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[0.90] Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System v4.13


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On my side, i'm almost a bit disappointed by these first shoots. It's too close from the current KSO.

I was hoping something a bit different, maybe closer from the VentureStar.

There was an interesting but never finished project here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/8904-Nuka-Corp-shuttle-project-%28-and-apparently-other-stuff-D-%29/page43?highlight=shuttle

Whatever, the KSO remains one of the most amazing mods ever published and helldiver is an incredible creator :)

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My thoughts, as you stated when you first mentioned about the your design ideas for the Jumbo KSO was that it was going to be a bigger version of the KSO with C17 elements, awesome:D. Looking at a C17 would it be better to make the nose a more obtuse angle, that way it fits a C17 better and its enough of a difference with the KSO for variation. Also it would give more area for the cockpit that could either be used for more storage or you could extend the cargo bay further forward?

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  Sochin said:
My thoughts, as you stated when you first mentioned about the your design ideas for the Jumbo KSO was that it was going to be a bigger version of the KSO with C17 elements, awesome:D. Looking at a C17 would it be better to make the nose a more obtuse angle, that way it fits a C17 better and its enough of a difference with the KSO for variation. Also it would give more area for the cockpit that could either be used for more storage or you could extend the cargo bay further forward?

I experimented with various designs, including one that was closer to a C-130 :D. In the end I really liked the look of a cross between the KSO, a C-17 and a C-123. Says cargo while still maintaining the pudgy Kerbaly look. The first versions of the nose were a lot more snubbed, but Naz and I didn't like it so I decided to make it not so flat.

It actually got slightly more aerodynamic after today's passes; shortened cockpit, streamlined wings, changed the rudders (wasn't happy with the previous design shown in the screenshots). Cargo Bay length and size remain the same. I think folks will appreciate the better visibility in the cockpit though.

I may (time permitting) apply the same technique used in the EWBCL's cockpit to the KSO. Definitely something for the future, that change would phase out the current KSO and might alter the fascia of the cockpit windows to something closer to a 787 Dreamliner.

  ndiver said:
It's too close from the current KSO.

Well... um... built by the same company using the same parts, tools, and wind-tunnel data. Kind of like Boeing jets almost all looking very similar. And remember, I wanted a KSO, but slightly bigger.

It still has to follow all the rules I set for the KSO:

-Must be pudgy, "chibi", or cute.

-Must not follow real world designs. (I.e. X-37, NASA Shuttles, Buran)

-Must at least be physically plausible without venturing too far into Sci-Fi

-Must have a late 1970's to 1990's look.

-Must follow simple lines and simple engineering structures to match KSP designs.

In the end I think you guys will like it :D

Oh and forgot to add; I'm not a fan of designs that are radically different or "fight" each other. All KSO variants will have the same design so that it seems like a family rather than completely different manufacturers or technology. That way they are an asset to your inventory rather than forcing people to decide on designs. A lot of folks like the design aesthetic and lines of the current KSO (including myself), so it's only natural to follow on that tradition.

Edited by helldiver
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Something I found while playing around with the KSO. On a few missions I added two more vertical stabilisers ontop of the wings between the elevator and flap and it cuts out a lot of ocilation and buffet (I play with FAR aswell) plus doesn't seem to affect the glide charachteristics of the KSO. Are you looking at making an uprated booster?

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  Sochin said:
Something I found while playing around with the KSO. On a few missions I added two more vertical stabilisers ontop of the wings between the elevator and flap and it cuts out a lot of ocilation and buffet (I play with FAR aswell) plus doesn't seem to affect the glide charachteristics of the KSO. Are you looking at making an uprated booster?

Not that I'm aware. It will use the same lifter as the current KSO, in fact the very same unmodified stack. The difference is in the amount of fuel in the EWBCL's tank and whether or not the EFT will have a fourth engine installed, or whether I'll make new Thrustmaxes. That'll all come down to once the testers are flying it and Nazari has proper flight data. So any information like that is too early at the moment.

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I have DeadlyReentry installed, with its ModuleAnimation2Value. So I've tried to apply it to flaps. Works great.

Here's the rleft wing:

name = ModuleAnimation2Value
animationName = ksoleftflap
valueName = dragCoeff
key = 0 0.6 0 0
key = 0.8 0.65 0 0
key = 1 0.7 0 0

name = ModuleAnimation2Value
animationName = ksoleftflap
valueName = minimum_drag
key = 0 0.01 0 0
key = 0.8 0.015 0 0
key = 1 0.02 0 0

name = ModuleAnimation2Value
animationName = ksoflap
valueName = deflectionLiftCoeff
key = 0 10.23 0 0
key = 0.8 10.8 0 0
key = 1 11.2 0 0


name = ModuleHeatShield

direction = 0, 0, -1 // underside of fuselage

reflective = 0.25 // 25% of heat is ignored at correct angle


And right:

name = ModuleAnimation2Value
animationName = ksoflap
valueName = dragCoeff
key = 0 0.6 0 0
key = 0.8 0.65 0 0
key = 1 0.7 0 0

name = ModuleAnimation2Value
animationName = ksoflap
valueName = minimum_drag
key = 0 0.01 0 0
key = 0.8 0.015 0 0
key = 1 0.02 0 0

name = ModuleAnimation2Value
animationName = ksoflap
valueName = deflectionLiftCoeff
key = 0 10.23 0 0
key = 0.8 10.8 0 0
key = 1 11.2 0 0



name = ModuleHeatShield

direction = 0, 0, -1 // underside of fuselage

reflective = 0.25 // 25% of heat is ignored at correct angle


Works great. Managed to land the shuttle at 80m/s, from 10km 70-degree dive, after fuel tank destruction due to incorrect boosters separation

Edited by sashan
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  helldiver said:

Well... um... built by the same company using the same parts, tools, and wind-tunnel data. Kind of like Boeing jets almost all looking very similar. And remember, I wanted a KSO, but slightly bigger.

It still has to follow all the rules I set for the KSO:

-Must be pudgy, "chibi", or cute.

-Must not follow real world designs. (I.e. X-37, NASA Shuttles, Buran)

-Must at least be physically plausible without venturing too far into Sci-Fi

-Must have a late 1970's to 1990's look.

-Must follow simple lines and simple engineering structures to match KSP designs.

In the end I think you guys will like it :D

Thanks for these explanations, but we will not like it, we will love it :D

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  The Space Man said:
Made an interplanetary shuttle tug and put the EFT to good use :D

This would be so much fun to fly around. But FAR would probably kill me for ever trying to launch it.

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  helldiver said:
I'm super excited about it, just kind of sad that it'll replace everyone's KSO pretty much. :(

Well I don't know about everyone else, but if I can ever get myself to integrate these shuttles into a new career (which I'll probably start with 0.23.5 or 0.24) I know I'd probably use the Super 25 for station module-sized LKO cargo and the standard KSO for crew-only missions and light cargo. It will be nice to have a 2.5m capable KSO with the Super 25, and it still looks good, but given the choice on a mission profile I'd take the sleek stock KSO, it just looks cooler.

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I have a little problem. When flying my KSO, I try to use the ADI and this is all I see. I have everything loaded in correctly "I think" and the only other mod I have is KAS. ikPZhqZ.png

Am I doing something wrong? Do I need something else installed?

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The 39th of my STS KSO Shuttle Missions and 3rd flight of Phase II! STS 139's objective is to deploy the Laythe Ore Mining Probe Propulsion Module & return to the KSC Runway. The Laythe Ore Mining Probe will drill and analyze one of Laythe's ore deposits at the main potential colony location!

The deployment missions run STS 139 & STS 140.

Most of the footage is shown in 4x speed for quick viewing.

STS 140 will deploy the Laythe Ore Mining Probe & Finally Mine on Laythe!
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  ayana said:
Now to find out how badly the update will toast this, with all the plugins it depends on.

Mod compatibility is the only downside of a new update. Hopefully the mods get updated soon. Many of them are essential for me. :sticktongue:

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  ayana said:
Well my first impression is that only Joint Reinforcement is really game breaking broken now. My space station and the KSO both work fine.

You mean the vanilla joint reinforcement or the mod? I would think with the vanilla additions one doesn't need the mod anymore.

I found a few mods that aren't working either. Remotetech and Mechjeb being the major ones I normaly wouldn't play without.

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