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[0.23]Baha. Parts for Extraplanetary Launchpads v1.2 (3/2/14)


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I guess you could call it a bug, but its because of the functionality of the stock science parts. The stock materials bay and goo container remain open when you keep science data, and the drill is using the same module. The only other way I know of is having the animation separate from the science, but that would mean that you could collect a surface sample without deploying the drill at all.. :(

I know just enough to get this horribly wrong, but what would happen if the entire animation sequence played from opening to full retraction before the science menu popped up? That would cause the sample drill to end in a closed state, yes? I just wonder if there's a way to play a different animation for the "reject science" sequence, such that it doesn't reverse itself through the whole process... Well, it'd be a half-decent workaround for when you transmit or remove the science from that part.

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The drill animator just plays the animation in a loop, and it doesn't even do the looping itself (Unity handles that). I wouldn't worry about being conservative with keyframes; put in a dozen or two, and have the whole animation cover several rotations.

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You might want to try setting up the animation in your modeler and importing it to Unity, if you haven't already.

When I set up my drill animation in Blender I used a handful of keyframes to rotate about the x-axis several times, one big continuous curve (mine isn't a looping animation, just several rotations as part of a larger animation).


When I import it into Unity it interpolates keyframes at every frame of the animation, does some crazy bouncing back and forth on the z- and y-axes and rotates 180o around the x-axis before flipping back around. It all turns out as one smooth, continuous rotation, but if you try to duplicate that manually in Unity it might cause problems.


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I did all the animations in blender, and imported to unity. The rotations are fine during the deploying animation. I even just did 2 keyframes (one at 0 and one at 3,600 deg.) No problems there. Its only during the repeating part where problems arise. Anyways, I feel like I've gotten it as fixed as its ever going to be, so I'm not going to worry about it anymore.

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I wrote a tiny plugin that allows containers to have an animation state depending on how full they are, so I'm making a container that can expand to fit more of your fluffy rocket parts!

Also in the concept stage is a rocketparts workshop that will resemble a large 3d printer. (good idea? bad?)

Anyways, check out the rocketparts container:

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I wrote a tiny plugin that allows containers to have an animation state depending on how full they are, so I'm making a container that can expand to fit more of your fluffy rocket parts!

Also in the concept stage is a rocketparts workshop that will resemble a large 3d printer. (good idea? bad?)

Anyways, check out the rocketparts container:

Sweet looking gear there keep up the good work!

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I wrote a tiny plugin that allows containers to have an animation state depending on how full they are, so I'm making a container that can expand to fit more of your fluffy rocket parts!

Also in the concept stage is a rocketparts workshop that will resemble a large 3d printer. (good idea? bad?)

I love both of those things, though I forsee clipping problems with the former. Not gameplay problems, just visual. A large 3d Printer for RocketParts sounds 100 times better than the current unmanned workshop.

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Here's a test run of the parts container. I disable allowing surface attachment so that you cant put stuff in the way of the expanding container. Think of it as a trade-off for having almost double the capacity for the same starting size as the original 2.5m container.

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Here's a test run of the parts container. I disable allowing surface attachment so that you cant put stuff in the way of the expanding container. Think of it as a trade-off for having almost double the capacity for the same starting size as the original 2.5m container.

So... Download link?

Oh- and I want to use these to hold fuels- can they?

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That's a pretty nifty expanding container! Does it depend purely on the animation of the part, or does it need some special magic? I'm wondering if the code can be adjusted to work with Porkjets inflatable habitats and TAC life support (So you need to pump oxygen into the container to fill it up.)

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It depends only on the animation. In the cfg, you just tell it the name of the animation, the type of resource to measure. Then the percent of the resource in the part directly translates to the percent of the way through the animation it displays.

Edit: 2 problems with the plugin remain.

1. It only checks one specified resource in the part, so parts that have more than one (LFO tanks or modular fuel tanks) wouldn't be properly animated. In a lfo tank, you can set it to check the level of liquid fuel but if that runs empty and theres still alot of lox in it, the animation will show it as empty. This will probably be easy to fix.

2. The animation doesn't update in vab/sph when you scroll the tweakable sliders for resource amount. Not sure how to fix this one... Anyone got an idea?

Edited by BahamutoD
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I wrote a tiny plugin that allows containers to have an animation state depending on how full they are, so I'm making a container that can expand to fit more of your fluffy rocket parts!

Also in the concept stage is a rocketparts workshop that will resemble a large 3d printer. (good idea? bad?)

They look awesome, I just hope they will have better capacity than non-hex ones EL comes with.

Any chance for 3.75M part?

And about 3D printer - it's a great idea (and much more realistic than the workshop thing)

Edited by Queril
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Version 1.2

-Added expandable containers

-Added Launchpad

-Added 3D rocket parts printer

Notes: Includes an early version of my Animation Modules plugin that allows the container and 3d printer animations.

I'm not entirely satisfied with the 3D printer yet but I thought I'd let people play with it for now.

Have not spent much time balancing or thoroughly testing, so please be wary and let me know of any problems.

I know for one that launchclamps are incompatible with the launchpad. Don't use launch clamps!


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Any chance of getting with the other guy that just did the new radar/scanners in the add-on development thread? Now all we need is a new smelter and part press and we're in business.

I was looking but couldn't see the thread you're talking about. Can you link it?

That looks cool! Are you planning to add some color to the parts or just leave them in shades of gray?

I want to color the launchpad eventually, but I'll probably leave the printer the way it is unless a good idea comes up. The tanks are already color coded the same as aeon's tanks.

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I was looking but couldn't see the thread you're talking about. Can you link it?

I want to color the launchpad eventually, but I'll probably leave the printer the way it is unless a good idea comes up. The tanks are already color coded the same as aeon's tanks.


Its an AWACS and a radar-looking scanner, both of which could probably just be re-colored to match the schema you're working out.

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All the new stuff looks great in-game, even the launch pad with no texturing.

The containers don't expand when you fill them with stuff in the VAB, but if they're full and you revert to the VAB after "launch"ing they'll then be expanded.

You can't drop the printer off to the side of the VAB, unattached. Sometimes the containers have this problem as well but not always, which seems odd. Not a huge deal but I like sometimes to take stuff off and set it aside while moving stuff around on my ship due to a design change. The only option are to connect it to something or discard it.

The clickable area of the OR1 is only the grey base, not the entire drill. The XL3 does not have this clickable area restriction.

All parts keep animating even when there's no power.

The drills seem to have very weak connections though it could just be that I slapped a crazy thing together to test them on the launch pad. But the act of deploying the drill caused it to pop off more than once when it hit the ground before being fully deployed.

The printer seems really tall for its animation.

Edited by 5thHorseman
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BahamutoD: Something I should mention about pads: it is best if you add a transform that specifies where the rocket should be placed. The transform specifies the "center" and bottom of the rocket. Take a look at the OrbitalDock blend in EL's github repository.

If such a transform is not there, EL will use the part's origin (with an optional offset), but the separate transform gives you more control.

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All the new stuff looks great in-game, even the launch pad with no texturing.

The containers don't expand when you fill them with stuff in the VAB, but if they're full and you revert to the VAB after "launch"ing they'll then be expanded.

You can't drop the printer off to the side of the VAB, unattached. Sometimes the containers have this problem as well but not always, which seems odd. Not a huge deal but I like sometimes to take stuff off and set it aside while moving stuff around on my ship due to a design change. The only option are to connect it to something or discard it.

The clickable area of the OR1 is only the grey base, not the entire drill. The XL3 does not have this clickable area restriction.

All parts keep animating even when there's no power.

The drills seem to have very weak connections though it could just be that I slapped a crazy thing together to test them on the launch pad. But the act of deploying the drill caused it to pop off more than once when it hit the ground before being fully deployed.

The printer seems really tall for its animation.


Containers - I'm still looking for a way to get the tank animations to update in the VAB. The closest I got was to get them to update on save and when you reattach them, but then it threw tons of exceptions and unleashed the hell kraken once you move to the launchpad...

Printer VAB problem - This has happened to several parts I've made... I don't really know why that happens. I'll see if anyone else has found a solution to this.

OR1 - simply a lazy collider. I'll fix it in the next update.

Parts animating w/o power - my animation modules and the kethane animation module don't check for power. I could fix it in my animation modules for the printer and whatever I make in the future, but the drills which use the kethane extractor module will have to be this way for now.

Weak connections - I guess I didn't notice this since I'm using KJR, but a quick config edit should fix that.

Tall printer - I wanted it to animate making an actual rocket part in that space while its active, but for now, its all up to your imagination :P. I'll try to come up with something for that eventually.

Thanks for the comments!

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First off: just DL'd and tested your mod. Great work on the models, They look awesome in-game.

Secondly: Personally the drills are a bit big for my designs but i can work around that. Thought it would be nice for some different sizes.

Keep up the good work.

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