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Component Space Shuttle - dev thread [IMG heavy!]


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  DonaldUnderwood said:
Press TAB get "gentle" mode. move slowly!

You the better turn off SAS during Canadarm running.

Stop movement you found the vessel shake

Ok, will do!

Also, to whoever this may concern, can we get some handholds on the shuttle airlock (cargo bay one) so I can get my kerbals back into the shuttle without sending them through the side hatch?

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  Sampa said:
Ok, will do!

Also, to whoever this may concern, can we get some handholds on the shuttle airlock (cargo bay one) so I can get my kerbals back into the shuttle without sending them through the side hatch?

Yes,Airlock has some issus, In early version,about 6.0.2,Kermen can not EVA by Airlock

In this Version(6.0.3),It can go out but so difficult to return the Airlock.

I have a solution looks not so cool but useful like this.I install a new airlock mod to replace the fountion of CSS Airlock.

Also,I hope author can fix Airlock EVA and docking port issus quickly!!!!






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  DonaldUnderwood said:
Yes,Airlock has some issus, In early version,about 6.0.2,Kermen can not EVA by Airlock

In this Version(6.0.3),It can go out but so difficult to return the Airlock.

I have a solution looks not so cool but useful like this.I install a new airlock mod to replace the fountion of CSS Airlock.

Also,I hope author can fix Airlock EVA and docking port issus quickly!!!!






Can you give me a link to that airlock, please?

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Is there any guys could creat this mod?

IUS deploy position.


I just use MagicSmokeIndustries & steel beam to build a primitive position and runs not so good.



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  Sampa said:
Can you give me a link to that airlock, please?


Also,I creat a version for ISS.I can't find any Airlock on ISS Quest Mod,Also,It can use this mod to "Solution".........

And If you want to install this on ISS Quest, you have to edit cfg file of Quest to creat a new node to attach is fix mod.

Edited by DonaldUnderwood
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  DonaldUnderwood said:


Also,I creat a version for ISS.I can find any Airlock on ISS Quest Mod,Also,It can use this mod to "Solution".........

And If you want to install this on ISS Quest, you have to edit cfg file of Quest to creat a new node to attach is fix mod.

How do I create a new node?

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  olitk00 said:
any tips on rendevouz with the shuttle?

Option 1: Direct Rendezvous with target (that is, launching and then rendezvous within the same circularization burn)

Option 2: Use the straight OMS thrusters rather than the left and right angled ones (also, you may need to adjust the RCS thruster strength and RCS fuel amount)

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You know how I said I was planning to build the ISS in RSS via shuttle?


It has begun!!!!

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  DonaldUnderwood said:
OK.Though I still want to the tail of columbia !!!

About Bug

maybe Cargo bay door cfg have a display bug

like this,It makes display close door when opening the door......


Also,could you help me to solve name mark on cargo bay door mirror issus?

Pls. Wait, we'll fix it in the Cargo bay, just now I am busy with more complex tasks, make sure everything will be fixed.

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  Sampa said:
Option 1: Direct Rendezvous with target (that is, launching and then rendezvous within the same circularization burn)

Option 2: Use the straight OMS thrusters rather than the left and right angled ones (also, you may need to adjust the RCS thruster strength and RCS fuel amount)

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You know how I said I was planning to build the ISS in RSS via shuttle?


It has begun!!!!

do you have a thread were you upload updates?

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Any news on when the new patch is supposed to be released? I've found the current version to be highly unstable during reentry. Even with emptying fuel and being as light as possible, the shuttle flips out of control no matter what I try. I even tried adding several SAS' but that didn't help. I tried keeping about 200 mono for controlling the craft but it still loses control around the 20k mark.

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  flightmanmicah said:
Any news on when the new patch is supposed to be released? I've found the current version to be highly unstable during reentry. Even with emptying fuel and being as light as possible, the shuttle flips out of control no matter what I try. I even tried adding several SAS' but that didn't help. I tried keeping about 200 mono for controlling the craft but it still loses control around the 20k mark.

I think,patch is still far.

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  Sampa said:
ok, not intending to sound like I am complaining or impatient, but...any ideas on when the next version of the CSS will be ready? At least a tentative time?

Please be patient, if everything be able to (I have no doubt this), the new version will differ from the previous ones, a lot of work on the new version.

Edited by DECQ
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Ok, I just thought I'd ask if there was a tentative release date, with how busy I am at this point, I don't really have time to even use the shuttle. Just a suggestion, you may want to also give a thought to prepare the CSS flight characteristics for the new stock physics in 1.0 (though I'm sure that is already on all your minds)

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Dragon continues working on the CSS and his other mods, he will just not be on the forums any more. He's working together with DECQ to get the current shuttle improved (and working), while we are waiting for Jozvins complete shuttle remake, which takes much time. To get you informed, I'll post the Downloads and Changelogs here which I receive from Dragon01. Don't ask why he got banned,nobody knows, and it's forbidden anyway to discuss staff decisions. ;)

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Oh, thanks for the reply!

It's great to know that he hasn't abandoned the project and it's still active, although a bit sad that he's no longer on the forums. It's also great that the CSS is getting some love again! :D

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