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[Collection] Kosmos Spacecraft Design Bureau (SSPP 4.1 6/12/12)


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the possibilities with this mod are endless!




the above being my rendition of the Icarus munbase, sadly on my first landing one of the landing legs snapped off.

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It\'s certainly not to scale. \'.1\' is quite large. I\'ve done some in-game guess work and I\'ve figured that the area of the TKS panel is slightly larger than double the area of the stock Zoxygene panel, so I\'m using .048 as my value for that one. i\'m thinking of posting this question up in general discussion to see if anyone has actually done the math and has appropriate values. Ill post again here if I find an answer.

I meant the big accordion panel. I forgot to specify that that\'s the only panel I\'ve changed.

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everything in that pack works for you?

I downloaded it and half the parts are unusable as I am apparently using the 'wrong version of the game'

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Guys I\'m having trouble determining which of the Kosmos panels is the one for Z02. I downloaded the ZO2 pack and can find everything but the correct panels.

I don\'t know if there are any panels included that generate ZO2, but I\'ve changed one of the panels so that it does. Do you want the .cfg file? It\'s for the long accordion panel.

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// --- general parameters ---
name = Kosmos_Common_XLong_Panel
module = ZO2pwr_PowerTech
author = Kosmos Team

// --- asset parameters ---
mesh = model.mu

// --- node definitions ---
// definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y,

node_attach = -0.0433247631, 0, 0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0
node_stack_panelmount = 0.0, 0, 0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0

//sound_servomotor.wav = extend, retract

// --- editor parameters ---
cost = 240
category = 3
subcategory = 0
title = Kosmos Solar Panel (Extra Long)
manufacturer = Kosmos Spacecraft Design Bureau
description = This super long accordian-style solar panel is desiged to be portable, so that an EVA may relocate it to another section of the station if need be.

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach,

attachRules = 1,1,0,0,0

// --- standard part parameters ---
mass = 0.1
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 2
minimum_drag = 0.2
angularDrag = 2
crashTolerance = 12
maxTemp = 2900

// --- PoweTech panels --------

FoldAnimationName = Extend
FoldDefState = 0
rotRoot1 = Kosmos_Xlong_Panel/Object02
doubleSidedPanels = false
panelInitRot = 0

//ejectionForce = 10
phase1 = 1
phase2 = 80
//panelRotateRate = 2
//maxTorque, Kp, Kd (float) - attitude control gyroscope parameters (equivalent to SAS module\'s)
NightGlide = true

MaxZO2Gain = 0.1

Copy that over the part.cfg file in /Kosmos_Common_XLong_Panel/ (I think that\'s the one...)

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By the way, I have a really hard time with balancing spacestations. Im not sure exactially what is unbalancing the stations but it gets really annoying with possible troubleshooting. I think that it might be the solar panels or that I am just making some laterally large stations with lots of gizmos on the sides of them. I do use symmetry but that only goes so far with placing solar panels on the sides of laterally placed pieces. I would attach a .craft file of what I have but the unbalancing bothered me so much that I got mad and deleted all my station files. I even had a station/base thing for landing on the Mun based off of the below video on youtube using the parts in the Station Pack V4.

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here is my ??????-1-II ?unar base!, comes complete with 2 habitable modules, 8 solar panels, a communications suite with two dishes to communicate with the Zond-1, and a parabolic to communicate with Kerbin.


I am planning on making a larger version of this base(??????-2) but I would like for it to have working Zoxygen systems that blend in with its overall exterior design patterns.

Now, the best parts mod for such a thing would of course be the one posted on the first page. Unfortunately 90% of the parts in that mod are not working, they show up in the editor as a bluish-grey and say 'this part is not available for this version of the game' or something like that

It would be great if someone could help me out, because those parts are imperative for the next Mun base

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