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The Mun Base that hasn't made it....Yet!

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Here is where I am on heavy lifting, keep in mind that this is early stages of career mode without many parts available. I've spent very little time in the sandbox because I like the challenges and designing. I also have many screen shots on Steam, I am using the same user name castille7

Part Count: 1067

Total Mass at the Launch Pad: 1431.44t

Edited by castille7
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Less boosters! :sticktongue: Nice work though :)

How much does it weigh? The Munshine rockets by Wayfare, Giggleplex777, and Gojira have a launcher that can lift 165 metric tons I believe. Link below. :)


WHAT?? LESS BOOSTERS?? How about MOAR boosters!!!

Moar boosters= More Dv in orbit... And jebediah approved

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Dude, you definetly need some revising of your munar program!

Suppose, you've managed to get that thing into LKO, around 100 km. How do you target it towards the Mun? TEH WOBBLE

Ok, suppose you've got it to the Mun orbit. How you'll land it? Could be hard.

Would you kindly share a craft file? I'm interested to look deeper into the structure

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Sometimes bigger is better! Keep up the effort!

In your first post your up 48 km and still going straight up. Hope that's your normal ascent trajectory :wink:

no this is not my norm but I have done a straight shot with one of these launchers then put a small station into orbit

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Dude, you definetly need some revising of your munar program!

Suppose, you've managed to get that thing into LKO, around 100 km. How do you target it towards the Mun? TEH WOBBLE

Ok, suppose you've got it to the Mun orbit. How you'll land it? Could be hard.

Would you kindly share a craft file? I'm interested to look deeper into the structure

Overjay, I am getting into this rocketry head first and wide open! Still new at this stuff, I would need some coaching on how to share this craft file. As soon as I get a chance I will research it and get it to you, and yes wobble and a few other things...lol I've seen myself shutting down and activating engines to steer these, sometimes making loops at 100m...lol. I was able to control the wobble by reducing my throttle.

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Wow.. Well, I definatly have to ride that thing! :)

Go to your KSP folder, find there "saves". There you'll see folders, named same as your savegames. Proceed deeper

Then, you'll see two folders. VAB is for rockets, SPH is for planes 'n stuff. Search in the VAB for needed ship, and share it! :)

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Wow.. Well, I definatly have to ride that thing! :)

Go to your KSP folder, find there "saves". There you'll see folders, named same as your savegames. Proceed deeper

Then, you'll see two folders. VAB is for rockets, SPH is for planes 'n stuff. Search in the VAB for needed ship, and share it! :)

I have the file, how do I share it? Do I need a file sharing app or can it be done on here?

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I revised the Munar Lander and launcher, still tweaking this thing, not even sure if I will be able to land it as is. Stay tuned for future postings my goal is to land at least the largest core of this Mun Base, it may get down sized as the challenge continues!

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After staging off a few tanks we're still looking good except on the fuel and my course setting, not sure how much Nuclear Engines will help when I do get to that point but for now I may have a chance to land on the Mun this mission.

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This morning before leaving for work I was plotting a course for the Mun and only had the landing fuel tanks and engines left with still a ways to go! To Be Continued.....

I do apologize for getting off the subject of Craft Exchange, I will post the outcome next and keep this kind of stuff on the correct Thread Topic....KSP Fan Works

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Here's the craft file and remember this is a long mission and very slow craft, you will achieve orbit with very little fuel left, there are no action groups setup or fueling setups, still a bunch of fun. The booster can be manually decoupled without the course being affected. I launch it and get a few things done around the house and come back to check on it to give you an idea how long and slow this journey is. Have fun!

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