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[1.12.5] KerbTrack v1.6 Head tracking using your webcam, TrackIR, opentrack, joystick (2024-07-08)


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It works like a charm now!

I don't want to annoy you, but is it possible to make it save the settings?

Because every time I load a vessel the Tracking in external and map view gets activated again.

Right, it can remember custom rotation limits and speed, but doesn't remember that I only want head tracking in the cockpit, nowhere else.

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It works like a charm now!

I don't want to annoy you, but is it possible to make it save the settings?

Because every time I load a vessel the Tracking in external and map view gets activated again.

Right, it can remember custom rotation limits and speed, but doesn't remember that I only want head tracking in the cockpit, nowhere else.

Thanks. I see what I've forgotten to do now. I'll have a new release later today.

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Hello pizzaoverhead. I sent you a pull request because this ...

Hi. I finally tried this mod with my FTNoIR Pointtracker setup. Works fairly well. It was a lot of fun to fly my planes like that.

I found one problem though: The camera sometimes assumes a wrong orientation for just a frame or so. It happens in irregular intervals i think and i'm not sure what the cause of the problem is. The tracking was not disrupted, judging from what i could see in the FTNoIR window. I'll check it with other games later on.

... has never been resolved for me. So i hacked the most simple workaround i could think of.

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It works like a charm now!

I don't want to annoy you, but is it possible to make it save the settings?

Because every time I load a vessel the Tracking in external and map view gets activated again.

Right, it can remember custom rotation limits and speed, but doesn't remember that I only want head tracking in the cockpit, nowhere else.

Fixed. New build available here.

Hello pizzaoverhead. I sent you a pull request because this ...

... has never been resolved for me. So i hacked the most simple workaround i could think of.

The issue is due to the tracker interface returning zeros if you read it more than once before it has the next reading available. I'd forgotten this was an issue. I'd like to make a more robust method of dealing with it. Leave it with me, I'll see what I can come up with.

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This mod works great for me! However, it doesn't seem to work with KerbQuake, that camera shake mod.... I have KerbQuake installed along side KerbTrack but KerbQuake only seems to properly shake the camera when the head tracking is disabled... Does anyone know a fix for this? The mod author said camera shake was a planned feature but its crossed out because KerbQuake is supposed to do the same thing, but it doesn't work when head tracking is enabled in game. Has anyone gotten these two mods to work in unison? It would pretty much be the greatest thing ever if we could have dynamic camera shake along side head tracking in IVA.

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This mod works great for me! However, it doesn't seem to work with KerbQuake, that camera shake mod.... I have KerbQuake installed along side KerbTrack but KerbQuake only seems to properly shake the camera when the head tracking is disabled... Does anyone know a fix for this? The mod author said camera shake was a planned feature but its crossed out because KerbQuake is supposed to do the same thing, but it doesn't work when head tracking is enabled in game. Has anyone gotten these two mods to work in unison? It would pretty much be the greatest thing ever if we could have dynamic camera shake along side head tracking in IVA.

This is what I'm waiting for. It would be the holy grail of KSP for me! :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
This mod works great for me! However, it doesn't seem to work with KerbQuake, that camera shake mod.... I have KerbQuake installed along side KerbTrack but KerbQuake only seems to properly shake the camera when the head tracking is disabled... Does anyone know a fix for this? The mod author said camera shake was a planned feature but its crossed out because KerbQuake is supposed to do the same thing, but it doesn't work when head tracking is enabled in game. Has anyone gotten these two mods to work in unison? It would pretty much be the greatest thing ever if we could have dynamic camera shake along side head tracking in IVA.

Seconding this - the two mods seem to vie for control of the camera, but KerbTrack wins out. I suspect it could be due to the design of KerbQuake - being to actually shake the camera around rather than to simply apply an effect. Of course, I'm no computer scientist, or even that fluent in these things; I'm a social scientist. Unlike our forums' own Mihara, my research isn't based in virtual realms. I'm woefully unqualified to speak here.

Can confirm that KerbQuake and KerbTrack aren't speaking to each other on a friendly basis, though. Can provide a log (here: http://www./download/294x7z9bbd7jdqo/output_log.txt ) if needed, though I'm not fully certain of what use it'll be at this point.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 1 month later...

About being able to use this with linuxtrack, it comes with a tool called ltr_pipe which allows LT to emulate a joystick device at /dev/uinput. In games such as ETS2 and flightgear this works brilliantly.

Am wondering if you could just create a generic class to take input from the detected virtual joystick (probably need a way of selecting it first) then read the relevant axis with the Directinput method. The most important being X and Y. The others would be nice, but I'm sure I speak for all linux users, being able to just look around is the most important thing.

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About being able to use this with linuxtrack, it comes with a tool called ltr_pipe which allows LT to emulate a joystick device at /dev/uinput. In games such as ETS2 and flightgear this works brilliantly.

Am wondering if you could just create a generic class to take input from the detected virtual joystick (probably need a way of selecting it first) then read the relevant axis with the Directinput method. The most important being X and Y. The others would be nice, but I'm sure I speak for all linux users, being able to just look around is the most important thing.

That sounds worth checking out. Thanks!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been playing kerbal for a couple of years now and I've been using this mod since it came out. I class it as one of my core essentials. I've not felt the need to register on the forums until now because at the moment I'm not able to use your mod.

I want to start out by saying that I'm not an ubuntu user. For all my gaming and work I use windows, but I've had so many problems with the 64 bit version and now that squad have said they're not going to continue developing it, I've started looking into using ubuntu to play the 64 bit KSP. I like mods and the problem I have with the 32 bit version is that I can't use all the mods I want to.

The ubuntu version lets me just keep on adding mods but I'm kind of torn now because I can either have all the mods and no head tracking, or head tracking and only some of the mods. Even using active texture management I end up grashing kerbal.

This is the first time I've ever advocated someone develop for something other than windows but I would love to be able to use this mod AND have all my mods.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, I'm trying to get this on my DK2 using TriDef 3D. The headtracking seems to work in the external view, but it motionless in the IVA view. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

Many thanks

Edit: If I press escape, I can see all of the x,y,z co-ords and they all respond perfectly to the movement of the rift, but it is not translated into any IVA motion. I have enabled and disabled with Scroll lock to no avail.

I am dying to use the Rift IVA in KSP. Any help would be most appreciated


Edited by RealTimeShepherd
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Hi, I'm trying to get this on my DK2 using TriDef 3D. The headtracking seems to work in the external view, but it motionless in the IVA view. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

Many thanks

Edit: If I press escape, I can see all of the x,y,z co-ords and they all respond perfectly to the movement of the rift, but it is not translated into any IVA motion. I have enabled and disabled with Scroll lock to no avail.

I am dying to use the Rift IVA in KSP. Any help would be most appreciated


Make sure that you aren't using any other mods which affect IVA camera position such as KerbQuake. Check the game log for any exceptions, or make it available here via pastebin, dropbox or similar so that I can check it.

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Many thanks!

I've shot a quick video of the head tracking working in the external view and not in the IVA view. I press escape in IVA so you can see the x,y,z values changing, but the only motion is the roll axis.

KSP.log is here, it contains a large number of entries that read:

EntryPointNotFoundException: wrapper_get_quat_rotation

OVRTracker.GetQuatData (UnityEngine.Quaternion& res)

KerbTrack.Update ()

output_log.txt is here, it contains a large number of entries that read:

EntryPointNotFoundException: wrapper_get_quat_rotation

at (wrapper managed-to-native) OVRTracker:wrapper_get_quat_rotation (intptr)

at OVRTracker.GetQuatData (UnityEngine.Quaternion& res) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbTrack.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

I have a fresh KSP install for troubleshooting purposes and the only mod installed is KerbTrack. I'm using Vireio for the Rift display warping.

All help gratefully received :D

(My dream is to fly to the moon 100% IVA in the Rift)

Edited by RealTimeShepherd
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  • 3 weeks later...

Can someone explain to me the point of head tracking? It doesn't make sense to me to have to turn your head away from the screen to make the view move.

The only way this can be enjoyable imo is if it could track your eyeball instead of your head.

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