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[0.23] Kerbal Steam Punk WIP


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Hey guys,

There's been very little discussion about Kerbal Steam Punk which I find disheartening in many ways. So what I've done is learned a bit about modding and have put together some very few parts. These parts are untextured (mostly) and are using modified stock CFGs with LQD and OX fuel so it's mostly visual right now. Below you'll see some images as well as a list of current and planned parts.

Here's a few images for everyone to enjoy:

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If you would like to texture some of these parts for fun please feel free to contact me. I'm currently concentrating on the 1.25m parts over the 2.5m parts. The speed at which the parts are made/perfected are really dependent on how lazy I'm being.

Parts made:

1.25m Pod (Fixed hatch issue & mesh collider issue No internals)

1.25m Fuel tank

1.25m "LVT-45" style engine

Small "PocketWatch" light (point light, needs emissive texture & lighting is imperfect)

Medium "Tube" light (point, brighter, also needs emissive texture & lightning is imperfect)

Parts needing redesign:

2.5m "Voyage to the Mun" command pod (3 man, better design)

2.5m Fuel tank (same as the 1.25m tank, but needs to be squatter)

2.5m "Skipper" style engine (gaps in the model mesh need to be fixed & needs more pipes)

Parts planned:

Stack decoupler

Radial decoupler

Radial engine (small)

Small fuel tank (lander tank)

Landing Legs

Lander engine


"Custom" struts

For the gallery update I added some simple colors to the parts. It helps make them stand out a little better from each other, but are in no way good textures.

Edited by 4KbShort
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I have not seen steampunk rocketry before...

It's a rare thing as most people go with the classic cannon/shell combo illustrated in "Voyage to the Moon" and never really expand to actual combustibles and the like. KSP's specific parts list and functionality give a bit of leeway in this area and allow for a more artistic design for parts not usually found in other games.

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Don't forget to add marvellous interiors made of fine oak, coated with velvet and adorned with spiffing brass ornaments for maximum steampunk. :D

Also exposed steam pipes.

Interiors are still outside my realm for the moment, but some designs have been floated about for future development.

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Not bad. Needs a normal map, to give the textures more definition. Like the steampunk idea.

Never been good at the whole texture thing. The best I can do is a mediocre UV mapping. So for now they're just basic textures and colors. Will probably work on the textures more in depth as I complete the whole set. Each model has been going through multiple states of broken as I learn Unity/KSP and fix errors or change little details.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Wow, I really like the aesthetic of these parts. I wonder what a steam-punk solar array is going to look like, if you get that far.

I'd suggest a mercury boiler.


Yes, that big umbrella-looking thing on the top and the scoop-things around the edges.

A more compact design would be the one used in the Baby Space Station from the Collier's Magazine:


It's a bit more 50-s retro, but I believe the tech behind it is simple enough to work well in a steampunk-ish setting.

Edited by Krevsin
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Heh, great looking stuff there. I'm not too good at textures either unfortunately.

If the 'rockets' at low tech are fairly innefficient a medium tech intro could be something like Cavorite :) If it can be done without being over powered. Maybe limit it to daylight only, very little thrust control (on or off) and either cancels gravity completely or does nothing. Cancelling gravity would mean Kerbin rotational pseudo forces throw you up off the planet (if a little slowly).

Can you make an engine generate a fixed acceleration rather than a force? IE, no matter the size of ship the same engine will generate x m/s of acceleration? If so, and the vector can also be fixed to directly opposing current SOI body gravity, then Cavorite would be interesting. You'd still need rockets to get anywhere, it wouldn't move you sideways, just up or down. Landing on Cavorite alone would be... tricky. Lots of switching on and off, timing it just right :)

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Short update as it's been a bit. Life is hectic and I'm mostly an Let's Player rather than a modder. XD However, I have been poking at the mod some more and trying to design stock equivalent parts (1 man pod, 2 man, 3, man, mainsail, etc). So this mod will probably be slooooooow to update, but when I come up with new stuff I will absolutely post it! Thanks for keeping an eye out and if anyone is good at texturing and has a love for things brass and iron shoot me a message!

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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