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kmp: april fools prank for my friend?

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what does he like doing in KSP, (if he likes landers then make a lander deploying lander) or (if he likes stations then make a station made of mini stations), a recursive loop, it'l troll him. :)

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Switch his station from a prograde direction to retrograde. It will look identical at a glance in map view, but when he tries to rendezvous, he'll find he needs ~4000 m/s of delta-v to rendezvous :P
That is cruel but hilarious.
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Switch his station from a prograde direction to retrograde. It will look identical at a glance in map view, but when he tries to rendezvous, he'll find he needs ~4000 m/s of delta-v to rendezvous :P

I second this! That would be hilarious. And probably slightly confusing to him.

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Switch his station from a prograde direction to retrograde. It will look identical at a glance in map view, but when he tries to rendezvous, he'll find he needs ~4000 m/s of delta-v to rendezvous :P

Thats great :D

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If you can't muster up the delta-V to switch his station around, just move it and set it to debris (assuming that setting propagates to all players). Then when he asks, say you deorbited it because it was in the way of your (insert craft here).

If you have KAS and he has Kerballed ships, go and stick something on the hatch of one of his ships so his kerbals can't get out.

Edit: One more. Construct a ship that features the words "April Fools" written on it somehow. (In structural panels, say). Give it a name and put it in an orbit that makes it look like an asteroid. Tell your friend you got the ARM pack early and he should go check out the asteroid you've tracked.

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Make a backup of their save(and their ship) and hide it somewhere.

Then,corrupt their save and their craft and tell them that you tried to recover a space station after you accidentally crashed on it when docking.

Ask them, with a candid voice, if they had any problems with your edits.

Ok, maybe it's a little cruel.

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Switch his station from a prograde direction to retrograde. It will look identical at a glance in map view, but when he tries to rendezvous, he'll find he needs ~4000 m/s of delta-v to rendezvous :P

I third this Idea! Not only is it an awesome prank (That is easy to accomplish) but also easy to reverse (Unlike some of the others)

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I have never played multiplayer but here goes.

Make a "ship" with alot of hitchhiker storage units and launch it, EVA all the kerbals around the launchpad. Repeat till you have a great big crowd of kerbals wandering around.

Hacking gravity might help you.

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I also support the orbit switch for his station.

If he's on a career save and you don't mind cheating, take a vessel with a bunch of science equipment onboard to places he hasn't been yet, and then put it into a very low retrograde solar orbit. Well, I suppose you don't NEED to cheat to get it done, but with the time frame you have, it'd be more practical that way.

Can you even cheat on KMP?

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Idea #1: Put up a station entirely enclosing his and then dock it at one point to save it from timewarp.

Idea #2: Land his station fully intact on top of his Duna Lander (which is no longer going to be fully intact at that point).

Idea #3: Put his station where his Duna Lander belongs, his Duna Lander where his Moho Lander belongs, and his Moho Lander where his Station belongs.

Idea #4: Put an ion engine on the station with plenty of Xenon. have it constantly be engaged and set it to have all inputs (including, say, SAS, RCS, Stage, brakes, lights, etc) to engage it and make it drift. Alternatively, do the same with a mainsail and 7 orange tanks.

Idea #5: Take all Kerbals on his station hostage by putting them in an inescapable vessel nearby. Then, if his station has the capacity to maneuver on its own, drain the power into another craft, break off all RTGs and close or block all solar panels.

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