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Technically you don't even need parachutes, you can just crash them on Kerbin and they won't break/explode :)

How much impact tolerance do the asteroids have? On kerbin I guess they slow down to less than 200 m/s on kerbin anyway.

Thinking about hitting Mun or hitting with an impactor probe.

If unbreakable we might use a small one as Moho litobreaking device. hit Moho in 4 Km/s after impact decouple ship and land beside asteroid.

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Nice job. That's a very impressive monument to add to the KSC. I had a similar idea about the unmanned RCS clusters as well, though I wasn't up to trying to land the thing. I was going to go with orbital station keeping instead.

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If unbreakable we might use a small one as Moho litobreaking device. hit Moho in 4 Km/s after impact decouple ship and land beside asteroid.

That would probably destroy the ship attached to it. If not, there's something very weird about the physics of the Kerbal universe...aside from the weirdness we already know about, of course.

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That would probably destroy the ship attached to it. If not, there's something very weird about the physics of the Kerbal universe...aside from the weirdness we already know about, of course.

Like an plane with infiniteglide in atmosphere and kraken drive for deep space?

Wonder what happens if you use the kraken drive pushing an asteroid.

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Asteroids seem to float too. Either the asteroid is hollow or Kerbin's ocean is made of something that is as dense as mercury.

I think that it's more about icredible buoyancy of parts attached to asteroid, if you "unclaw" all probes it will drown like rock in the water.

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