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The Grand 0.23.5 Discussion Thread


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I can't download the patch from my Account Page at KerbalSpaceProgram.com

Getting the error:

Warning: session_start(): The session id is too long or contains illegal characters, valid characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and '-,' in /host/www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/htdocs/lib/config.php on line 9

Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /host/www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/htdocs/lib/config.php:9) in /host/www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/htdocs/lib/config.php on line 9

Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /host/www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/htdocs/lib/config.php:9) in /host/www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/htdocs/lib/config.php on line 9

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /host/www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/htdocs/lib/config.php:9) in /host/www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/htdocs/lib/multiplayDwn.php on line 11
Invalid Token


Actually it seems that no download is working at the moment.

Edit 2

Works again.

Edited by nuclearping
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Maybe it's because of the new joint physics thingy wibble of Unity?


I'm gonna test KSP in a moment and see how it is for me.

no it's not that, the performance increase for me was in-flight as well as using the camera at the space center, where the joint physics wouldn't matter.

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Because their impact tolerance tends to be higher than terminal velocity (Wut? :huh:) you can actually just land asteroids on Kerbin safely. They awkwardly roll around and look silly. I suppose somebody who's better at aerobraking is going to turn this into a "who can hit the landing pad on the VAB with an asteroid challenge" but I'm not up to that. In any event, I suggest everyone try this. It's good for the soul!

Challenge accepted !

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So... so what you guys are telling me, is, when I finally get the memory for my new computer... which will be moderately more powerful than the old one... I'll be able to... hold on

drool on keyboarad

#EDIT: Shipper now tells me I'll have my memory within two business days. Soon. Maybe.

Edited by Whackjob
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I used to be able to launch the game and then ALT+TAB out of it so I can do other stuff while it's loading. The new version doesn't seem to permit background loading anymore. Given that it takes about 3-4 minutes to completely load KSP + mods, this would be a useful thing to bring back.

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So... so what you guys are telling me, is, when I finally get the memory for my new computer... which will be moderately more powerful than the old one... I'll be able to... hold on

drool on keyboarad

#EDIT: Shipper now tells me I'll have my memory within two business days. Soon. Maybe.

Your memory speed is going to matter pretty little, the difference in the price of RAM between average + 'good' is well better spent on a CPU/GPU.

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I used to be able to launch the game and then ALT+TAB out of it so I can do other stuff while it's loading. The new version doesn't seem to permit background loading anymore. Given that it takes about 3-4 minutes to completely load KSP + mods, this would be a useful thing to bring back.

Can you report this issue to our bugtracker? See this topic for more information: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/3610-Bug-Reporting-Guidelines-Bug-Tracker

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I intend to use the claw to make reusable spacecraft easier than before, when I had to use docking ports on both ends. Now all I need to do is ram the capsule with the grapple hook, then fly back to KSC. Before I needed to dock the two, which doesn't bode well with physics (as of .23.0 pre-ARM; I'm downloading the ARM patch now)

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Your memory speed is going to matter pretty little, the difference in the price of RAM between average + 'good' is well better spent on a CPU/GPU.

He probably means that he's waiting on the Memory to be delivered, and the entire PC is going to be more powerful than the last one, which is always good!

Welcome back (soon) Whackjob! I'm looking forward to 1000 parts stations where 50% of the parts are roids! :D

Although drooling on your electric keyboard may not be the best idea if you want to actually use it for any length of time... :)

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Your memory speed is going to matter pretty little, the difference in the price of RAM between average + 'good' is well better spent on a CPU/GPU.

I'm going from a 2.53 Ghz clock to a 3.9 Ghz clock if I decide I want to overclock it. If not, I'll still be at 3.3Ghz, I believe. Still a good upgrade :)

Welcome back (soon) Whackjob! I'm looking forward to 1000 parts stations where 50% of the parts are roids! :D

Although drooling on your electric keyboard may not be the best idea if you want to actually use it for any length of time... :)

Office keyboard with plastic safety film on it. It is drool compatible.

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just caught my first asteroid and put it in a stable orbit, crew returned safely..

boys those things have a lot of mass.

I also did a fuel transfer between 2 vehicles with the claw.....

except they were attached by a Kerbal I stuck in the middle :P

Just loving the new framerate :D

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I also did a fuel transfer between 2 vehicles with the claw.....

except they were attached by a Kerbal I stuck in the middle :P

Wait, what? Are Kerbals cross-feed capable and we've just yet to have a dockable part with them to prove it?

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So, I just went into the tracking station and noticed that I have an asteroid in orbit around Kerbin. I haven't gotten anywhere close to any of the asteroids in my game, let alone do anything to them. Secondly, as I was just about to note how close it got to the Mun, ANOTHER asteroid orbit all of a sudden appeared.

Is this supposed to happen?

EDIT: Nevermind, I just clicked on the orbits, and it turns out that when you click on them, then you can see that it's an escaping trajectory. Weird bug though.

I've had a couple bring themselves into orbit around Kerbin. One immediately left, but the other seems to have a stable orbit. I haven't guided either.

I have a hunch the ( ? ) ones are handled like debris, and don't get drawn into orbits, but ones you're tracking can then get sucked into orbit. It perhaps may be wise to not track asteroids you don't plan on attending.

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Hello! I've been playing KSP a few weeks but I'm new to the forum here. Unfortunately, I'm having zero luck with getting the ARM patch in place. I'm not entirely sure if this is the right place to post this, so apologies if I've erred. I run Linux Mint 16 (32 bit) with Xfce4 as the desktop, on an old refurbished Dell Optiplex 745 which has 4GB of RAM, but the original graphics card (I think; it's an AMD/ATI RVI 516 Radeon X1300/X1550 series Dell 'half-height' card, anyway). First of all, I tried simply letting the launcher patch my main install (which has a lot of mods, including Interstellar, KW Rocketry, KAS, Kethane and several others) and this caused the graphics settings to be reset, the science tree to be somewhat reste, and when I checked available parts, I could see the grabber. However - nothing else whatsoever of the upgrade was apaprent - no asteroids, no new functionality in the Mission control section.

So I then renamed that folder, and did a fresh install of the original zip file for 0.23, then asked the launcher to patch that. Nada. Then I thought to check the patch file and set its permissions to allow it to be executable - still nada. I'm scratching my head over what else I can sensibly do.. Can provide the logfiles if need be.

This evenings problems with the patch aside - (hey, it's alpha, and these things happen) - may I say what an excellent game KSP is! (and well done to all the modders, too!) I haven't had so much fun with a computer game for years! I'll refrain from gushing about bits and bobs I'd like to see in KSP in future here..

UPDATED: Just realised I can get the patch as a download from the Store. Doh! Will update with whether that does the trick for me. :-}

Final update: The downloaded version has done the trick. Oooh, pretty lights! And bigger 'splosions, erm rockets, oooh! I can see the asteroids now, too, yay! :-)

Edited by Esme
Problem fixed
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I have assembled an Asteroid Tracking Device (ATD.), and I hooked up to a Class B asteroid so that way I can keep tabs on where these Asteroids are even when I'm not tracking them. Sure it sounds like a lot of work, but I am doing it because I think it would be interesting to see what course the Asteroids take. I still can't quite figure out how to stop an Asteroid from hitting Kerbin, but I did figure out how to rendezvous with one passing by. So yep, that's my story, what do you guys plan to do with the Claw?

Geting one to miss is prety easy as long as you can figure out how to rendezvous while its still way out (aka in kerbol orbit not in kerbin SOI) If you can intercept it 50-60 days out a small nudge of a m/s or two in almost any direction will turn an impact into a miss.

Personaly I'm probably going to make a few stations around asteroids with the claw. And van that SS proves you are one sick and twisted banana. Keep up the good work.

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