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[Collection] Kosmos Spacecraft Design Bureau (SSPP 4.1 6/12/12)


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Just a heads up, I may have fixed the broken axis on our docking nodes. If that\'s the case, expect that fix to be in SSPP 4.1.

Have the decoupler staging issues been/are being fixed? I messed around quickly last night and I remember that I still had to manually stage everything.

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Have the decoupler staging issues been/are being fixed? I messed around quickly last night and I remember that I still had to manually stage everything.

they work as well as stock parts do :/ not everything goes to the top of the ship :D


I am contemplating removing the various unanimated radiators. like kvant2 radiator and Spektr such. same with the RCS tanks. you figure that would save like 8 parts.

I need to know which style is the most popular to you all to keep. thanks.

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I need to know which style is the most popular to you all to keep.

If you\'re going to overhaul radiator and RSC tank with radiator, it seems to me that the best way is to make the surface of the radiators (both individual and on the tank) smooth, without ridges; that is it is not necessary to choose two parts just in the form as they are now - it is better to make them even simpler. If you then add the correct normal maps, the radiators will look almost like the real ones. But still I think in addition it is worth to keep TKS RCS tank.

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I must say, I cant really bring myself to launch without using at least some parts from these packs. thumbs up guys!

thanks :D

If you\'re going to overhaul radiator and RSC tank with radiator, it seems to me that the best way is to make the surface of the radiators (both individual and on the tank) smooth, without ridges; that is it is not necessary to choose two parts just in the form as they are now - it is better to make them even simpler. If you then add the correct normal maps, the radiators will look almost like the real ones. But still I think in addition it is worth to keep TKS RCS tank.

that is the plan. But I plan for only one :)

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please talk to the plugin maker not us :P I am not a programmer :(

Not sure it is a plugin problem. If I put the mesh and cfg from older version, and it works!

In new version, MuMech cannot be found among available parts.


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SSPP 4.1 update has been released. The new lockdown and RCS thrusters are in there and the docking nodes should be fixed. We\'ve also done some other stealth bug fixes since the thing was released, so if you downloaded 4.0 on day one you\'ll get a few other changes as well.

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So, is it possible to have the folding solar panels actually re-charge something, or are they just for looks? I keep having this crazy idea of adding folding solar panels to a battery, which then powers an engine... but from what I can tell, not one pack or plug-in has combined all three. Folding solar panels that charge a battery, which powers engine. Or at least has done so in a way that uses multiple packs and plug-ins, and the steps for implementing are straightforward and repeatable.

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So, is it possible to have the folding solar panels actually re-charge something, or are they just for looks? I keep having this crazy idea of adding folding solar panels to a battery, which then powers an engine... but from what I can tell, not one pack or plug-in has combined all three. Folding solar panels that charge a battery, which powers engine. Or at least has done so in a way that uses multiple packs and plug-ins, and the steps for implementing are straightforward and repeatable.

please refer to the second post of this thread. maraz made something that does this using KOSMOS parts.

also, Kreuzung is making something that gives panels a purpose.

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please refer to the second post of this thread. maraz made something that does this using KOSMOS parts.

also, Kreuzung is making something that gives panels a purpose.

I have looked at the second post of this thread. Which directs me to another thread. That then directs me to two other threads. Which then references various plug-ins. I spent an entire Saturday trying to get through all the nonsense and still never achieved getting a foldable solar panel that recharged a battery which powered an engine.

If anyone, save the folks who actually developed one of the 27 different mods that it seems to take to get such functionality, is able to create a working space craft that has folding solar panels that charge a battery which powers an engine, and post that craft within the next 24 hours, I\'ll eat my hat. However, as each time one tries to actually put together a craft by following all the 'see page 2' instructions at every until they eventually realize it\'s all just going in one great big circle to nowhere, I\'m not too worried about losing my hat.

'Go left one block, then go two blocks and make another left, then go one block and make another left, and then go two blocks and make a left... and then you\'ll have folding solar panels that charge a battery which powers an engine. Trust me... :D'

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