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How close have you gotten to a true Saturn V replica?


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This video shows how close I've gotten.

This was in Career mode, and I don't have 5 Meter yet, so I did use liquid boosters rather than inline staging on the bottom end, but all up, I think it was pretty close.

Do you have something closer? I'm curious what people have come up with to recreate this design in KSP?

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That's a v nice Apollo style design you got there.

Last July for the 44th anniversary of Apollo 11, quite a lot of us did replica missions.

This is the one I made;

I broke some of the accuracy of the mission, I had a rover for 1 and I did the rotate-and-dock maneuver once at Muns SOI, but that was just so I could send all debris to hit Mun. I also landed in a rather small pond on my return!

The lander and orbital module are mostly stock (aside from the rover and fairings), the LV uses KW tanks wrapped in custom made fairings (made in nnifongs fairing factory) so it looked like one tank. I also built a pure stock version but the mod one was better looking (pics of both styles at the very end of the vid).

More pics and craft downloads here

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  katateochi said:
That's a v nice Apollo style design you got there.

Last July for the 44th anniversary of Apollo 11, quite a lot of us did replica missions.

This is the one I made;

I broke some of the accuracy of the mission, I had a rover for 1 and I did the rotate-and-dock maneuver once at Muns SOI, but that was just so I could send all debris to hit Mun. I also landed in a rather small pond on my return!

The lander and orbital module are mostly stock (aside from the rover and fairings), the LV uses KW tanks wrapped in custom made fairings (made in nnifongs fairing factory) so it looked like one tank. I also built a pure stock version but the mod one was better looking (pics of both styles at the very end of the vid).

More pics and craft downloads here

That was a great vid, thanks for sharing!

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I did my attempt at Apollo launches not so long ago with my "Ceti Alpha II" ship, stock along with Ioncross Crew Support, RemoteTech 2, and MechJeb (the design goes too tight on fuel Budget, I can't fly the whole mission manually, but MechJeb can xD ) It does have a weird shape around the lander, I know XD

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Edited by Demon_82
I remembered how to use "IMGUR" tags xD
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I am working on a Saturn V right now, all stock. I am waiting for the ARM update because explosions aren't as cool anymore. I had the 3rd stage working, plus the command modual and lander, but the 3rd stage kept blowing up and blah blah blah. I can post some pictures later if you want but right now it is nothing to special.

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  Brotoro said:
The rocket for my Apollo-style mission is not meant to be close to a Saturn V in appearance… only in operation (link in signature).

Yeah, thats kinda what I meant... I was surprised with Antikris's perfect model up above... I wonder if it flies as nice as it looks!

Mine in the original post I compromised having it look the same so that I could make it fly well. I'm really very happy without how that worked out, but it really did leave a cloud of debris in orbit, and my rule for my career game is that if its on an orbit that never comes below 70km, then too bad, its debris you gotta try not to hit. And believe me, there have been some close calls!

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Mine is also meant to be similar in operation but not appearance. 5 mainsails, followed by 5 skippers, followed by 1 skipper for ascent through injection:

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I also made a challenge thread a long time ago (prior to forum apocalypse) where people had to match the stages of the Saturn 5 in weight and thrust. It got pretty ridiculous, since you need 22.6 mainsails to match 5 F-1s

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Not mine, but someone had to post an RSS Saturn V:

  Woopert said:
Thanks Nathan!

Oh, and Saturn V update. Switched out the FASA S-IVB tank with a custom sized Stretchy Tank. The FASA tank is properly sized usually (in standard size KSP), but with RSS it was rescaled to be full scale. I.e., I believe the S-IVB in FASA is usually 3.75 m, but in RSS it has all been sized to exact full scale, throwing off the fairings and such.

So this resulted in the fairing having some space underneath, which made the tank too long. I've compromised and adjusted for that extra space and also measured the J-2 mount to give a size to the new tank that scales it approximately to the real S-IVB (as close as possible). Pic below :) Oh, and SLS F-1B Pyrios boosters revisions on the way. They've actually been made already, just need to get around to posting the new downloads and pics!


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This is my best stock Saturn V replica. It's a teeny tiny Apollo mission!

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I'm working on a version with full fairings, as you can see here:

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I'm also trying to put RCS on the LEM to make docking with the CSM easier, but even the smallest RCS tank adds a lot of mass, so it throws off my delta V budget for getting back to Munar orbit.

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Real Solar System and Realism Overhaul plus all the associated mods, I accurately sized all the tanks based off of dimensions available online (accounting for engine size as well). Pretty cool, huh? :)

Thread and download here! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/72862-Woopert-s-RSS-Replicas-SLS-Blocks-I-and-II-Saturn-V

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  zarakon said:
Mine is also meant to be similar in operation but not appearance. 5 mainsails, followed by 5 skippers, followed by 1 skipper for ascent through injection:

I also made a challenge thread a long time ago (prior to forum apocalypse) where people had to match the stages of the Saturn 5 in weight and thrust. It got pretty ridiculous, since you need 22.6 mainsails to match 5 F-1s

I can't wait to see the Saturn V replicas we get after ARM comes out. It will only take 13.34 of the new KR-2L engines to match the Saturn V's thrust. :)

  Redrobin said:
Closest thing I got. It only takes a one kerbal CSM and the LEM is butt ugly.

Also, INB4 Mullbin.

It's not ugly! Also, you might be able to fit a 3 kerbal pod on top if you make your S-IVB stage wider.

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Here`s mine. I`ve used stretchy tanks, realchutes and procedural fairings. The lander is stock.

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As far as replicating the flight profile of a saturn launch in stock (not RSS) KSP goes I think I am pretty much there. Engines are in stacks of 5,5 and 1 with powers of 7500, 1060 (needed an LT45 for Gimbal) and 215. The lander has a TWR of 0.3 (2 on Mun) and the ascent stage the same. The first stage is separated from the second by 8 retros on the first stage and 4 ullage on the second, with the correct thrust powers, the escape tower has a cover for the capsule which is ejected just after staging. At 40km the interstage is dropped as a ring (with a little hidden seperatron to make it spin right) the next staging has two retros on stage 2 and two on the S-IVB. The S-IVb has another pair of ullage for just before the TMB (Trans Munar Burn) The S-IVbB is controllable after staging to allow for direction into Mun for seismic tests and should have about 25Dv left for this purpose. The only thing I am missing is the powered fairing from the S_IVb that stays attached after opening.

This is the Apollo flight profile


And this is mine taken using telemachus


Some people say that all mod craft are overpowered by the simple fact they are modded. This sort of blanket statement simply is not true and I see it as a symptom of a growing problem in KSP.

The power of my craft is finely tuned so that it flies as close to the real thing as you can get without changing physics in KSP.

Edited by John FX
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  GusTurbo said:
I can't wait to see the Saturn V replicas we get after ARM comes out. It will only take 13.34 of the new KR-2L engines to match the Saturn V's thrust. :)

They will indeed eliminate a lot of the excess parts for the replicas. With the new parts we could make the S-IVB but still no S-II or S-IC.

Another thing to point out, I wish the tanks were either 4.2 meters or 4.125 meters. 4.125 would be more logical as it "fits in" more with the other sizes, as it's a multiple of 1/8. The reason being for that is a S-IVB stage is 4.125 meters proportional to the Mk1-2 pod; 4.2 is proportional to the SLS core stage (and STS external tank). But since they're so close, it would make sense to use the 4.125.

I know all the part mods use 3.75 m (KW Rocketry, NovaPunch, Lack SXT), but it really doesn't make much sense other than being in line with the 1.25 m increment used for the other parts.

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I had a go at replicating the Saturn V for last year's moon landing anniversary challenges.

Mine was sort of half way between function and looks, it has flaws in both.

The launch can be seen in the album I made of my Apollo reenactment.

Includes pre 0.22 'science experiments'

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