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[0.90] Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System v4.13


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Just another kudos on an awesome little shuttle. Finally managed to land it in one piece last night (well minus the three control surfaces that burned off, again), 650 km past KSC AND in complete darkness, but I was rather proud of myself :cool:. Dunno if it'll cure my inherent dislike for space planes in general, but if nothing else the mini space station parts are great! Finally I can make a station that doesn't wobble like an overcooked noodle or lag into oblivion. Another vote for a disposable "shuttle c" variant too!

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KSP chooses the wrong error message for some reason. Apparently, that means "physics went really mad and KSP couldn't work out what went wrong". KJR tends to increase the probability of that happening when extra-stiff joints cause momentary accelerations of numerical-overflow proportions.

I always thought it was the launchpad message was just the Kerbal equivalent of filling out 'The tree jumped in front of my car' on accident reports.

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Looking great! I can't remember if this was asked before but figured I'd ask anyway. Will the wings have the ailerons and flaps built in or will the ailerons have to be placed manually like the original KSO?

It's kind of weird... The wings have control surface extensions (CSE) that you install in the VAB that's it. The CSE has all the spoilers, elevons, ailerons, flaps, and spoilerons as part of it kind of like the standard KSO's rudders.

Okay cool!! Will the super 25 be its own thread/download pack? Or will you bundle it with the KSO? I'd like it if you could make them separate packs, as the KSO already pushes my game data over 1gb by itself and I'd guess adding the super 25 to that pack will push that number past 2gb. leaving little room for any other mods not saying you have to do that. Just giving a thought.

Thinking about splitting it into three mods. We'll see. We discussed moving it over to the Nexus which would allow us to do an installer and you could cherry pick which components you wished to install.

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It's kind of weird... The wings have control surface extensions (CSE) that you install in the VAB that's it. The CSE has all the spoilers, elevons, ailerons, flaps, and spoilerons as part of it kind of like the standard KSO's rudders.

Thinking about splitting it into three mods. We'll see. We discussed moving it over to the Nexus which would allow us to do an installer and you could cherry pick which components you wished to install.

I can't wait for the Super 25! lol

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More works in progress

An assembled CSE


Nose Gear (No edging done yet)


Doing the landing gear first. They have a ton of little parts that have to be painted. Once everything is done I'll then go in and do the edge highlights.

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Looks like it's coming along nicely :D It'd be great to build interplanetary ships with the super 25 (and then dock wee 'lil shuttles onto the side ports.) What's the length of the cargo hold on that thang?

Here's the comparison shots from earlier in the thread to give you an idea of how big it is but I believe this is an old design and has since been modified/facelifted.

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Original post.

Edited by qnistNAMEERF
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Here is a thought. I notice that the cockpit has a lot of not to be mean but unneeded features in it. Don't get me wrong I think the center screen is awesome!!! But being that very few people use it to fly and that MBs are at a premium I'd like to see the option of having just a plain cockpit version. I love the extra cool features in the KSO but to be honest I'd rather have more space for mods then a cool cockpit screen. Just giving my opinion.

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I am new so sorry if this is the wrong place to post this but I am also having problems with the mod. I am able to build the shuttle and go to the launch pad but there the Kerbals in the ship do not load and I cant stage anything. I installed the mod by taking the items in the gamedata folder and putting them in the KSP gamedata folder with my other mods. Help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You

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Welcome to KSP!

It is difficult to know exactly what is wrong for you. In sandbox mode you should be able to load the ship "KSO Block7" if you installed the provided pre-built craft files correctly. Can you load that in the VAB and then get Kerbals in the ship on the pad? If so, then you will also be able to see how the staging should be setup when you build it from scratch yourself.

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Continuing on my post #2823. I have now completed 5 missions to LKO and back to the runway with FAR and DRE. No problems at all and using the KSO mini shuttle exactly as provided. I descend with the periapsis set to ~30 km and maintain a nose up attitude (AOA ~20 degrees). I get a skip off the atmosphere rising back up to about 40 km altitude and thereby losing airspeed, then a beautiful glide down to land. There is no need for all that ablative shielding except perhaps on the crew cabin and on the wheels. I use DRE with stock Kerbin and traditional DRE functionality. If you like a harder DRE setup or if you use RSS then I expect your experience would, of course, be different.

Very happy with the mini shuttle now. Well done helldiver and all! I look forwards to the Super 25 :)

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Darn I guess the stream didn't save, or I have to save it and then upload it?

But I'll be on tomorrow again around 2pm PST.

Check your Twitch (on the website) options... theres an option to enable archiving.

EDIT: Settings>Channel & Videos>Archive Broadcasts

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hi, i have a problem,

why does not the mod together with ""2013_10_B9-Aerospace-Pack-R4-0c""

I do not get both mods to run.

I am running both of those mods, and you can bet your...... never mind, I'll be running the Super when he releases it too. Use Active Texture Management It will reduce memory usage so you can run both.

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