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quad coupler to quad coupler


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from todays devnotes:

Improved Part-to-Part Joints

There is one unassuming line in the Unity 4.3 changelog that made a world of difference to us. I’ll quote it here in fact: “Physics.†Joints can now have separate anchor points configured for both connected rigidbodies. What this means is that the era of rockets ‘dancing’ on top of their engines is coming (finally) to an end. We are completely re-doing the joints, to have much more control over how they link together, and not least, how much we want them to be bendy and wobbly. We’re not eliminating the wobble altogether, as that would actually be removing a lot of what makes failures fun. We’re aiming to have better control over it, so we can have wobbly bits where we want them to wobble, and more rigid connections where things are supposed to be firmly attached.

does this also mean that i can put an upsidedown quadcoupler under a rightside up quad coupler and have it connnect at all 4 points? because currently it only connects at 1 corner and will sag very badly.

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Actually they do connect at all four points. It is just the wobbliness of the older unity engine would make it appear otherwise. At least, I am following the same logic as a dev stated about quad/tri/bi-docking port connections. Whether the new system spoken of being worked on affects how docking works remains to be seen, but since they are addressing docking issues as well, this may very well be deeper insight as to how this is being done as well. Here's hoping that the joint upgrades is hassle-free and happens in the next update!

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Actually they do connect at all four points.

No they don't, not unless you use docking ports.

Unity can only derive a part from one parent part, and you can never loop back. If there are four valid connection zones between a quadcoupler and a second, upside down quadcoupler, then one of those four connection will work and the other three will not because that would be looping back to the parent.

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I think this is an issue pertaining to staging logic rather than part connections themselves.

Essentially, "Unity, not us".

well, you're right, but that's why I asked. cuz they mentioned the unity change-log. unity has changed.

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I'm not sure what to make out of that change log. What I get, and I encourage you to correct me please:

Unity offers one single anchor point between two parts. That causes wobbling connections because your parts pivot around this point.

New version of Unity will allow for more anchor points. So now two parts can have 4 small points of contact and thus, given the same connection strength, they will not dance so much.

It that so or I am completely misunderstanding this?

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I'm not sure what to make out of that change log. What I get, and I encourage you to correct me please:

Unity offers one single anchor point between two parts. That causes wobbling connections because your parts pivot around this point.

New version of Unity will allow for more anchor points. So now two parts can have 4 small points of contact and thus, given the same connection strength, they will not dance so much.

It that so or I am completely misunderstanding this?

That's how I understand it, too.

I also think that the more anchor points you use, the more complex the physics emulation will be so I hope devs will find a reasonable tradeoff. In my opinion 5 anchor points are minimum to reasonably emulate two stacked fuel tanks. But even that might be a lot.

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AFAIK each part can only attach by a single point to its parent part, so you can't connect a quad coupler to another quad coupler by more than one point. I don't think 0.24 will fix this either, or if it's even possible to fix...

The way I understand it... Unity has changed to allow this to happen. So a Part used to only be able to connect to one point and now that unity has changed parts will be able to connect at multiple points.

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Unfortunately not FITorion, the tree system used in KSP will still only allow a connection to one node of the parent part, or a surface attachment of course, but that one node will be stronger thanks to this change.

We may not need the extra struts, but it'll still only be attached in one corner and we'll still need fuel lines.


See also: HarvesteR's explanation.

Edited by sal_vager
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