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Universal Storage (For KSP 1.4.x) 13th March 2018

Paul Kingtiger

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  Paul Kingtiger said:
The way things are set up now the wedge structure acts as a radiator, this is to account for the fins on the outer, black section of of the casing. Having a radiator wedge would be a little more complex as you have to pipe the heat to it from wherever, which is not really well modeled in the game. You can set the thermal conductivity of a part, but there's no way (currently) to build a heat pipe to get heat directly to the radiator.

Possible kludge solution: have an alternate core part with extremely high conductivity, and call it a "quad/hex/octocore with heat pump" or something along those lines?

Also, because I don't think I've said it before: love the mod, consider it absolutely essential. Wonderful work. Your method of handling the Sabatier process (not including the electrolysis like Taranis Elsu did) has inspired me to embark on a project which has me slamming my head against my keyboard. And yes, that's my idea of praise. :D

Edited by Jackson Mackenzie
terminology derp
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hello you have a decoupler build pre ksp 1.0 . for 4 us module. I use this to cover the old headshield bow Capsule 1 but from version for 1.0 i found it not .is aware that part so late now comes, or must you the change. Example mysterygoo.

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  Prismatech said:
hello you have a decoupler build pre ksp 1.0 . for 4 us module. I use this to cover the old headshield bow Capsule 1 but from version for 1.0 i found it not .is aware that part so late now comes, or must you the change. Example mysterygoo.

We removed the decoupler as it didn't work in the way it was supposed to. I'm going add it back in as a separate optional download for those who do want to use it.

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  Paul Kingtiger said:
We removed the decoupler as it didn't work in the way it was supposed to. I'm going add it back in as a separate optional download for those who do want to use it.

You know, I think sumghai had something going in his SDHI Service Module that involved a decoupler that could only be fired via action group. Perhaps you could consult with him on that. Also now that attachment nodes sense orientation, these little buggers shouldnt be nearly as difficult to attach any more.

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  technerd89 said:
Also now that attachment nodes sense orientation, these little buggers shouldnt be nearly as difficult to attach any more.

hah yes

I copied over the part from one of my old versions because it looks cool as hell, but it's basically impossible for it to attach the right way on

Also are there any plans to add surface mounted universal storage parts for things like food and water? We already have one for oxygen but for the rest we have to use the giant inline attached parts which are generally hard or impossible to fit on things like landers or buggies without making them really oversized and imbalanced while having way more life support resources than you need

I mean I could just copy the food and water wedges and edit the CFGs to shrink them and make them surface mount somewhere in the center, but that would leave half of the wedge sticking out the back of whatever I mount it on, which would be a problem if I mount it somewhere like on the floor of a buggy under the seats or some other stuff

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Another piece of feedback to tweak for next time: some of your bulkheadProfiles could use attention. Lots of parts are listed as "srf" but aren't surface-attachable (the cores and wedges come to mind), and you might consider making a patch that sorts the hexacore into "size1p5" if Filter Extensions is installed. (size1p5, for 1.875 m parts, is one of several custom bulkhead profiles that I'm making icons and Filter Extension configs for.) Thanks!

Edited by Kerbas_ad_astra
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  Tripod27 said:
Also are there any plans to add surface mounted universal storage parts for things like food and water? We already have one for oxygen but for the rest we have to use the giant inline attached parts which are generally hard or impossible to fit on things like landers or buggies without making them really oversized and imbalanced while having way more life support resources than you need

Have you considered using the EVA-X backpack? It is also surface mountable, and it contains a balanced breakfast for all your life support needs.

It's provided by Universal Storage and is available once you research Advanced Exploration.

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  technerd89 said:
You know, I think sumghai had something going in his SDHI Service Module that involved a decoupler that could only be fired via action group. Perhaps you could consult with him on that. Also now that attachment nodes sense orientation, these little buggers shouldnt be nearly as difficult to attach any more.

Well I had a play around and it's still a bit of a fiddle to place and it's almost impossible to select the part once it's on the craft because the collision mesh is so small. What is needed is a new model which is thicker so easier to use.

- - - Updated - - -

  damerell said:
I notice a bit of a difficulty in the nuFAR/DRE world because US wedges stick out a bit beyond the edge of heatshields - not a lot, but it tends to get them in the airflow.

Yeah I've notised that as well. There's nothing I can do about that as it would involved remaking all of the models. One solution would be a remade end decoupler which covered the wedges.

- - - Updated - - -

  Kerbas_ad_astra said:
Another piece of feedback to tweak for next time: some of your bulkheadProfiles could use attention. Lots of parts are listed as "srf" but aren't surface-attachable (the cores and wedges come to mind), and you might consider making a patch that sorts the hexacore into "size1p5" if Filter Extensions is installed. (size1p5, for 1.875 m parts, is one of several custom bulkhead profiles that I'm making icons and Filter Extension configs for.) Thanks!

I'll add this to my list for the next patch.

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  Tripod27 said:
hah yes

I copied over the part from one of my old versions because it looks cool as hell, but it's basically impossible for it to attach the right way on

Also are there any plans to add surface mounted universal storage parts for things like food and water? We already have one for oxygen but for the rest we have to use the giant inline attached parts which are generally hard or impossible to fit on things like landers or buggies without making them really oversized and imbalanced while having way more life support resources than you need...

We have lots of plans, but the last time i tried to carry them out life got in the way :) I remade the radial tanks ages ago to match the upcoming revision of Universal Storage - but never got around to releasing them. I'll convert the textures to .dds and sort out the part configs tonight, and send them off to Paul to include in the next patch.


  Paul Kingtiger said:
Well I had a play around and it's still a bit of a fiddle to place and it's almost impossible to select the part once it's on the craft because the collision mesh is so small. What is needed is a new model which is thicker so easier to use.

Again, life got in the way. The ACD (Attitude control decoupler) is in the works!


  Paul Kingtiger said:
Yeah I've notised that as well. There's nothing I can do about that as it would involved remaking all of the models. One solution would be a remade end decoupler which covered the wedges...

Will see what I can do.

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Hello,i just started to use this mod and i must say it's really useful and models look really beautiful.But there are some stuff i really miss here.

First two parts are:ore storage and ISRU;for now i just used some other parts and edited *.cfg to do the job,but what i can't replace with other model and i think is really essential is top (bottom) cover for cores.When i build large ore silo in my mining base,i really miss the roof on it.

I hope i don't sound demanding,and i know modeling is hard(or not if you know what you're doing),but lander legs(vertical,horizontal)would also come handy.I use H.O.M.E. landing legs for now and work great.

So if you ever consider to make some more part,i would really appreciate if you could make at least the "roof".Thank you.


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  sebi.zzr said:
Hello,i just started to use this mod and i must say it's really useful and models look really beautiful.But there are some stuff i really miss here.

First two parts are:ore storage and ISRU;for now i just used some other parts and edited *.cfg to do the job,but what i can't replace with other model and i think is really essential is top (bottom) cover for cores.When i build large ore silo in my mining base,i really miss the roof on it.

I hope i don't sound demanding,and i know modeling is hard(or not if you know what you're doing),but lander legs(vertical,horizontal)would also come handy.I use H.O.M.E. landing legs for now and work great.

So if you ever consider to make some more part,i would really appreciate if you could make at least the "roof".Thank you.


We will have 'caps\covers' for the cores eventually, and will probably feature ore wedges too (now that its a stock resource). Not sure about the landing legs though, it falls short of the mod's storage focus.

Don't feel like you're demanding! Feedback and requests are always interesting to hear, and give us better insights of where we should take the the mod. :)

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  Daishi said:
Again, life got in the way. The ACD (Attitude control decoupler) is in the works!

Will the new ACDs be able to hide gaps between the command pods and the US containers? The main reason I like the old thin US decouplers is because something like this:


becomes this:


and hides 95% of the gap. Personally I've never tried to use them as actual decouplers. I use them as something very low profile (with a nice black color) to hide dem gaps.

Edited by ev0
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  ev0 said:
Will the new ACDs be able to hide gaps between the command pods and the US containers?

The one i mentioned won't, at the moment. It's a proof of concept that uses the textures of the octocore, isn't animated, and is a little heavy on the polygons. It was built to see if the decoupler and reaction wheel modules worked together nicely, and to sort out scale and collision meshes and stuff. :)

The actual ACD's will look similar, but will feature extendable shrouds that sit snug with command pods. They'll be tweakable and be able to be switched off if you want to use the decoupler in the middle of a stack. I'm thinking through alternate textures (a big feature of US2), so the yellow warning stripes can be replaced with subtle paneling if you want a more reserved spacecraft.

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  Daishi said:
The actual ACD's will look similar, but will feature extendable shrouds that sit snug with command pods. They'll be tweakable and be able to be switched off if you want to use the decoupler in the middle of a stack. I'm thinking through alternate textures (a big feature of US2), so the yellow warning stripes can be replaced with subtle paneling if you want a more reserved spacecraft.

Sounds great! Looking forward to seeing your new models. Actually, even for Dang It!; I was never keen on using that mod until I saw your awesome tool box model. That, combined with KIS, is making me think of downloading it:wink:

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Request: Would like to see a Nutrient converter, or something of that nature. You have all the bases covered for life support "complete", except for a food making/creation unit and since we have a couple choices for greenhouses, maybe just a way to convert some of the Waist exc into Nutrients would be great. I love the system and models so much, it really is the only mod pack I use for my life support needs with TAC.

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  Daishi said:
We will have 'caps\covers' for the cores eventually, and will probably feature ore wedges too (now that its a stock resource). Not sure about the landing legs though, it falls short of the mod's storage focus.

Perhaps you could make an end-cap that has structural bracing on it- to which one could attach landing gear. Or engines. Or fins. it wouldn't be what sebi is imagining, but it might be a nice compromise that fits in with the versatility/sandboxiness of the pack.

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I am having problems getting the EVA-X working. The life support is so good that it is cloning kerbals! :P

It could just be a weird glitch that only I have but worth checking out. Please these try the following to see if there is a bug. Put EVA-X in the seat inventory space of mk1 command module. Then put in engineer bill. When he goes on EVA the EVA X moves to his inventory. The command module is now empty. No Kerbal and no EVA-X. Which is exactly they way everything is supposed to work.


When you board the command module again. You can't because there is a report saying it is full. Using ] to switch to the command module we find another Bill inside. When he goes on EVA. We now have two Bills!

Is anyone else seeing this or have I found a weird glitch in just my game?

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  nobodyhasthis said:
I am having problems getting the EVA-X working. The life support is so good that it is cloning kerbals! :P

It could just be a weird glitch that only I have but worth checking out. Please these try the following to see if there is a bug. Put EVA-X in the seat inventory space of mk1 command module. Then put in engineer bill. When he goes on EVA the EVA X moves to his inventory. The command module is now empty. No Kerbal and no EVA-X. Which is exactly they way everything is supposed to work.


When you board the command module again. You can't because there is a report saying it is full. Using ] to switch to the command module we find another Bill inside. When he goes on EVA. We now have two Bills!

Is anyone else seeing this or have I found a weird glitch in just my game?

After further testing. If you now enter the command module after the clone has left. You disappear along with the EVA-X leaving only the second Bill. So you can't clone more that once.

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  nobodyhasthis said:
Is anyone else seeing this or have I found a weird glitch in just my game?

It happened same here but with Bob.He exit from lab to take surface sample and enter back in.I instantly noticed i have two Bobs,exited crew modul,tried to board lab(they are linked by KAS pipe)and get the report "modul full".

However,i had no items in inventory,nore any other parts from this mod on my Mun base.

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  nobodyhasthis said:


When you board the command module again. You can't because there is a report saying it is full. Using ] to switch to the command module we find another Bill inside. When he goes on EVA. We now have two Bills!

Sounds like a counterfeit Bill.


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I've been using this awesome mod since 0.25, but since I updated the game to 1.0, the converters seems to stop working. When I right-click them, the menu says "Status: Deployed" or "Status: Retracted" depending on the status of the hatch, but I can't toggle the actual converter on/off, no matter what the position of the hatch is. See screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/BJWaIIP.png

Is there any way to fix this? Thanks!

Edit: Just found out that the problem is caused by my crew not actually controlling the ship, they are in the wrong pod. :/

Edited by AmethystZhou
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