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Space Shuttles: Do you Build/Use Them?


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In stock KSP it's very difficult to get a functional look-and-function-alike space shuttle, modeled after NASA's Space Transportation System shuttle. There's several mods out there to make building them much easier, but making one that preforms well, looks good, and can deliver a reasonable amount of cargo can be quite a challenge even for good players.

"Shuttle" in KSP is a relatively loose term. For the purposes of this thread, any vehicle that can fly or glide in an atmosphere, and is assisted to orbit with rockets, is a shuttle.

This thread is all about shuttles. Do you build or use shuttles? How? Mods or stock? Pictures are great. Show us some missions using a shuttle. Convince us why or why not to use shuttles.

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Never did and never will, I can't build them large enough to remain stable or bring enough cargo to make it feasible. I just custom-build every rocket and stick the payload on-top and wrap the whole thing in space-tape. So far, this method works like a charm.

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I've toyed with them a few times, but gave up on them in favour of far more sensible designs and projects. It wasn't even a great idea in the real world, and was only useful for a handful of its missions, so why bother with it in a game that doesn't even provide the parts and tools to do one effectively?

What advantage does such a design offer over other options that don't involve dragging giant wings up into an environment without an atmosphere where they're really just a larger target for stuff to hit?

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That's my first (and so far only) attempt at building one. I used clipping to put a fuel tank in the (empty) plane fuselage. Hopefully tweakables improve so we can have liquid/oxidiser in any fuselage.

Edit: Also, it's worth looking at Ej_Sa on twitch, that man makes amazing shuttles. He makes the best looking stock things.

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What advantage does such a design offer over other options that don't involve dragging giant wings up into an environment without an atmosphere where they're really just a larger target for stuff to hit?

If you build a shuttle it's not the utility that matters, it's overcoming the challenge. That's really the essence of this game. Then nature of the challenge is up to you =)


Edited by maccollo
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Building and launching shuttles in KSP is inherently hard. The engine gimballing is often too limited and throttle settings can't be varied between engines.

To counter the shifting center of gravity due to fuel consumption you can of course launch your shuttle like the Dyno-Soar/Hermes/Kliper but this puts the center of lift in front of the center of gravity making the entire rocket unstable.


That's why I let myself be inspired by the Russian Energia-Uragan, putting my shuttle underneath the fueltank and keeping the center of lift behind the center of gravity.

Ready for launch.


Lift off.


Booster separation.


Ejection of nose mounted fuel tank.




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Designing shuttles becomes much easier once one realizes that the assymetrical design of both the Space Shuttle and the Energia-Buran is not really required. Building a rocket beneath/around the shuttle is a much easier way to accomplish the basically same thing. Admittedly, none of my shuttles looked as amazing as Tex_NL's one.

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Building and launching shuttles in KSP is inherently hard. The engine gimballing is often too limited and throttle settings can't be varied between engines.


You can vary engine throttle now, just right click on an engine.

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I've built and flown a few of them just to get such craft into my garage because they are look great, but don't use them.

They are not only hard to land but take much more time to land it right. Landing planes is my problem in KSP...

* And I use mods with shuttle engines and bays.

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WOW! That's an amazing execution that doesn't require plugins or fancy engines. THIS is why I play KSP. The sky is this limit. People that say that shuttles are pointless are...missing the point. The challenge and reward of creating something as complicated and graceful as a shuttle is its own reward. Nothing like landing at KSC at the end of a mission. How high does she go?

Oh, to answer the OP:


Yes :)

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You can vary engine throttle now, just right click on an engine.

Sure, you can reduce max thrust by tweaking. But doing this 'on the fly' for multiple engines during launch is near impossible.

WOW! That's an amazing execution that doesn't require plugins or fancy engines. THIS is why I play KSP. The sky is this limit. People that say that shuttles are pointless are...missing the point. The challenge and reward of creating something as complicated and graceful as a shuttle is its own reward. Nothing like landing at KSC at the end of a mission. How high does she go?

Oh, to answer the OP:


Yes :)

Thanks. To be honest I was starting to loose interest in KSP a little until I saw that Energia-Uragan picture. I immediately realized this should be possible in KSP and started working. It totally renewed my gameplay.

In the mean time I've build a much larger and stronger version of that shuttle capable of lifting an impressive 50+ ton to a 200*200km orbit with relative ease.

Edited by Tex_NL
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There was a thread kinda like this last week - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68099-Do-you-use-SpaceShuttles

I can't really say I use them as an essential part of my space program, but it was a fun challenge to make one. This one can lift about 18tons to LKO, the main shuttle is mostly B9 parts with KW external fuel tanks and NovaPunch boosters. The main shuttle engines are NovaP Bearcats mounted on robotic hinges so they can be adjusted during flight.

For no reason other than the heck of it, I made a launch tower for it, the walkway is attached on a hinge so it swings out of the way at the moment of launch.

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Sure, you can reduce max thrust by tweaking. But doing this 'on the fly' for multiple engines during launch is near impossible.

It'd be nice to have that be bindable. My shuttle only really needs tweaking on the centre booster. About 60% on separation down to about 30-40% as it empties.

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If you build a shuttle it's not the utility that matters, it's overcoming the challenge. That's really the essence of this game. Then nature of the challenge is up to you =)


I do not deny that it is a fun and interesting challenge, I just see the entire concept of the shuttle as a main launch vehicle to be a highly flawed waste of time and money (real world or in game) when the vast majority of the missions run with them would be far easier and done in a more cost effective manner with more traditional launch vehicle styles.

Also, overcoming the technical hurdles that are artificially imposed by the game (gimbal, thrust balance, etc) isn't exceptionally interesting. I might have more interest in the game if we had more control over a proper flight computer that could auto-correct things like variable thrust between engines to account for the centre of mass shifting around during launch while the primary fuel tank is being emptied.

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I like using Space Shuttles to do things, even if it's not the most efficient way.

My manned Minmus mission from a stock shuttle -snip-

That's extremely impressive Giggle! It's too bad cargo bays are rather difficult to replicate in stock KSP. Hopefully something we won't have to worry about too much longer...

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I'd love to see the launcher for it. Or can it get up on its own?

I suppose I should add my own shuttle to this thread. Been working on it for a few days, and I can just barely get it into a 100km orbit. Landing, is, uh... we haven't managed a safe landing yet. Also, there's no cargo capacity. But it's still a prototype!



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