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Making high contrast nav ball!


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  MK3424 said:
Can somebody make a black and white Navball but instead that the black part is up i want it to be inverted.

And of course with the red line showing The North.

I'm not parsing that. Did you want the black on top?

Post 26 of this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/69540-Making-high-contrast-nav-ball!?p=973145&viewfull=1#post973145

Or did you want the black on the bottom?


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  MK3424 said:
Can somebody make a black and white Navball but instead that the black part is up i want it to be inverted.

And of course with the red line showing The North.

  tygoo7 said:
Can someone make a navball like this but with red numbers, white (instead of black) on top and black (instead of green) on bottom, and with the red line. :)


Both of your requests are among the easiest things to do in a paint program. You could even do them in MS Paint without too much trouble.

What I'm trying to say is this is a *PERFECT* opportunity for both of you to learn the beginnings of image editing, so that in the future when you want things like this you won't have to ask and hope for the kindness of strangers to get what you want.

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  5thHorseman said:
Both of your requests are among the easiest things to do in a paint program. You could even do them in MS Paint without too much trouble.

What I'm trying to say is this is a *PERFECT* opportunity for both of you to learn the beginnings of image editing, so that in the future when you want things like this you won't have to ask and hope for the kindness of strangers to get what you want.

Yeah I know a lot about GIMP but I was just being lazy when I posted that. Heres the navball texture if anyone wants it. :P


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  regex said:
I really liked the format of your navball, but I naturally had to do things my way:


I'll admit that I'd forgotten all about this, because I didn't like my navball as much as the default. I liked Regex's more than mine but still liked the default even better.

So I thought about what I preferred in the default, and realized it was the fact that there were 8 vertical columns of numbers instead of 4. So, I took Regex's remake of my original and remade it myself :)



Yeah I know my "15"s are smaller on the bottom than the top. I got sick of fiddling :D

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  5thHorseman said:
So, I took Regex's remake of my original and remade it myself :)

tbh I'm probably going to use your remake of my remake of your remake because it's better than my remake of your remake. Nice work.

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  5thHorseman said:
I'll admit that I'd forgotten all about this, because I didn't like my navball as much as the default. I liked Regex's more than mine but still liked the default even better.

So I thought about what I preferred in the default, and realized it was the fact that there were 8 vertical columns of numbers instead of 4. So, I took Regex's remake of my original and remade it myself :)


Very nice! I redid mine using yours and changed it a bit because I like the black, white, and red colors better. :D

EDIT: Made a new one which is a lot more readable. :)


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  White Owl said:
How did I not see this thread before!? Perfect mod. Increases readability without adding any screen clutter. Just perfect.

You should officially release it so more people will see this.

Agreed and many thanks for the texture work and the idea! Does anyone know how this will affect IVA naviballs?

Edit: Ah ok, I see the changelog.

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I have to report that the IVA navball did not change for me. Small issue.

(Edit: Okay, the IVA navball changed in one cockpit I tested, but not another. Do the individual mod parts need changed somehow?)

I really like the simple and user-friendly approach this mod takes to replacing the texture. There's real potential here, if you're ever interested in expanding past working on just the navball and open other textures for people to tinker with. This is easier and more usable than Universe Replacer or Texture Replacer.

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Just a little heads up - although this changes the stock IVA navball, RPM navballs remain the same. That is located in GameData\JSI\RasterPropMonitor\Example\ExampleMFD\PFD\NavBall000.png, if that helps. It'd be nice for it to automatically switch but seeing as you can just replace that RPM navball file with any other png, it's no harder than the stock method. But yeah, if you really want to, it might be nice to have RPM support :)

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  ObsessedWithKSP said:
Just a little heads up - although this changes the stock IVA navball, RPM navballs remain the same. That is located in GameData\JSI\RasterPropMonitor\Example\ExampleMFD\PFD\NavBall000.png, if that helps. It'd be nice for it to automatically switch but seeing as you can just replace that RPM navball file with any other png, it's no harder than the stock method. But yeah, if you really want to, it might be nice to have RPM support :)

I downloaded RPM and couldn't find any incorrect IVA navballs :( Is there a specific iva space that has an incorrect one?

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  xEvilReeperx said:
I downloaded RPM and couldn't find any incorrect IVA navballs :( Is there a specific iva space that has an incorrect one?

Well, all of them...

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Unable to check the M1-2 pod yet, I'll have a look in a bit (EDIT: Nope, that too, remains stock blue/brown). RPM shows what's under GameData\JSI\RasterPropMonitor\Example\ExampleMFD\ PFD\NavBall000.png and that isn't replaced with this plugin. EDIT: Thinking about it, could it be due to the fact I have Hyomoto's MFDs instead of the standard RPM ones?

The other issue is that as you can see, the stock navball is only replaced in that 1 lander can, but none of the others. It should replace all the stock navballs though.. right?

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  ObsessedWithKSP said:
The other issue is that as you can see, the stock navball is only replaced in that 1 lander can, but none of the others. It should replace all the stock navballs though.. right?

And you've managed to pin a bug (read: coding oversight) that I'm surprised has managed to go unreported for so long. I was testing one at a time and the issue only appeared with multiple iva instances (or one iva with multiple stock navballs), so your screenshot album was very useful. Thanks!

Should be fixed in version 1.2

Edit: If you're talking about the navball on the monitors, this mod won't change those (they're custom compared to the "stock" navball). I think that's okay though. If people would like the RPM monitor navballs to be changed as well, it's probably doable but I question whether it's worth adding when the texture is already exposed

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  xEvilReeperx said:
And you've managed to pin a bug (read: coding oversight) that I'm surprised has managed to go unreported for so long. I was testing one at a time and the issue only appeared with multiple iva instances (or one iva with multiple stock navballs), so your screenshot album was very useful. Thanks!

Should be fixed in version 1.2

Edit: If you're talking about the navball on the monitors, this mod won't change those (they're custom compared to the "stock" navball). I think that's okay though. If people would like the RPM monitor navballs to be changed as well, it's probably doable but I question whether it's worth adding when the texture is already exposed

Ooh, I've been useful! Yaaay! :D

Well, I'm not sure where I was going with the RPM navballs, to be honest. I don't know what I expected the plugin or you to do, I myself know the RPM navball texture is easily accessed and replaced... I guess I'm just really lazy? One thing I'd need to test would be if these stock textures can be used in the RPM as they're different projections. So basically, ignore everything I said about RPM unless you really want to target that file as well.

Updating now, thanks for the quick response :)

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  White Owl said:
Okay, here's my contribution. I realized that when using the other navballs posted previously, the black half was easiest to read. So I reasoned, why not make a navball with both halves black?

How does the node marker look on that blue? I know I had some minor issues seeing it clearly on the teal in my image.

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It remains the lowest contrast / least visible of the various navball markers, but still workable IMO. I can see it without straining my eyes.

Frankly, I'd welcome a mod to change just the maneuver node marker's color. Dark blue is a problem all around.

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Hey, White Owl (and everybody else!), I'm watching your last episode right now and I can't help but think that the designs of the navballs you've tried thus far are pretty much fine, tweaking and evolution are of course gonna happen; but the main issue is the vector indicator's fault, not the navball. And also they should be pretty easily fixed. By my understanding the navball is an actual sphere with the texture overlaid onto it; and the indicators are all quads, or 2D square mesh with a mostly transparent texture on them, which the game moves around the surface of the sphere. Due to that, it should be entirely possible to replace Their textures with something more amenable, specifically there's a trick from typesetting. If you have a dark colored font, and you wrap it in a couple pixels of a light color, that text will remain readable on any background. So for the indicators, if they're a light color like the pro/retrograde markers, add a pixel or two of black around them and inside the circle, and they'll be easily visible on white or black, on black the dark wrap will disappear, and on white it'll stand out. It may be necessary to make the marker a bit smaller in general to keep it's overall footprint the same, but this should make everything work better.



Here's some of the geometry of the IVA navball prop


I've hidden the base and the sphere because they make it harder to see, and moved the quads around , the selected two are prograde and retrograde, I assume DeltaV are towards/away the target, and waypoint is the maneuver node; I can't guarantee that the regular naveball works this same way; but I suspect it does.

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