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Put all your jokes here! In order to have this thread open, we'll lay out some rules:

- Keep it strictly forum-rule bidding.

- No racist jokes (use your own judgement)

- Don't discuss the jokes, stay on topic.

- If you're offended, send a PM or report, don't flame publicly.

I'll start:

Argon walks into a bar. The bartender tells him "Sorry we don't serve noble gases"

...He had no reaction.

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Two guys walk into a bar. The first asks for a glass of H2O, which he receives. The second asks for a glass of water, and turns to the first guy, asking him why he didn't just say water instead of H2O.

The first guy just sits there, angry that his assassination attempt failed.

(Totally stole that from somewhere, but it's a good one)

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Two guys walk into a bar. The first asks for a glass of H2O, which he receives. The second asks for a glass of water, and turns to the first guy, asking him why he didn't just say water instead of H2O.

The first guy just sits there, angry that his assassination attempt failed.

(Totally stole that from somewhere, but it's a good one)

Hadn't laughed that hard in a while, thanks for that. :D

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An atom (Magnesium) was walking down the street when he saw his friend.

"Hey Copper!" yelled Magnesium.

"'Afternoon Magnesium," replied Copper gloomily.

"What's wrong Copper?" asked Magnesium apprehensively.

"I lost an electron," admitted Copper.

"Are you sure?" replied Magnesium.

"Yes, I'm positive," said Copper, laughing at the joke he just made.

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Luke and Obi-Wan are having dinner in an Oriental restaurant. Obi-Wan is eating quickly and neatly with chopsticks, not dropping even a grain of rice. Luke, on the other hand, can't seem to get the hang of using chopsticks, getting food everywhere except in his mouth. Finally Obi-Wan says....





(wait for it)





"Use the Fork, Luke!"

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It's quite difficult to come up with a funny joke if you follow all the forum rules. Vulgarity and profanity, at least in moderate amounts, are the backbone of most hilarious jokes.

Granted, there are hilarious "SFW" jokes like this with the horse and the long face, but they are quite rare.

Why don't blind people skydive?

It scares the **** out of their dogs!

How does a Scotsman find a sheep in tall grass?

Very satisfying.

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-A blind man walks into a store, picks up his dog, and begins to swing it about his head rapidly. The cashier comes running over, alarmed, and asks the man what he is doing. The man replies, "I'm just looking around."

-I told a chemistry joke once. There was no reaction.

-A parachute is not required for skydiving. A parachute is required for skydiving twice.

Edited by DisarmingBaton5
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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's a history Joke

If you don't get it, look up "Charge of the Light Brigade"

Person 1: Have you heard that Russia sent troops to Crimea?

Person 2: Yeah. Do you think the US will get involved over there?

Person 1: I hope not.

Person 2: Either way, I'll be staying away from Light Brigades for the time being, just in case.

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Heres an depressing antijoke about my life.

Someone: "Hey, want to watch a boring, repetitive, and pointless TV show?"

Me: "You mean my life story?"

And more horrible antijokes.

"Why did the boy drop his ice cream?"

"He got hit by a bus"


Someone: "Whats red, and smells like blue paint?"

Me: "Red paint."

Yes, I am a morbidly depressing human.

Time for me to make a quick exit as you start to boo.

Edited by NASAFanboy
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