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Asteroid heading towards Kerbin!!!!

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panic mode GO!

so after minutes of floading my tracked objects i discover a C class asteroid is plummeting towards Kerbin with no periapsis!!

it atrives in about 62 days:


and guessing by the escape date:


i give it about 72 days to impact!

i know i like realism mods but this is too much realism!

ive never even pushed an out of fuel ship out of Kerbin orbit before, let alone an asteroid out of an impact trajectory!

atleast i have a fair bit of warning, but i have to train for this!

Im freaking out and dont know what to do :(

any ideas?

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I'm fairly certain they won't actually do anything if they hit. Since they're just ships, they'll get destroyed when they get to about 25 km into the atmosphere if they aren't loaded. Even then, they won't hurt Kerbin any. However, for roleplaying fun, you could try to deflect it just when it gets into Kerbin's SOI. You've got some time to prepare. 72 days is a lot of time if you aren't sending ships out of Kerbin's SOI.

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Launch a ship with tons of fuel, use the Claw, gently push it out of the way and then put it into a nice orbit around Kerbin. If you can dock you can capture a 'roid.

...ok, *****tons of dv needed, I've built a 15000 dev rocket before, I've docked massive ships together before, I've built massive ships, I have a high chance of overbuilding everything, my solution to most things is "moar boosters"...

I can do this, I can do this, I can do this,

Alright, the plan:

1: launch ship into Kerbin orbit.

2: use mainsail to rondevous with asteroid as quickly as possible, saving as much delta v as possible

3: switch to nukes, use craptons of RCS to orient asteroid and ship correctly and slowly push it away from impact, maybe a PE 500 kilometers up?

4: ensure that it at the bare minimum does NOT hit Kerbin.

5: if enough fuel is left, try and bring it into orbit.

Now all I need is a Whackjovian sized ship...


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ive attached to the asteroid...


its scary, seeing kerbin from here, and i thought even seeing kerbin as a dot from an asteroid was too close for comfort...

but now i have a problem...

i have like barely 2000 m/s of delta v left, am i going to be able to at the VERY BARE minimum prevent this asteroid which is bigger then most of my space stations (which are HUGE) from hitting Kerbin?

its kinda creepy, having the potential to destroy a large portion of a planet, almost like the worlds in the palm of your hands...

Edit: aww crap, I actually only have 1110 m/s of delta v!

Edited by Deadpangod3
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i have like barely 2000 m/s of delta v left, am i going to be able to at the VERY BARE minimum prevent this asteroid which is bigger then most of my space stations (which are HUGE) from hitting Kerbin?

its kinda creepy, having the potential to destroy a large portion of a planet, almost like the worlds in the palm of your hands..

How far are you from Kerbin, and how quickly is the asteroid approaching (you can probably get both from selecting Kerbin as a target)?

As a rule of thumb, to prevent a collision, you need to only change the asteroid's velocity by v_inc * r_K/d if you burn perpendicular to its orbit, where v_inc is the incoming velocity, r_K is Kerbin's radius (600 km), and d is the current distance. You want to add some margin to that, since it doesn't account for the effect of either the Sun's or Kerbin's gravity.

And don't forget, KSP asteroids are tiny. A 20-meter asteroid like the one you have could cause some local damage (the Chelyabinsk meteor was about that size), but it's certainly not going to end the world. And due to KSP's limited physics, this one won't even do that, it'll just hit the ground and roll to a stop. :P

Edited by Starstrider42
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How far are you from Kerbin, and how quickly is the asteroid approaching (you can probably get both from selecting Kerbin as a target)?

As a rule of thumb, to prevent a collision, you need to only change the asteroid's velocity by v_inc * r_K/d if you burn perpendicular to its orbit, where v_inc is the incoming velocity, r_K is Kerbin's radius (600 km), and d is the current distance. You want to add some margin to that, since it doesn't account for the effect of either the Sun's or Kerbin's gravity.

And don't forget, KSP asteroids are tiny. A 20-meter asteroid like the one you have could cause some local damage (the Chelyabinsk meteor was about that size), but it's certainly not going to end the world. And due to KSP's limited physics, this one won't even do that, it'll just hit the ground and roll to a stop. :P

... I somehow only used 12 m/s of dv to raise the periodic to about 500 km up, should I try pulling it into orbit?

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A song to rouse your courage!

Minds of Kerbin

Hark! I see a comet nearing!

Impact would be planet-clearing!

Dust grains in the sunbeams searing

glitter in the void.

Minds of Kerbin, stop your dreaming!

Can’t you see its surface gleaming?

See its gas plumes brightly streaming

to our planet dear!

Warnings from our headlines blaring

Science journals “Doom!†declaring

To designs of wit most daring

call your Kerbal minds!

Shall the voice of wailing

now be unavailing

you to rouse who never yet

in mission’s hour were failing?


This our answer: rockets soaring,

swiftly born by engines roaring!

Not in vain the voice imploring

calls on Kerbal minds!

Minds of Kerbin, on to glory!

See your banner famed in story

Wave these burning words before ye,

“Kerbals never yield!"

On the rock see cameras spying

Legs and wheels together lying

All around the robots flying

Shall save us from death

Nervous hearts in chests are pounding,

Countdown ‘till the push-burn sounding.

Now the LV-Ns astounding

Scream triumphant breath!.

See! It's shifting over!

Kiss no four-leaf clover:

Reason’s way has saved the day

And moved its orbit over!

Now the comet flees before us!

Joyous crowds are cheering for us!

'Round the world resounds the chorus:

"Kerbals win the field!"


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That one's going to be a lot harder. You need exactly the same delta-V you'd need to put any other ship into an orbit at that height (or, conversely, to get into a solar orbit from an orbit at that height). You might be able to do it with 1000 m/s, but you'd be cutting it close.

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That one's going to be a lot harder. You need exactly the same delta-V you'd need to put any other ship into an orbit at that height (or, conversely, to get into a solar orbit from an orbit at that height). You might be able to do it with 1000 m/s, but you'd be cutting it close.

I can't believe Im saying this, but is aerobraking a possibility?

Or do I have to attempt to get a tanker up there before it enters kerbins soi?

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The Chelyabinsk meteor was about 20 m in diameter, According to KSP Type E asteroids are about the same size at "no smaller than 18 m". All the Chelyabinsk meteor did was make several sonic booms and hurt a lot of people from falling glass. None of these Asteroids added in the update would cause much damage if they hit Kermin. No dinosaur killers the size of Gilly... So don't panic, I like the fact you can completely ignore the Asteroids in the game if you don't want to deal with them, Don't track them and the unknown objects disappear.

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  • 2 months later...

Class C would have the effect of the one that came in over Russia last year. You can intercept it in kerbin's SOI and slightly nudge it out of the way. A slight nudge and an aerobrake later and you got yourself the start of an asteroid spacestation.

A Class E would be a proper crater maker. I had one of those hit kerbin's south pole.

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... I somehow only used 12 m/s of dv to raise the periodic to about 500 km up, should I try pulling it into orbit?

Try to put Pe to 30 km, you are likely to do an aerobrake and get into orbit, if not do an small burn after you exit the atmosphere to get it to orbit, then raise Pe.

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