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The Grand 0.23.5 Discussion Thread


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Stop tracking them and they'll just disappear. You don't have to track them in the first place.

(You could also play around with the save file. I believe there's a SCENARIO {...} block you can delete.)

Edited by FEichinger
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There are two types of asteroids, the unknown, untracked versions and the tracked versions. The tracked versions have lots of information associated with them and show up in you persistent file, so they won't go away. But the untracked ones are just temporary objects, if you wait long enough they will disappear.

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As I said, you don't have to track them in the first place - if you don't track them, they'll disappear on their own. You'll just get a handful of untracked objects around Kerbin, that constantly spawn and despawn..

I have 137 asteroids... and now he tells me...

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I've found something moar interesting, kerbin now does an orbit in a integral set of time (426d, each day 6h). Kerbal wiki states that Kerbin takes 9203545 seconds to do an orbit, but truth is it as today, it takes 9201600 seconds, witch is 1945 seconds faster or 32m 25s faster.

That's why my window tables were off time since the update.

It's almost certain that the rest of the planets are off also. And assuming all the plugin developers have taken kerbal wiki as factual, then pretty much all orbital calculations (that aren't done inside the game at least) are wrong.


pd. Still doing my research and by now I'm certain that every single planet have their orbit slightly modified, and I will say they indeed make the whole system smaller.

Edited by Iron4venger
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I've found something moar interesting, kerbin now does an orbit in a integral set of time (426d, each day 6h). Kerbal wiki states that Kerbin takes 9203545 seconds to do an orbit, but truth is it as today, it takes 9201600 seconds, witch is 1945 seconds faster or 32m 25s faster.

Wow, thanks for this. I am actually making use of Kerbin's year and solar day times, so this will cause some drift in my calculations. I'll have to adjust for these changes.

Edit: Kerbin was moved in a little from 13,599,840,256m to 13,338,240,256m.

Edited by DMagic
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I've found something moar interesting, kerbin now does an orbit in a integral set of time (426d, each day 6h). Kerbal wiki states that Kerbin takes 9203545 seconds to do an orbit, but truth is it as today, it takes 9201600 seconds, witch is 1945 seconds faster or 32m 25s faster.

That's why my window tables were off time since the update.

It's almost certain that the rest of the planets are off also. And assuming all the plugin developers have taken kerbal wiki as factual, then pretty much all orbital calculations (that aren't done inside the game at least) are wrong.


pd. Still doing my research and by now I'm certain that every single planet have their orbit slightly modified, and I will say they indeed make the whole system smaller.

Weird. In my game I have for my videos, I had planned a Moho->Kerbin transfer in 0.23. After upgrading to 0.23.5 I executed it and it was nearly flawless. I'm late in year 9 (Earth time) right now, so you'd think any differences in the orbits would have thrown my transfer off greatly.

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Moho spins so fast that theres a window for every planet like 8 days I think. I planned a travel frem Dres to Kerbin at around year 3, and my tables were wrong by 190 days. So that shows that not only kerbin was retouched but the entire system. :P

Wiki says that Jool Periap. is 65 334 882 253 m

But as you start anew fresh game, its already at 65 092 310 000 m which is way closer. (242.572.253 m closer btw). And I'm sure he goes even lower.

Edited by Iron4venger
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The change in orbital period is only 0.2 percent, I think there must be some other reason if you're having big launch window discrepancies and it's still early in the game clock. Possibly the change to using Kerbin time rather than Earth time by default.

Once I set my game to use Earth time, alexmoon's orbit window planner is working just fine, and this is in a save that I threw forward to Earth year 27.

Now if I went to something like year 2014, then the differences might get big enough to notice.

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I suppose it's not that weird to be lucky then, but it was one of the easiest transfers I'd ever planned. Just did what the plotter said and I was within a dV or two of an intercept. Usually I'm way off.

But anyway, this could hurt as I prefer doing things via these tools than just winging it in game. In the mean time, though, I can just go back to those diagrams I used to use that just showed rough angles and whatnot. It's not like I could ever do exactly what the transfer planner window told me anyway :)

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Once I set my game to use Earth time, alexmoon's orbit window planner is working just fine, and this is in a save that I threw forward to Earth year 27.

Just out of curiosity, did you time warp forward to this y27 or edit the persistence.cfg?

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Just out of curiosity, did you time warp forward to this y27 or edit the persistence.cfg?
The latter. I started the save, then immediately exited out. Deleted the asteroids that were there (because they'd be somewhere else in several years time, I expected), and changed the time to a random number somewhere between 1 and 100 kyears (in seconds obv).

The idea was to mix up the launch windows rather than having the same set you always get to start with.

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I'm enjoying the update so far, interesting addon to the game! Though It's still bugging me when we will finally see more Spacecraft/SSTO parts. The Rapier Engine so far was a good addition, though it's lacking important fuselage/wing sections in my opinion. Since this is a fantastic and complex part of the game, which still has huge potential! Always glad to see updates on this fantastic game, that is Kerbal Space Program.

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Wow!!! This is an epic update. My favorite part: They've fixed the explosions that always occurred with physical time acceleration! I just can't build a ship that will break with x4 physical acceleration!

Check out this ship. It has all of four struts, and it doesn't even get nervous with x4 time acceleration.

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