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[Collection] Kosmos Spacecraft Design Bureau (SSPP 4.1 6/12/12)


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opps got side tracked with mastodon http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1417259/sekertOOF/pics/SortofRigged.png

anyway here is Mir packages and ready to go :D you have to move the packaging decouplers stage down as i recall. But i left them on top so you remember to move them :D


Thanks bud for the up to date craft! 8)

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Parts will take a long time to load the first time the game boots after installation because the game has to create mesh files for each of the new parts. In past releases, these files were included, but were excluded from this release to decrease the size of the archives and to save space in my dropbox. Also, I have found that the parts that require the plugin (make sure that is in the plugins folder, if you\'ve forgotten) will tend to stall the game after initial instalation. Remove the solar panels, rendezvous engines, and other parts that require to plugin, boot the game all the way, then re-add those parts and try booting again. That\'s what fixed it for me.

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Thanks to response, Normak!

Yeah, i tried to load parts like nodes and inverters, but not all of them load without game freeze (0.75 node don\'t work for me).

Even since i loaded other parts, solar panels and other plugin-requred parts freezing game. MuMech plugin is updated properly.

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Hi and thanks for all the hard work and awesome mod,

I am having problems with the fuel tanks however, I wonder if you can tell me what\'s wrong. Specifically the Kosmos Expedition Cluster Fuel Tank (Short) won\'t seem to feed fuel to any engines. I\'ve tried radially mounted engines attached to it in the same stage, as well as standard lower mounted engines. When I try and launch off the pad (hit space) there\'s a big poof and a whole lot of nothing happens. Hit space again, and it pops my capsule off. I tried the exact same design with other tanks to make sure I wasn\'t crazy and they worked fine (using a simplified testbed as shown below).

/\ <- standard capsule (top stage)

== <- decoupler =

| | <- Kosmos Expedition Cluster Fuel Tank (Short) (bottom stage) (any other fuel tank works fine here)

/\ <- engine (bottom stage)

Any help or ideas? I\'m afraid I don\'t know enough about editing .cfg files to make heads or tails of it myself, but I have built ships that successfully made it all the way to the mun and back, so I\'m not a complete noob at this (I know how to make a launchable rocket).

Thanks again! :D

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Well that explains why it didn\'t work, thanks. :)

Is there any way to mod the tank so it will work as a normal tank? The vehicle I was planning to use the tank on makes extensive use of radially mounted engines (munar lander) and I wanted to use this tank as the main body of that lander because it\'s > 1m diameter but not too tall, but with plenty of fuel (so good balance between being short, wider footprint and fuel quantity). I\'m sure the NERVA engines are great and will explore them for other vehicles but not for what I need this tank for.

Thanks again! :D

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I made a Skylab, complete with RCS tank and thrusters for, well, thrusting. It has MechJeb on it so I can control it after my Apollo-ish command module has disconnected for de-orbit and landing. It has MJP solar panels on the Solar Telescope, and a pair of TKS panels for the deployed main panel. I put two radiators together to try and make something to look like the solar cover.


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It means it requires a plugin, which in turn required 0.14 or higher of KSP.

If you that version, then you probably forgot to put the DLL files into the Plugins folder; check the included instructions in the zip file of perhaps in this thread.

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Anybody has craft files of these rockets and stations, because I have trouble building them and finding all the parts because I have SO MANY parts that it\'s almost a puzle for me!

Anybody has the craft files, please?

Thanks in advance.

My best regards, Kodiak.

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