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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club


Should carriers go first or by standard order  

6 members have voted

  1. 1. Should carriers go first or by standard order

    • Standard order
    • First

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Here, I used Temeraire for this one, which has more fire-power but is weaker than Victory. I attacked the bow with a single salvo of twelve I-Beams which destroyed the weapons and damage the tentacle things. The module survived this time but the ship was useless without it's armament.

The wraith after the hit.


The Temeraire and an SRB.


Holy S**** I knew the Wraith was tough, but a salvo of TWELVE I-beams?!

I'm going to upgrade the weaponry.... Maybe I'll add some HEAT cannons to the bow....

Actually the ship isn't useless because it can still ram... Remember what happened to the Redoubtable?


Hrmm... I wonder waht would happen when my HEAT missiles glitch.... (Explosive propulsion + 2 layers of sepratrons)

The universe would probably explode.

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Funny, because we had to go through and replace every engine and decoupler in all of our crafts, because of a similar glitch making them not appear in staging and looking derpy in editor. :sealed:

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Holy S**** I knew the Wraith was tough, but a salvo of TWELVE I-beams?!

I'm going to upgrade the weaponry.... Maybe I'll add some HEAT cannons to the bow....

Actually the ship isn't useless because it can still ram... Remember what happened to the Redoubtable?


Hrmm... I wonder waht would happen when my HEAT missiles glitch.... (Explosive propulsion + 2 layers of sepratrons)

The universe would probably explode.

Many of the I-beams missed, the main reason I fired twelve was because the two craft were coming together rather fast and therefore firing twelve gave me a larger chance of hitting the craft.

Also remember that in a battle when you can ram, I can ram too. Victory weighs 200 tons so a ship like that won't do much to stop it. :wink:

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Kerbin, Max altitude 100,000m

Whoever wants to play takes first turn

10 crafts

no tonnage/price cap

K-drive allowed

Will play anybody, we're still getting the hang of this :D

Thank for giving me the first move.


SNSS Nightmare powers up and engages the nearest Scout Sniper.






Looks like it can still fire.

Your move.

Edited by iamonfire
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DL link seems broken

(it's a .jpg)

Edited by Darthzeus
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I wasn't expecting some sort of, Spanish inquisition!

In loud, high pitched voice: Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition!

Uh... it was actually a reference to the popular simulated reality game ingress... but whatever floats your boat...?

There is a faction called the enlightened, working for a man named Roland Jarvis. Team colour is green.

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Uh... it was actually a reference to the popular simulated reality game ingress... but whatever floats your boat...?

There is a faction called the enlightened, working for a man named Roland Jarvis. Team colour is green.


I have an Ingressor-class Destroyer.

The ships of that series so far are the the Klue and ADA.

Guess which team I root for. :P

Also, I'll have the rebooted battle with daemon put up tomorrow.

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I have an Ingressor-class Destroyer.

The ships of that series so far are the the Klue and ADA.

Guess which team I root for. :P

Also, I'll have the rebooted battle with daemon put up tomorrow.

Saw that, the enlightenment crafts may have been a jab at your choice in team colours :sticktongue:

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