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[Collection] Kosmos Spacecraft Design Bureau (SSPP 4.1 6/12/12)


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it goes goes command pod->parachute (there are 2 hard points it goes on top of the pod on the lower of the 2) then the small decoupler goes above it followed by the rcs fueld and the panel like rcs jet things then the lil fuel thing and ergency gets that go on top and finally a sas/ASAS on top or a mechjeb (i\'ll post a image soon)

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We\'ll get some uploaded later tonight. Until then, here\'s how it works- The parachute goes on the capsule first. There are two nodes very close together, zoom in if you have to. The parachute goes on the slightly lower node. You\'ll know you have it right if you can place the 0.5m decoupler on the other node. Above the decoupler, place the RCS fuel tank. Select the RCS panel, and switch to 4x symmetry. Place the panel on the node on the right and it should allow you to place all four panels on flush with the RCS tank. Then place the fuel tank for the return engine on top of the RCS tank. Select the return engine and follow the same steps as the RCS panel, but this time on the nodes above the return fuel tank. Finally, you place either SAS and ASAS on top of the fuel tank, or you place MechJeb.

Hope that helps.

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One thing. I tend to stage 4 return/escape rockets with the bottom decoupler. This both improves the chance of successful escape and makes deorbiting more automated.

Plus it looks cool.

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It would be nice to make the main engine of KVTK non-gimballed and to add control engines - RCS blocks with small RCS tanks. But unfortunately in that case RCS on the spacecraft will work too, at the same time.


The smallest should be named ????. And maybe it would be better to make the biggest 1.75m in diameter in the upper part and not so tall and to name it ????-?7?

Also please rename Bropyaga (i guess the word “brodyaga†is meant) to something more suitable for the name of the Russian spacecraft part :D The common abbreviation PAO will be appropriate. But this, of course, is not important :)

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After doing a bit of research into the matter, I can see that the name 'Bropyaga' was a mistake. Cardboard told me that this was a translation for the term runabout, or 'small vehicle.' According to Google, it is a misspelling of the word Brodyaga, which has less desirable connotations, among them 'tramp' and 'hobo.' Cardboard, you\'re fired. =P

I suggested the name Drotik during development, which Google says is the translation of 'Javelin,' which I felt was appropriate, as it is an object thrown a great distance. I thought the most appropriate use for the vehicle would be circum-munar flight, although I have done landings with it.

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Are you going to make a shroud for the KVTK? Also, I think that the Angara pack could use a retro-rocket for deorbiting spent upper stages.

It\'d also be great if you made a payload adapted and a shroud. Sarkun made a plugin which could be used to remove drag from a shrouded payload, so maybe you could ask him about it.

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  CardBoardBoxProcessor said:

as for renaming and resizing the KVTK.. nope. why would I?

Because of this picture from the site of GKNPTs (Khrunichev Space Center). I am sure you have seen it:


From left to right first three upper stages:

???? - KVSK, “oxygen-hydrogen, middle classâ€;

???? - KVTK, “oxygen-hydrogen, heavy class†- basic version;

????-?7 - KVTK-A7, “oxygen-hydrogen, heavy class, for Angara-7â€.

Or your bigger KVTK - is it the same case as with your shorter URM and taller URM-2? If so, then all is OK. Anyway, i really like your models from this pack and I will play with them, no matter what they look like and are called 8)

  Normak said:

After doing a bit of research into the matter, I can see that the name 'Bropyaga' was a mistake...

I suggested the name Drotik during development, which Google says is the translation of 'Javelin,' which I felt was appropriate, as it is an object thrown a great distance. I thought the most appropriate use for the vehicle would be circum-munar flight, although I have done landings with it.

If you want to give such a name as if it came up with Russian, you should consult with someone who speaks Russian and is familiar with the Russian space program. With me, for example ;P Drotik is a good choice, I think, especially considering your arguments.

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IDk hobo is sort of a funny name :) and hobos do travel.

as for the KVTK. I realized their are different sized versions. however they don\'t really fit the size. Once docking comes out i might just make a bigger fancier version as you request but currently No renaming. I like things to all be the same and come in pairs and triplets and such :) i am OCD a tad bit.

also, as far as tank sizes are concerned it is set to run RP-1/LOX instead of LH2 :)

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  CardBoardBoxProcessor said:

Once docking comes out i might just make a bigger fancier version as you request

As for me, the 1.5m upper stages will be enough for me :)


I like things to all be the same and come in pairs and triplets and such :)

And what do you think? In this situation it is very good, because one can expect more parts from you, than at first might think :D

Look at this cool engine configuration:


Maybe some additional engine mounts, so to be able to manage without legs?

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This pack is absolutely fantastic! built a 2 stage satilite rocket, worked about 2-3 times better than expected...on the first try. That\'s right... No exploding on launchpad no falling apart...I think this is the first time that a mission has ever gone so well. My kerbonauts praise your superior manufacturing skills. :D

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