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[0.17] ExPI: Space Stations [0.4], Interplanetary Probes [0.1.2]


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A few additional make-or-break elements you need to incorporate:

1. Docking mod, steal an open source one already on the forums, incorporate it into a few male and female docking parts, some for rockets, some for shuttles, etc.

2. Parts, solar panels (moar) that move, ANTENNAE, DISHES (these two are super important!), i

3. Incorporate Zoxygene and Electricity mods.

4. Make some parts bulkheads, adapters, and skins. I currently house my Zoxygene and Electricity mods in a 1-3 meter adapter, a 3 meter bulkhead, attach my crap to the bulkhead, then skin it in the half walls so it has lines and matches the rest (albeit it's white so it sticks out a bit) then bulkhead and adapter to finish the look of it being a 'module', fits in flawlessly, I'd recolor it myself (those parts, renamed) and give it to you but I don't know how.

7. Hah, tricked you. It's really 5. add some stuff that gives it a purpose. Use other peoples mods. Allow fuel exchange.

6. Make a nice dock just for a perma-docked Soyuz ODS. I currently use an Odin, then I jerry rig a Zoxygene drill bit on an explosive bolt on the side so it looks like a fuel/elec/air line mounting, along with one of those decouplers which are two rings with exposed metal zig zagging between them. All space stations have an evacuation vehicle aboard.

7. The real seven. Payload management, using remote control, allow the movement of individual delivery modules so we can send stuff back to Kerbin.

8. Stuff to do, experimental modules, things that take time to complete (simply have a bar that runs up to 100% over time) that require things like a solar panel, a radiator panel, a nucular reactor (PLEASE recolor the existing one so the gold foil wrap looks gold) and **** that we can add into the element in 4. (or at least make it a size we can make the above explained module to house, so varying sizes). Make the experimental modules a size that fits inside the current used shuttles (Odyssey and Intrepid, I believe.) so we can deliver them and deorbit them either using the payload management system, or using shuttles again. Thus the experimental modules will need to be able to be captured / docked with the space station, and detached from and grabbed by the shuttle. You may have to make a payload arm for the shuttle that uses cheaty automation to grab and load it and grab and unload / attach it. Experiments could include growing corn in space, anti matter / dark matter discovery, particle accelerators, how long a Kerbal can survive inside a 20 gallon drum full of snakes, all kinds of wonderful things.

If you can attain even four of these eight things you will, without a doubt, have the most popular and in demand mod in this game. You are SO close to amazing success, but you seem to have lost a bit of steam. I truly hope these ideas help you continue you work. Your mod will, if you can complete all 8, become the only real purpose for playing this game besides the first few 'lol space' exploring dilly dallies (you have no idea how long I've wanted to use that in a sentence, damn that felt good, dilly dally.) and give us a reason to keep coming back to your page on kerbal.net!

I hereby forfiet all claim of right to the above suggestions for free use to anyone willing to adapt such suggestions. I can explain any one of them in great detail should it be required. I am, however, keeping a few things to myself as I am looking for fellow developers to get together with to create 'The Reality Mod' which will hopefully work well with this chaps space station should he manage to hit six or seven of those eight suggestions, TRM will hopefully make this beta feel like a finished game with purpose, missions, and micromanagement (including fully functioning life support!) so stay tuned.

In the interim, please provide adequate cheering, peer pressure, and begging that OP create the add on's I have suggested, especially reskinning the 3 meter adapter, bulkhead, and half walls so we can add other modules crap to our stations, and ESPECIALLY the experimental modules. That **** would be AMAZING.

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I have a problem with the probe parts. Namely the Mach Chute didn't actually open during my first test on Kerbin. Am I forgetting something?

I too am having issues with the mach chute not opening. Sometimes it does others it doesn't

Edit: Problem solved. The parachute has two parts in the staging, the chute itself and a girder looking thing. If you put the girder thing in the stage below the chute then it works fine

Edited by Brains001
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Try ORDA or erkles docking clamp. These ones dont work.

2: Instant orbit stuff... Orbital construction is already out for you to do it, and its not THAT hard to get into orbit. Practice. Anyway, Orbital construction hasent been updated to 0.17, so there must be a problem. Also, the mod maker is mostly focused on the interplanetary stuff.

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Everyone is saying this mod is awesome but the OP does seem all that special. Ill dl and see what the fuss is about but if the op is updated to show the parts then im sure that would help. :)

I didn't put them in the OP because there's a 5 image limit.

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There is something weird with the airlocks.

I can EVA on the launchpad, no matter if my ship is multi-staged or not.

I can EVA when I'm outside the atmosphere, but still sub-orbital (while waiting for the apoapsis)

But once I'm on a circular orbit, with the last stage of my ship, I can't EVA anymore, and I tried spamming the EVA button, but it didn't work for me...


So, I ended the flight of some debris, (some were weird, splashed down ghost debris, at 0º,0º) and now I can EVA.

Edited by felixar90
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Just installed add-on and its getting stuck on the loading screen while loading the station airlock insides

Either delete the part or check if it's folder name matches another with only 1 or 2 letters difference, if so - rename the folders and/or parts to have a larger difference in the name

worked for me

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... where did you get those awesome solar panels!?!

Well the massive orange ones come from this mod

The blue ones are from the Deep Space Mission Pack but I think the BACE panels would have been better suited for the middle set

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