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Modding Team Wanted!


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I am looking for a good team.

My Idea: Resource Mod, with LOTS of resources.

I'm also open to ideas, so please share.


Nobody yet :)



3D Modelers

Texture Artists


To join, just speak up.

Also, I would like your Skype name if you have Skype.

Edited by AU$TIN
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I am looking for a reliable team-one that will be committed.

What makes you special? Do you have any skills? You say you have nobody. Is this an attempt to be in charge of something? If you have an idea for a mod, request it and maybe someone will do it. Otherwise make that awesome box mod you've always dreamed of. Maybe one day a sphere...

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The thing is, if you want to make a mod out of an idea that you have, you have to do some work yourself. You can't expect other people to do all the work for you and have you take credit for it. I suggest looking at some tutorials learning how to do this yourself. :)

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Learn modding yourself, at least .cfg editing. Start with testing and configuring stuff for someone else, then cooperate with him. Then find plugin authors who are already kind of doing the functionality both of you need, and pester them to add what you need. :) You can also do ModuleManager files for bringing your favorite mods to support your favorite part packs. Once you know that, start looking for a modeler willing to take up a config/testing guy.

Also, you definitely don't need a sound engineer. Custom sounds are extras that you might do later on. Modeling, texturing and rigging are usually done by a single person, too (this produces the best results). Teams around here are very small, usually 2-3 people plus a few testers.

In general, "idea guys" and self-appointed managers never get any traction in a modding community. You need to bring something into the project.

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you are not going to be able to lead a group of modders if you are not one of them. at this point you dont even have an idea, and you want people to work for you, for free, so that you can massage your ego into believing that you accomplished something after letting others do all the work.

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I'm always open to helping someone out, but it has to be for something amazingly awesome. Something that makes me thing, "Awww ****, I wish I thought of that, daaaamn working on that would be so amazing!"

But you havent revealed anything about your idea.

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If you can demonstrate your idea, and it is a reasonable idea, people on the forum will help.

I would suggest creating simple 3d models to get your project off the ground. If its a good enough idea, who knows what might happen!

Here is a link to my first project that grew into a team of 3 to produce a reasonably popular KSP rover mod.


Don't be put off, go for it!

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What makes you special? Do you have any skills? You say you have nobody. Is this an attempt to be in charge of something? If you have an idea for a mod, request it and maybe someone will do it. Otherwise make that awesome box mod you've always dreamed of. Maybe one day a sphere...

I'm not "Special", I just want help.

I'm quite good with editing/writing .cfg files

No, this is not an attempt to be in charge of anything. if that was the reason, then i wouldn't have posted this thread.

And even if I can just get someone to help me learn a bit more about making mods, this thread wouldn't be here anymore.

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But you want to lead a team of modders? Not sure if serious. Start with tutorials, and look up how to do what you want to do.

That "OK, I guess I'm not very good at making mods" was meant to be a joke. If I couldn't make mods, I would just request mods.

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Learning is a huge part of the fun. We will help, but you have to do most of the work. No one is going to hold your hand for you, it's up to you to step up.

It is overwhelming when you start and know nothing about how things work, but that is where everyone here started.

Start simple, small, make a box and import it into the game if your looking to model. Read all the tutorials, ALL of them.


After that start a new add-on development thread and post your progress for what ever you want. You will get more help than you could ask for at that point.

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I agree frizzank . Learning how to do stuff like this is a lot of fun, at least I had a lot of fun doing it. Even if I don't make mods I still learned a lot with Blender and Unity because I am working on a game. If you want to start making mods start small, don't start with a giant mod that doesn't exist anywhere for example like the clouds mod, planetfactory, and multiplayer. Those mods were the first mods to add that. Start with a small part mod and work up from there. If you want people to work for you, you have to do your part too. You can't just be the idea guy. :)

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Learning is a huge part of the fun. We will help, but you have to do most of the work. No one is going to hold your hand for you, it's up to you to step up.

It is overwhelming when you start and know nothing about how things work, but that is where everyone here started.

Start simple, small, make a box and import it into the game if your looking to model. Read all the tutorials, ALL of them.


After that start a new add-on development thread and post your progress for what ever you want. You will get more help than you could ask for at that point.

uhm I kinda want to start my own mod too (just a parts pack full of random stuff that i think would be funny to have or what i think the game should have) but unity isn't on linux :/ is there any other modeling software out there?

also i'm no artist i mainly steal stuff from the internet for textures (see the Cargo bags and tanks mod by AlbertVDS (i think that's it) i did my own version of em with textures from other people :P)

if you could help me out (since you did FASA and those awesome launch towers) i'd really find it helpful ^.^ thanks.

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Unity isn't really for making the 3d models, more for setting them up in a way that KSP can load properly

You might be able to get a copy of the Unity 4 Linux desktop publishing preview?

For the modelling itself though, I know there is a GNU/Linux version of Blender

oh fudge cakes on titties.... i dislike using blender but if i must, i must.... now Mr. Bond, will it be shaken? or stirred? -drops you into a blender (sorry for the pun)- MUHAHAHAHAHAA!

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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