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the MEGASHIP thread

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if you have ever made a mothership or a colony ship, you know these things are huge. post pictures of your mega-ships, and if you want, what they were used for, whether you assembled them in orbit or were determined enough to launch them one-piece with too many rocket engines.

this is my minmus colony ship, called CCCP Premier Dubienken, and it is the largest ship i have launched (legit) to date. it has 3 skipper engines, a cargo bay housing a small lander, two living compartments, and two docking ports, as well as a spotlight array mounted underneath. as of these photos it is waiting in orbit for a tanker to come and top-up its fuel tanks for the trip to minmus. once it has landed a lander on minmus i may decide to either leave it there as a staging point or i may use it as a all-purpose cruiser for exclusive use in the kerbin moon system.

i honestly did not think the launcher concept would work but after a bit of tweaking, it worked like an absolute dream.


launching the thing:


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I haven't got it off of the ground yet, but I have this waiting for a launch vehicle capable of taking it to orbit. At which point it will proceed to do a grand tour without jettisoning anything, or refuelling.


Just a note: This has over 30K D/V. Yeah. But starting TWR is 1/2, and has about 2K atmo D/V, sot it is a real pain to launch.

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Oh, I think I have something. It's mostly stock, and no engine mods. In fact it doesn't have all stock as it's part way through Career mode. Actually, it's not the largest I've launched, but it was a challenge to get it ready for launch. Surprisingly after that adjustment it was fairly easy to get up.

Munbase Alpha on the Pad:

013 Munbase on pad.jpg

Early launch:

014 Ungainly.jpg

Orbital refueling:

047 Little wobbly but it works.jpg

And touchdown:

061 Easy does it.jpg

In case anyone was wondering this is from my AAR Colonization during Chapter Four.

Edited by Patupi
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I present to you the Applied Phlogistics Aerotitan an entirely stock 77-passenger interplanetary spaceplane launched with FAR aerodynamics.


Nearly an SSTO. Not quite. It uses four BACC boosters to get it off the ground. It seems like taking off horizontally would be difficult if not impossible with something like this.

The first prototypes were what I call and "MSSMTO" or Mostly Single Stage, Mostly To Orbit. That is, it lost about 35 tonnes on the way up by accident but still got to orbit.

The thing has a surprisingly high Delta-V after reaching LKO. Under the best-case scenario with the launch, it might be able to get 2000 m/s out of all that rocket fuel.

It weighs about 330 tonnes at launch and 200-260 tonnes or so in orbit. Only about 150 tonnes dry.

It carries an amazing, maybe even unprecedented for Pseudo-SSTO Spaceplanes that use stock parts and FAR, 77 Kerbals in internal seating to orbit and beyond.

It also has two of each comms device and 7 docking ports of all in areas with no nearby obstructions. 4 are Junior, 2 are standard, the Dorsal 1 is senior.

1 note is that despite having nearly 800 kg of monoprop, it has no RCS or non-cockpit SAS. I dread to see the sort of thing that IT would dock to. What? A 2000-tonne spacestation? Does anyone even make those? Well if they do, I'm sure they can send a fuel tanker with an orange tank that happens to be docked there out to feed me fuel.

So yeah, 77-Kerbal, 330 tonne wet / 150 tonne dry pseudo-SSTO spaceplane. that can get over 100 tonnes of fuel into Orbit.

Whole thing is about 350 parts.

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Standing by for a grand tour mission is the IEV Enterprise ENT-051-A:


The ship can carry 14 crew, though 12 will be standard, and it is equipped with a fusion engine, greenhouses, and a centrifuge.


Definitely one of my larger ships. It currently needs refuelling, which shall be done while a new Eve lander is developed (last one failed...) and the Tylo lander is positioned.

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  Daddy Cecil said:
Mason, which mods did ya use for the centrifuge and what looks like a bubble, and the greenhouse? I know where the fusion engine is from tho, and the cockpit.

Centrifuge and inflatable habitation unit (which I assume to be what you're calling the bubble) are from Habitat Pack.

The greenhouses are from Lack Luster Labs.

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  RogueMason said:
Standing by for a grand tour mission is the IEV Enterprise ENT-051-A:


The ship can carry 14 crew, though 12 will be standard, and it is equipped with a fusion engine, greenhouses, and a centrifuge.


Definitely one of my larger ships. It currently needs refuelling, which shall be done while a new Eve lander is developed (last one failed...) and the Tylo lander is positioned.

Where do you attach lander on this ship?

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  kiwiak said:
Where do you attach lander on this ship?

Two of the four docking ports situated behind the greenhouses play host to two one-man landers, each of which is capable of landing on and returning from worlds up to the size of Vall.

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Ok, my Grand Tour mothership totally applies here:



You can find out all about it in its thread, here, but basically it is a Grand Tour mothership (duh!) with a Tylo-class Lander and a couple of SSTO's and such a modular design that it can be tailored to any specific mission delta-v between 10 and 2 km/s, more if you drop the spent tanks along the way. About 500 parts fully assembled, and 13 flights.

Rune. Also useful as general cargo ship, and downright gorgeous to look at.

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  Rune said:
Ok, my Grand Tour mothership totally applies here. Also useful as general cargo ship, and downright gorgeous to look at.

I like the huge shield on front. It makes it look like it could handle a close-range expedition to the sun.

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well after the eventual failure of the KX01 Phoenix. (uoJ1QlI.jpg Now Phoenix Station at Geosynch directly above the KSC) I realized that sendin up multiple single parts was just a recipie for it falling apart under accelleration. So. The Odyssey was born. The craft went up completely empty of fuel except for the Lander mated to the tail of the ship. The Lander is designed to detatch from the tail, maneuver up to the R2 Science Pods, land, and return to the mothership. The R2 will be re-docked with the node and the lander will return to the tail. The Cruiser then can break for the next planetary object.

Main engines are 12 Nuke engines and there are 11 full fuel pods. There is a separate vehicle for the recovery of the R2s. A small engine and parachute are designed to be docked and for the entire package to be recovered. The next generation of R2s will have built in parachutes and battery packs enough to return to the surface.


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Yours is 1100 tonnes on the ground, 260 in orbit. On a good run, mine is 330 on the ground, 260 in orbit, 150 on Laythe if I can get it there.

Anyhow, I guess RAPIERs are a lot more efficient than aerospikes and mainsails. And I guess we do have different aerodynamics, I have FAR, you have stock.

Props to you for landing that monster though... Mine is absolutely unlandable by any stretch.

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  Moar Boosters said:
I managed to catch the kraken asleep one day, and put 18 kerbals into orbit and returned safely in an 1100 ton spaceplane

1100tons? In one shot. Cool. I've just finished assembling a 1200ton ship in orbit for an attempt at a grand tour (long delayed) but to do that all from the ground? Yikes! Mine is over 800 parts and is currently doing about 4 to 5 frames a sec. With all those wings how slow is that thing?

EDIT: Here's a quick couple of pics of the assembled 'Titan-1 Mothership'

Titan-1 Mothership.jpg

Titan-1 Details.jpg

Even with no staging it has nearly 9000 Delta V, but with ditching the huge Eve Lander on the front, and with ditching drop tanks I'm pretty sure this thing can do the grand tour without kethane or other refueling methods.

It has One Eve lander, two small Low Gravity Vacuum Landers (LGVLs), One High Gravity Lander (for Duna, Laythe, and with a booster for landing, Tylo), four small drop tanks on the front for either LGVL or HGL, three boosters in the main stack that will get used for descent and as ferries (they have nuke engines that are used in the main ship when attached) to take smaller craft around to moons so the Mothership doesn't have to jump around as much.

Apart from Mechjeb it has no non-stock parts, but I am using Editor extensions, AGM, alarm clock, crew manifest, enhanced Navball, select root, texture replacer (with pimp my kerbals mod), and the clouds and citylights mod. Not using any autopilot functions in Mechjeb, just using the display screens, especially the landing predictions! In testing my Eve Lander is rather prone to slight slopes so I need to pinpoint the landing spot precisely. I've managed to get within 100m of target fairly reliably now at least using Mechjeb's landing predictions.

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