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What is your 'Specialty' in KSP?


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I am good at CSM's. I now use them for orbital construction tugs in addition to normal uses. I have recently used the to build a interplanetary ship on orbit with some very unbalanced parts. That and launch escape systems.

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I don't know what my specialty IS, but I think I could list out what it ISN'T.

Things I am NOT good at:

  • SSTO planes
  • Planes
  • Small rockets
  • small lifters
  • Big lifters
  • Effecient rockets
  • enormous fps-lag inducing rockets
  • rovers
  • landing softly on things
  • landing at KSC
  • keeping kerbals safe
  • playing without quicksave
  • effecient interplanetary transfers
  • interplanetary transfers
  • gravity assists
  • planning ahead
  • remembering to put parachutes on things
  • remembering to put landing legs on things
  • remembering to put solar panels on things
  • making things look pretty
  • remembering to put Kerbals in things before you launch
  • remembering to fix staging before you launch

.... god, I LOVE THIS GAME :)

Edited by mellojoe
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I want to specialize in multiple deployments (like having 10 probes on the same launch, stuff like that). But unfortunately, there isn't really a reason to do this atm. And I often want to do it on manned launches because I hate loosing kerbals, and I cant rewind when I do this (also, it sucks to tweak a small part of your design, and then find out that you only brought along one kerbal, because it resets them after you revert to space center, after having spend half an hour on it.

This game really needs more non-manned functionality

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Building good-looking, reusable launch vehicles, often inspired by either the falcon family or skylon. Another thing is forgetting to put solar panels on and/or extending them on my unmanned vehicles. Also landing crashing hundreds of km away from the place I want to land.

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I am a specialist in the rare art formed called FAT FINGERS. If there is wrong key to be pressed next to the one I need to press I will press that wrong key. If there is a key that will send my mission into a death spiral near a key that make my mission an outstanding success. I will press the death spiral key,

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I do a bit of everything these days, but the main overarching theme on all of my designs is sheer utility and functionality for the payload. Probably a side-effect of my logistics background, as well as my vested interest in engineering.

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Nice! That's a respectable delivery system.

Yeah, it's actually very stable! Was able to deliver full orange tanks to a refuelling station in a 200 km orbit. The robotic tug was supposed to be able to return to Kerbin and land intact, but the parachutes ended up ripping it apart.

But I'm tickled by the fact that the launcher uses flying buttresses to keep the payload stable.

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I mainly specialize in what I call carrier spacecraft. A spacecraft that can split up to smaller craft to accomplish a lot of different missions in one launch. An example is a craft with a main thruster body ( aprox 4000∆v), 2 micro probes ( 2500∆v but only 1 tone), and a glider (0∆dv). I send this to duna and I can set up a kethane scanner or communication aray depending on the mods I use. Other craft can send a handful of one way rovers to the mun. The down side of this method is that these craft tend to be rather heavy ( the one I described was a whopping 36 tones), and making one carrier is usually like design 4 or 5 individual spacecraft then glueing them together. Its hard but a lot of fun.

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General purpose spaceplanes. You know, SSTO's, VTOL's, multistage runway craft, carriers, light duty to heavy duty lifters. In my .21 save, I had a not-quite-space-shuttle that could lug a full orange tank plus docking ports and probe core into Kerbin Orbit, circularized at 200km. Haven't needed it lately, but I've done it.

I also like building planes that are flyable in IVA view. Yes, boring old atmospheric planes.

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