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[Collection] Kosmos Spacecraft Design Bureau (SSPP 4.1 6/12/12)


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I also would, if I could. Currently it\'s impossible, due to problems with using PayPal and paying in dollars.

I live in Eastern Europe, which unfortunately isn\'t the easiest place to send money from. Not to mention the stupid government that caused the local currency to drop in value.

Nevermind, turns out my mother had a working PayPal account with dollars. :)

I\'m currently downloading KSP 0.14.

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Something\'s wonky, every time I try to launch something with one of the expandable panels I get the spinning beach ball of death (mac equivalent of a program lock up). Is the MuMech plugin you uploaded the plugin that enables the rotation and expansion of the solar panels or is there another plugin I\'m missing?

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I\'ve noticed a strange wobblyness on the VA\'s LES. Especially around the decoupler, which seemed like it was about to tear off during an abort.

Also, TKS retro engine flames look a bit strange, as they engulf the engine so it\'s in the middle of the effect.

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I\'ve noticed a strange wobblyness on the VA\'s LES. Especially around the decoupler, which seemed like it was about to tear off during an abort.

Also, TKS retro engine flames look a bit strange, as they engulf the engine so it\'s in the middle of the effect.

engine effects cannot be fixed. all I could possibly do it make them the stock rockets blue flames.

as for the VA thing. give me a sec I will update the hot fix.

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hot fix was updated. I thank you for testing :D


re added radiator function to radiators.

made upper decoupler weight a bit more. having such small weight made control tower bend very easily. (physics work like gmod apparently)

changed pod rotational power some more.

changed VA rcs thruster forces to adjust for weight fixes.

changed thin inverter weights to stop the weight low weight = drooping problem.

made RD-0440 trust vectoring and changed weight made it very unwhiledy in space.

low res texture pack once uploaded.


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Downloaded a fresh copy of KSP, as my old one wouldn\'t update. Figured I\'d get fresh copies of all the mods I had, too. First orbital flight, and I\'ce never seen Angra before. God damn, it\'s beautiful. You\'re the best, man. All of you.

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The Angara radial decoupler seems to be rather weak to me, and also would it be possible to make it stick out a bit more? One of my boosters will consistently fall off as soon as physics start.

Also, some pictures of my new orbital Mun-base:





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oh that is a pretty station :D

as for the Angara Decoupler. I will turn the force up a bit for sure. as for them breaking off. you rally have to use strut connectors to connect the boosters to the core as well near the bottom or top because they are single tanks and weight quite a bit. weak connections have been a constant problem with phyX.

made a cute little fin for the system :D

also, I edited the fuel tanks to stock tank specifications but with the weight and fuel amount based of volume of interior tanks.


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Found a bug in the pack, the RD-440 is not supposed to be able to take normal fuel. I just made orbit with one using a single vanilla fuel tank. That is not intentional.


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