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Kerbol system existing?


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Not necessarily. If quantum mechanical uncertainty is not fundamentally true, then not everything imaginable need be physically possible. There might be no initial state for a region of space that could lead to the Kerbol system.

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Your post makes no sense. A "universe" matching the Kerbol system?

or you could consider that the OP probably meant that there must be a universe containing the Kerbol system. it's not that far of a step up intellectually from nitpicking about syntax

indeed OP, if space is infinite and quantum mechanical uncertainty is true, then it's possible. here's hoping on the latter

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Cantab is right. Just imagine a line, which contains infinite points. The line however doesn't contain all points from the space in its vicinity. So the line has infinite points, but not every points. I just wanted to say that infinity doesn't always mean "everything". There may be infinite types of solar systems in the universe, but they may exclude the "Kerbol System-like" system.

Perfect english is perfect. :D

Edited by jmiki8
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I think there was a news factoid hanging around the forums for some time that astronomers have discovered a solar system 1 AU in size (roughly the size of Kerbol solar system).

But not sure if it was true or not.

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I think there was a news factoid hanging around the forums for some time that astronomers have discovered a solar system 1 AU in size (roughly the size of Kerbol solar system).

But not sure if it was true or not.

Entirely possible, even with a star which actually makes sense, unlike Kerbol.

Anyway, I'll just point out that there is a system very similar to the home of Kerbals. If you look out of your window on a sunny day you'll see the star at the centre of it :P

As for anything identical to KSP's system existing (scaled up), there's no reason why it can't exist. It's just extremely unlikely that we'd ever find it.

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I guess there could be, thinking of all the stars out there with potential planetary systems. Its quite likely for there to be something similar, although I'm not sure there will be little green creatures with their own space program! :D

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Anyway, I'll just point out that there is a system very similar to the home of Kerbals. If you look out of your window on a sunny day you'll see the star at the centre of it :P

I just wish Venus actually looked like Eve. :sticktongue:

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