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Been playing for a while and never hand a non crash landing on Mun until 3 days ago. For some reason I never notice my nav ball was showing orbit speed when I was 50 meters from the surface. once I switched it to surface I landed with now problem. I now have 3 successful landing. I am currently working on building a refueling station around Kerbin and a base on Minmus as I have landed there twice.

Oh another milestone I did this week was a successful docking. to retro fit my space station that had no command module so it could not rotate of anything. The hard part is the Kerbals forgot to add RCS to the retro rocket so i had to dock with main engine. Was fun and I did not have to load a quick save once.


Jeb landed in polar orbit on Minmus for the 2nd successful landing in preparation for the base.

Edited by Nepos
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One of ONI's black projects. Major changes have occurred to both the ships and frigates since this post to increase ship length to about 2.2 km.

The Infinity is also progressing along. This is just the bottom section for the frigates.

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Testing my first large spaceplane that should be able to carry 36 tonne of payload to LKO. Last test flight, partially succeed. The plane got to orbit without payload had quite little fuel left. I was only able to let it deorbit. More modification is needed.

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I am planing a rescue mission to Eve. My first lander did not land at the right place, it was an 8500DV lander and he landed at 4147m, so departure is impossible. More than that, he lost 2 tanks while separating with its lower stage on final descent to Eve. This lower stage was a braking stage, the purpose was to aim at the landing site and when acquired, separation and finish descent on parachute. So the lander miss the goal and is now waiting rescue at 4147m.


As you can see it is not symmetrical and tanks are missing on the right side.

So, now I built a rescue lander, 100T on Take off and 9100 DV. you can see it on the top of its launcher. the launcher will put it on orbit with its nuclear pusher and its lower stage. once in orbit I will use this last stage to brake and aim precisely at the landing site. But for safety I must not land below 5000m to be sure to reach orbit after take off.

The main difficulty was to set up the ladder system over all the tanks and the ejectable parachutes system (176 parachutes + 8 braking parachutes-2500m), so that Jeremiah is able to follow the ladder system to embark. It's a big mess to set up because those Kerbal are stupid and unable to make a light sidestep to change from a ladder to another and unable to walk on a tank once at the top of a ladder.....


I will not land very near of my broken lander because I must be 1000m higher. So I send a small shuttle lander capable of 4500DV. His goal will be to land near the broken lander, embark Jeremiah, and take off to land at a higher nearby place. There is a lot around. Then the rescue lander will aim at this site to land and take home Jeremiah

Here is the shuttle orbiting


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I'm presently working on Aegis, a 3-man nuclear Mun mission with rovers, escape lifters and a separate orbital service module. Still in testing right now, but I believe I have all components ready(ish). It will be a thing of many firsts for me: first multiman lander, first rovers, first use of nuclear engines, first landing mission with separate orbital service module and first Mun Escape System. I also plan to use it to get enough science to finish my tech tree, and to learn a thing or two in preparation for interplanetary missions.

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A large base on Eeloo near the north pole, with habitation modules, rovers, satellite arrays, the works! All of this will be in stock, except for Kerbal Alarm Clock, which is currently saving the next transfer window to Eeloo for the next round of ships. Once I get the base in working order, I plan to rover down into an area below sea level nearby. That area was my first choice of a landing spot, but once I reached below sea level, the radar altimeter stopped working and the entire planet turned black, making it very difficult to land. So I just panicked and landed nearby, as stated earlier :D

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In addition to FAR and KJR stuff, I've got a few other in-game projects going, particularly in Real Solar System. One involves recreating the Molniya launch vehicle used for Soviet Molniya satellites and light lunar and interplanetary probes:


And the frosty white sections actually are the LOX tanks; the fuel is distributed through the whole thing properly (I might have gone overboard on the recreation).

Another involves sending 5000 tonnes of payload to LEO (so that's ~1.78 Saturn Vs) to see if I can. The Eotena, aka, "Whackjob's got nothing on this":


It weighs more than a Nimitz at launch and sort of acts as a test subject for most of the KJR tweaks that I've been working on.

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I'm perfecting a heavy launch platform for getting my space station engines to Kerbin orbit at 120,000km. The central stage uses a quad-coupler, extended with bi-couplers, terminating with a second set of bi-couplers in order to fire 8 engines, rather than the normal 4.

Once all 9 parts (2 fuel tanks, 2 engines, 1 lander, 1 rover, 1 core, 1 space lab, 1 popcorn-probe-deployer) are docked/assembled in space, I can fly the whole thing anywhere I like.

I'll post pictures of the central stage. I'm not sure I've seen anyone successfully stack bi/tri/quad couplers the way I'm doing it.

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Here is my previously-mentioned space station engine, undergoing testing. As you can see, I start with a quad-coupler, extend with a bi-coupler, and terminate with a tri-coupler in order to mount 12 engines underneath the same fuel stack. All light at once, but the nukes and mini-poodles are on different action groups. I use the nukes to "sail" and the mini-poodles to "boost". :cool:

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So old school,

Many nostalgia

Such wow!

I haven't seen this type for ages =>

Good to see it being redeveloped.


Here is my previously-mentioned space station engine, undergoing testing. As you can see, I start with a quad-coupler, extend with a bi-coupler, and terminate with a tri-coupler in order to mount 12 engines underneath the same fuel stack. All light at once, but the nukes and mini-poodles are on different action groups. I use the nukes to "sail" and the mini-poodles to "boost". :cool:

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So old school,

Many nostalgia

Such wow!

I haven't seen this type for ages =>

Good to see it being redeveloped.

This is "old-school"? Oh man... that's kind of embarrassing. I thought I was on to something new with my coupler shenanigans.

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This is "old-school"? Oh man... that's kind of embarrassing. I thought I was on to something new with my coupler shenanigans.

Dont worry, I haven't really seen it since the Cubic Octagonal Strut came into play, and back then we only had Bi and Tri Coupler to play with..

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