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[0.90] [Up for adoption] Connected Living Space v1.1.2.0 (27th Feb 2015) Hatches and Highlighting


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any news about 1.0 or 1.0.2 ? patiently waiting for an update here lol and i don't mean experimental dll :D

The short answer is "When he gets to it". :D

Seriously, codepoet has of late been very busy with real life activities. He posted several days ago and stated he would support it, and that he welcomed pull requests. I submitted a pull request with the needed changes (as I have done in the past), and we are simply waiting for him to carve out some time in his busy life to support the KSP community.

If experience is any indicator, he will merge the changes I have made and the official will look like my experimental. He has merged the previous 3 pull requests I have submitted.

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I don;t think that Ship Manifest requires CLS - Papa-Joe can confirm.

That is correct. As stated in my OP and my Wiki, SM is mod independent. No additional mods are required. When SM starts up, it will check to see if you have CLS installed, and if so will enable it by default. You can then disable it if you desire.. If CLS is not installed, it will automatically update its settings to disable CLS support.


But, my question is: why not use CLS?. I firmly believe it enriches your experience with EVA versus internal transfers. having to make that choice is kinda fun imho. The stock transfer, out of the box for KSP allows transfers anywhere. With CLS, even the stock transfer can then respect the living space limitations, and you would then have to EVA if you want to go to a part that cannot be reached internally. I believe it improves the "immersion" effect of the game. :)

It is if course your choice, and I respect that. I just didn't want you to miss out on the experience if you have never used CLS before. :D

For more info, check out my wiki. Crew transfers are here. https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ShipManifest/wiki/2.1---Crew-Transfers

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It's not that he doesn't want to use CLS. It's that he wants to use SM and CLS is "out of date".

Interesting. I did not get that from the question. The statements "I've never really used CLS" and "Now that SM requires CLS" led me to believe he was worried about a potential "new" dependency.

But, to answer the question you bring up, the short answer is: SM does not require CLS, but will work with the outdated version of CLS. The CLS window will be inaccessible (toolbar icon is missing) and there may be times when CLS will be out of sync with the active vessel (around debris or other vessels when they come in range), but nothing will crash, and it will work.

However, with the experimental .DLL I posted several posts back, those problems go away.

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But, to answer the question you bring up, the short answer is: SM will work with the outdated version of CLS. The CLS window will be inaccessible, and there may be times when CLS will be out of sync with the active vessel (around debris or other vessels when they come in range), but nothing will crash, and it will work.

However, with the experimental .DLL I posted several posts back, those problems go away.

Yup hence why I had quotes around out of date. But it's probably a good thing to have what you just stated said every so often so people see it ;']

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I've tried Papa Joe's experimental DLL for about a week now and I've had 0 issues with CLS.

Good to hear! I've been using it since I created the pull request and I've had no issues either.

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SM does not require CLS, but will work with the outdated version of CLS. The CLS window will be inaccessible (toolbar icon is missing) and there may be times when CLS will be out of sync with the active vessel (around debris or other vessels when they come in range), but nothing will crash, and it will work.

As of 2 days ago, in my campaign SM has been rendered completely useless to me due to CLS not working. Simple transfers between stock parts that are labeled as allowing Kerbals to transfer through and stay within get locked up. SM continually says "Transfer in progress" (or something to that effect), and it refuses to allow me to do anything else. I can't even close the window.

In the meantime, I rebooted the game and turned off CLS and it works as expected, but I really would like CLS to work. I haven't tried the .dll, but I'll throw that in there now and see if it fixes things, but I would like an official CLS update that fixes the problem. I'm sure it has everything to do with simply getting up to date with 1.0.2.

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As of 2 days ago, in my campaign SM has been rendered completely useless to me due to CLS not working. Simple transfers between stock parts that are labeled as allowing Kerbals to transfer through and stay within get locked up. SM continually says "Transfer in progress" (or something to that effect), and it refuses to allow me to do anything else. I can't even close the window.

In the meantime, I rebooted the game and turned off CLS and it works as expected, but I really would like CLS to work. I haven't tried the .dll, but I'll throw that in there now and see if it fixes things, but I would like an official CLS update that fixes the problem. I'm sure it has everything to do with simply getting up to date with 1.0.2.

It is exactly that (getting up to date with 1.0.2), and the experimental really does work, and is what I submitted to the author for updating to 1.0.2. He has used the last 3 pull requests I've made as the "Official" release each time. As I said, I've had no issues with CLS since I've updated the code and released the experimental. I think it would be safe to use, as it has been in the wild for over a week now.

As for codepoet getting a new release out, well, that is totally dependent on his very limited time. Real Life always comes first :D

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It is exactly that (getting up to date with 1.0.2), and the experimental really does work, and is what I submitted to the author for updating to 1.0.2. He has used the last 3 pull requests I've made as the "Official" release each time. As I said, I've had no issues with CLS since I've updated the code and released the experimental. I think it would be safe to use, as it has been in the wild for over a week now.

As for codepoet getting a new release out, well, that is totally dependent on his very limited time. Real Life always comes first :D

Since this temporary DLL has been in the wild for awhile and seems to be working just fine, I've gone ahead and updated my release file on github. I've repackaged it to include the new icons, and the replacement DLL, in their proper folder locations.

Release here: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ConnectedLivingSpace/releases/tag/

Be sure to keep your existing CLS install in place,

Open your GameData Folder and overwrite the ConnectedLivingSpace folder with the contents of this archive.

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...I've gone ahead and updated my release file to repackage it to include the new icons, and the replacement DLL, in their proper folder locations.

Thanks Papa_Joe,

short of a complete new release (when copepoet will have time for that), this is the most helpful for CLS users.

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The reality of my life is that I do not have the time or capacity to support CLS in a way that both it and its userbase deserve. There is so much I want to do with it, but it is pretty obvious that I am struggling even to find time to keep it up to date with KSP releases, let alone improving it and writing other mods that use it which is what I really want to do.

So I would be interested to hear from anyone willing to take it on - to love it and care for it in the way that I would like to, but am unable to. Send me a message if you are interested.


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The reality of my life is that I do not have the time or capacity to support CLS in a way that both it and its userbase deserve. There is so much I want to do with it, but it is pretty obvious that I am struggling even to find time to keep it up to date with KSP releases, let alone improving it and writing other mods that use it which is what I really want to do.

So I would be interested to hear from anyone willing to take it on - to love it and care for it in the way that I would like to, but am unable to. Send me a message if you are interested.



It would be my pleasure to continue support.

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The reality of my life is that I do not have the time or capacity to support CLS in a way that both it and its userbase deserve. There is so much I want to do with it, but it is pretty obvious that I am struggling even to find time to keep it up to date with KSP releases, let alone improving it and writing other mods that use it which is what I really want to do.

So I would be interested to hear from anyone willing to take it on - to love it and care for it in the way that I would like to, but am unable to. Send me a message if you are interested.

Sad news indeed :(

Regardless, I thank you for the time and effort you've put into this, as it has been very useful for my add-ons.


It would be my pleasure to continue support.

A thought briefly crossed my mind - are there any merits to directly integrating CLS into SM?

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A thought briefly crossed my mind - are there any merits to directly integrating CLS into SM?

At least KeepFit now uses CLS to find the best "accessible" part on the craft. Not sure if one mod is reason enough to keep things separate, but it's some thing to consider.

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At least KeepFit now uses CLS to find the best "accessible" part on the craft. Not sure if one mod is reason enough to keep things separate, but it's some thing to consider.

Ah, I wasn't aware of KeepFit at the time. Excellent point.

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Agreed, there are a few mods out there that use it.... I firmly believe it should stay as its own mod, and be supported as such. I know that codepoet really hoped it would be more widely used, and I'd like to see that happen.

I believe the mods that integrate CLS as I know it are:

Kerbal Crew Transfer

Crew manifest

Ship Manifest


Wetworks Crew tanks

Likely others I'm not aware of.

To directly answer SumGhai's initial question, there is no real benefit. I modified the interface of CLS awhile back to expose what was needed for pretty much full control by another Mod, so while I might be able to save a few lines of code here or there, It actually works very nicely as an API.

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Thanks for this Joe, I am grateful. I have sent you a private message. You have my blessing to take it on.

I'd like to thank both of you for maintaining CLS - it has added a lot to my enjoyment of the game - large station building would not be the same without it. Thanks!

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