off.

Of course, you have to start perfectly aligned with airstrip a few kms away and at an altitude about 100m or more above ground.

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