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[1.12.5] KerbTrack v1.6 Head tracking using your webcam, TrackIR, opentrack, joystick (2024-07-08)


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Ok guys, got this working in .23.5. The install goes like any other, installed to gamedata that is. In order for it to work, however, you need to place the freetrackclient.dll into the root ksp directory. This file is included with freetrack, but I cannot say what the situation with faceTrackNoIr is. Honestly though, building yourself a freetrack setup, or even springing for a TrackIr setup is the better option by such a wide margin, at least as things are now.

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For those of you saying you're going to FreeTrack: DON'T

FaceTrack has other trackers in it that are for tracking leds, the one it uses is called PointTracker , it is a fork of FreeTrack as FreeTrack has not been updated in years. It also has more configuration options for smoothing and such. The single biggest thing it does is calibrate the tracker offset, i.e. the offset from the reference led to the center of your head. This alone took me forever to do in FreeTrack, and I couldn't even get it to work in-game. It also outputs to games that only use TrackIR, as well as ones that support FreeTrack.

TL;DR: FreeTrack sucks, use PointTracker integrated into FaceTrackNoIR instead.

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For those of you saying you're going to FreeTrack: DON'T

FaceTrack has other trackers in it that are for tracking leds, the one it uses is called PointTracker , it is a fork of FreeTrack as FreeTrack has not been updated in years. It also has more configuration options for smoothing and such. The single biggest thing it does is calibrate the tracker offset, i.e. the offset from the reference led to the center of your head. This alone took me forever to do in FreeTrack, and I couldn't even get it to work in-game. It also outputs to games that only use TrackIR, as well as ones that support FreeTrack.

TL;DR: FreeTrack sucks, use PointTracker integrated into FaceTrackNoIR instead.

As expected. Switched back to FaceTrack after FreeTrack couldn't even detect my goddamn face. However, there's a bug in the mod where the thing will stutter back to a single position for 1 second in IVA.

Edited by FCISuperGuy
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Ok so I have TrackIR 4 hardware, I have the older version of Freetrack thats supports it, now what?

Calm down bud, 2 comments with the same meaning!

First of all, download the mod and paste to the GameData folder.

Go to the FreeTrack folder and search for the "FreeTrackClient.dll" file. Copy and paste it into the KSP folder, and JUST the KSP folder (NOT the GameData Folder).

The plugin should work now, but just.

If you want to clean up the performance, go to GameData/KerbTrack/Plugins/PluginData/settings.cfg and edit the files. You can test with a ship on the launchpad and switching back to KSC main view to reload settings to your satisfaction.

Edited by FCISuperGuy
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Nogo. Running Freetrack first? I never see that the freetrack camera window sees my trackclip. My only dropdown menu item is the demo video.

Moved over TIRviews.dll too.

Edited by UAL002
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For those of you saying you're going to FreeTrack: DON'T

FaceTrack has other trackers in it that are for tracking leds, the one it uses is called PointTracker , it is a fork of FreeTrack as FreeTrack has not been updated in years. It also has more configuration options for smoothing and such. The single biggest thing it does is calibrate the tracker offset, i.e. the offset from the reference led to the center of your head. This alone took me forever to do in FreeTrack, and I couldn't even get it to work in-game. It also outputs to games that only use TrackIR, as well as ones that support FreeTrack.

TL;DR: FreeTrack sucks, use PointTracker integrated into FaceTrackNoIR instead.

freetrack is stable software, it doesnt need to be updated. it also is really good if properly configured and with a well designed set of markers. the freetrack forum has pages of information about building your tracking rigs. if you want something that can work out of the box with no effort, then it is not for you. but it is pretty damn versatile when you know what you are doing. its also the only option i know of that works with wiimotes and trackir cameras that i know about. it is however nice to have other options.

Nogo. Running Freetrack first? I never see that the freetrack camera window sees my trackclip. My only dropdown menu item is the demo video.

Moved over TIRviews.dll too.

you need the optitrack sdk. you can get everything from here:


Edited by Nuke
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Would you consider hosting the code on github? I'd love to contribute, mostly to get linuxtrack or opentrack support in for linux/osx users and github is the easiest way to do that.

it looks like opentrack can emulate the freetrack interface. so you can use that to open up a lot of other interfaces that wouldn't otherwise be supported.

the downside is that it doesnt support freetrack api on linux. which really doesnt make sense. the source for the freetrack dll is available here (its freakin' pascal), im surprised nobody ported it to linux. seriously it only exports like 4 functions. might be possible to build a wrapper to convert linuxtrack calls to freetrack calls on linux.

Edited by Nuke
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After downloading and playing with both, linuxtrack is definitely the way to go. It's just so much more mature, the options for setup, configuration and testing are so much better than opentrack.

After trying headtracking in xplane the result was vommit inducing, so I'm not sure how interested I'll be in working on it though. Could have just been my dodgy piloting skills, anyone would be sick the way I was flying. Helicopters are hard!

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me = blown away

smooth AND amazing. I guess I still need to get the hang of it, my motions are nowhere near as smooth as the ones in the video. But nevertheless, it's a phenomenal plugin.

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After downloading and playing with both, linuxtrack is definitely the way to go. It's just so much more mature, the options for setup, configuration and testing are so much better than opentrack.

After trying headtracking in xplane the result was vommit inducing, so I'm not sure how interested I'll be in working on it though. Could have just been my dodgy piloting skills, anyone would be sick the way I was flying. Helicopters are hard!

you could probibly support both libraries, conditionally using one or the other based on your platform. the data they output are pretty much the same, though linuxtrack has a few other functions to export.

it would be nice if we could support all tracking devices on all platforms, but no unified multiplatform head tracking library exists. for example linuxtrack doesnt look like it supports inertial trackers. ftnoir and opentrack, don't support trackir cameras, freetrack does albeit kind of unofficially, but it is the most cumbersome to setup and quite well aged. i suppose its possible to support all the interfaces (except, ironically, naturalpoint's), having some kind of autodetect. the freetrack protocol does seem to hit most of the bases though, except for linux/osx. so two protocols is probibly enough.

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