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another kind of MP in KSP

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There is a lot of talk and pros & cons regarding MP (I don't want such feature myself) and thinking of collaborative space-station building seen here or there, I think a such MP feature can be added mroe or less easily, even with help of a plug-in.

The core is to share persistent.sfs file between users.

In this MP style game, there will be some kind of server which manage the sharing of the file + group of players involved + an UI to deal with others like asking of help ("someone want to help me getting this into orbit ?") or mercenary style contract ("do this job, reward: a kerbeer"), so a lot of people can share the KSP world without any usual MP issues (cheaters/annoying people who destroy your space-station) and all kind of players can work together just like ants for example: builders, carriers, suppliers, ... it can also help some players by giving them some direction on what to do today ("avail job: put x tanks of LF/Oxy to this station, deadline: x days").

To be clear, there will be no direct players interactions, we won't see other people flying around, we don't meet people in space or on other body ("gggrrrhhh :mad: I want to land on this post, but it has already been occupied... war !"), just a meeting place somewhere available on demand for adding/accepting/fulfil "contracts". The rewards remains to define.

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I don't think he means the kind of MP in which you drive cars with your buddies and launch thermonuclear interplanetary missiles at each other.

The kind where players can create contracts for each other.

I know, it's more so he's suggesting we DON'T have actual multiplayer, which I don't think is a good idea.

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sharing a save file is how things are already done, unless you get kmp....

Look guys just because YOU aren't going to use it all the time doesn't mean IT SHOULDNT BE USED AT ALL....

but really, save file sharing is even more vandal prone than with a direct connection....

my take on multiplayer is that you should be able to host a private server on your home pc, that only allows a max of 5 people, and those five people only come by invite... this way, you could play with your friends, and not have random people join and vandalise things....

oh yes, and the host should be able to keep that servers save file, so the little group of people can pick up where they left off...

but this idea and the one youre suggesting, if official, would require a private/public setting for each ship...

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I'd quite like to see full on MP implemented to be honest, I'd love to go exploring with a friend in our own designed rovers or go flying together!

and where people can sabotage your creations by ramming them with cheap rockets, in other words space war... Which is inevitable in "full multiplayer" mode.

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and where people can sabotage your creations by ramming them with cheap rockets, in other words space war... Which is inevitable in "full multiplayer" mode.

Not in private servers you wouldn't. Let me rephrase what I said then, I'd like to see a Co-op multiplayer, that can only be played with people that you want to play with, as to avoid griefing.

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What I would like in multiplayer and I'm kind of hoping for, is a structure where players can take over ships in real time. I'm looking for a co-op peer to peer type multiplayer.

I've ran into a few things I would have liked to do that the game won't let me because I can't switch control. Such as lander entering atmosphere but I need to have control over the ship that will stay in space, and a few other things where 2 pilots would be nice and the clock would be synced between the two players. Like going into time warp would need to be confirmed by the other player.

It may also be fun to do multi-kerbal EVAs to build and explore.

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I'd like to see a turn-based system in MP. So one player launches a rocket, while all the others can:


Use a Testing Chamber thing

Watch the player who's actually launching


When that player finishes (or you could set a timer), it randomly selects another for a turn.

But, there would be exceptions in the turn based system, like if the player who is using his turn doesn't use time warp at all, he could allow the other players to play around or do stuff, like fly a plane, but all of these activities can't be time warped.

Also, a player can pass his turn (If he needs to design), but it reserves him a spot after the next turn.

Like I said, to test design flaws, you could use a testing room/chamber that's about 12km cubed or something. The testing chamber would be free from time warps and whatnot.

Also, there could be a server time warp that could allow two people to fly, but they would need to confirm it, like in the post above.

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I really don't get how KSP multiplayer is supposed to work.

Exactly how single player does now, just with other craft in control by a other players. If they were both in the same craft though, one would pilot, the other could just sit back and enjoy the ride, or do science whilst the other person focuses on flying.

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I'd like to see a turn-based system in MP. So one player launches a rocket, while all the others can:


Use a Testing Chamber thing

Watch the player who's actually launching


When that player finishes (or you could set a timer), it randomly selects another for a turn.

But, there would be exceptions in the turn based system, like if the player who is using his turn doesn't use time warp at all, he could allow the other players to play around or do stuff, like fly a plane, but all of these activities can't be time warped.

Also, a player can pass his turn (If he needs to design), but it reserves him a spot after the next turn.

Like I said, to test design flaws, you could use a testing room/chamber that's about 12km cubed or something. The testing chamber would be free from time warps and whatnot.

Also, there could be a server time warp that could allow two people to fly, but they would need to confirm it, like in the post above.

To add to my own post, players could also form groups, fly in the same spacecraft, and also build together.

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I say we leave it be, what i'd like is for the devs to clairify what they plan to do with multiplayer....

But lets put the op's idea in here, one person controls the contracts, the other plays....

might people simply scram in for the playing part, if they don't they ruin the person who is playing's time by setting stuff like "land on eloo" on even though the person doesn't even have basic rocketry..... ?

Let's wait and see..i'm sure so long as there are anti vandal measures made, that it will be fine..

anyways, to attack somebody in KSP, you have to basically do a docking maneuvre, even then you have a high chance of your projectile missing... wayyyyyyy too hard for a griefer to be bothered trying..

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