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Show off your military ships


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After doing a few search on the forums, I found no thread dedicated to military crafts, so I made this thread for anything you make that is to be used for war. After all, those other nations will want to shoot down your rockets to set you back, won\'t they?

If you are using any mods, please mention them in the post with your rocket military vehicles.

generally, good things for each category:


Would need a high maneuverability (because god knows what those other nations will try to launch at it).

High speeds should be easily reached.


A way of ensuring \'presents\' arrive at their location.

Try to make accurate missiles (i.e. they\'ll go to where you fire them).

You get bonus points for being able to land the fighter. without it blowing up.

The lower it can fly, the better.


Don\'t need as high a maneuverability as fighters, but still could do with a decent amount, to avoid those SAMs.

Need to have a large number of bombs, as a bomber with one bomb would be fairly bad (unless the bomb is a cluster bomb, in which case, knock yourself out)

Be able to reach fairly high speeds, but doesn\'t need to be as fast as a fighter (it won\'t get involved in dogfights as much as a fighter will)

If it can reach space and drop bombs from orbit, you will have created a fairly damned leathal thing, and it shouldn\'t get shot down by those damned competitors.

Again, landing the bomber without casualties is a plus.

Missiles: (split into several categories)


Able to travel a long distance to reach it\'s target

High speeds

Maneuverability doesn\'t need to be high

Needs to be accurate (wouldn\'t want that warhead going off in that neigbour\'s country. Or would you?)


same as ICBM, but must be able to scatter as well

Medium ranged missiles:

High speeds

Medium manueverability

Able to hit the ground with even more precision than an ICBM

Able to rapidly go from horizontal to vertical to hit a target

Short ranged:

High speeds

High maneuverability

Able to hit the ground with SUPER HIGH precision

able to go incredibly rapidly from horizontal to vertical.


Uber high speed

Uber high maneauverability

Hard to lose control of (if you miss that jet, there is a problem)

Doesn\'t need to be able to travel too far

preferably small.

post your pics, a save, and the mods you are using (preferably with a link, not necessary) and tell us what type of spacecraft military vehicle it is.

Feel free to add your own suggestions for classes, and try to avoid using \'cheat\' parts so you can go 5000000m/s and never run out of fuel


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Eight engines. Four guns. Sixteen rounds. 8)

And that\'s NOTHING compared to Tim_Barrett\'s huge battlecruisers \'n\' stuff.

*senses something epic*

linky. please.

or I may have to creat something IRL to launch at your house.

now, where do yoou live...

fuck it, I can just blow up the earth.

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Why are you making your warships so large?

They make for easy targets, and if just one fuel tank explodes, their done for.

I prefer small and agile interceptors:


You won\'t see it till it\'s too late...

Ah but would your crew survive a trip to another planet? I think that\'s the main reasoning behind large ships.

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Then I\'ll use several high speed drop-ships.

I was expecting you to say \'I\'ll use high speed missiles\' there.

anyway, I\'\'m working on a ship using C7 experimental parts and the other C7 parts pack.

wait, someone needs to mod in droppods so we can launch a ground force onto the planet\'s surface. they\'d need a high impact tolerance and heat tolerance...

I wish I could model now :(

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Guest Flixxbeatz

There\'s a video on the way for that eight-engined beast in the attachments. That\'s not a tank, that\'s a bomb. 8)

Oh, and I actually specialize in strategics, not head-ons. :)

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Why are you making your warships so large?

They make for easy targets, and if just one fuel tank explodes, their done for.

I prefer small and agile interceptors:


You won\'t see it till it\'s too late...

The way KSP as the game works, yes one fuel tank explodes and there goes the rest, but if you take the physics of real life, the fuel tanks are very unlikely to explode as you wouldn\'t keep the oxygen and fuel together, they would be separate and then joined for burning, this means that only really a missile would cause the whole thing to blow up, but a large ship would likely have enough Anti aircraft type guns that would fire at incoming missiles from a distance causing premature detonation. So when looking at a design in KSP, think about the concepts of it taking damage, not what it does in the game.

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