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Universal Storage (For KSP 1.4.x) 13th March 2018

Paul Kingtiger

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One thing I'd really love to see added to this fantastic mod is a very thin, very light endcap for each size of hub. If you place a smaller diameter part in-line next to a universal storage hub that's larger, things like the science bay look silly since they're just open to the top and bottom. A simple, thin (did I mention THIN) circular cap that can be optionally placed on top and below a storage hub would come in very handy.

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One thing I'd really love to see added to this fantastic mod is a very thin, very light endcap for each size of hub. If you place a smaller diameter part in-line next to a universal storage hub that's larger, things like the science bay look silly since they're just open to the top and bottom. A simple, thin (did I mention THIN) circular cap that can be optionally placed on top and below a storage hub would come in very handy.

The problem with thin parts is that they are a pain to attach and select. I believe we are looking at end caps for Universal Storage 2.

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If the wedges had top and bottom parts, it would be filled in when the wedges are all in. Could include caps on the center post, but they come in handy for mounting things other then wedges. Might make them an option like the wedges have a outer skin option.

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hey smurf - open up the configs for the cores you want to work with DMagic - scroll down and you'll find a section that lists all the allowable parts for each slot on the core (quad core has 4, hex 6, oct 8) copy my chunk of code into the end of each section for each slot

sorry i can't give more specifics i'm stuck at work unable to supply my kerbals!

well this isnt needed anymore! (see below)

Much appreciated none the less.

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I wonder if we can get something like the Apollo service module for US2? At least one feature I would like to see is to have the option to get rid of the cargo door for the wedges while in mid flight, not just as a toggle in the VAB. But I assume this "fairing" behavior is probably out of scope for Universal Storage. (Although I think the Apollo service module just had doors as well, and no panels were actually jettisoned?)


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Is there anyway to get it to hide modules for TAC-LS when you are not using that mod?

I've just found what might be your issue.

If you install and remove mods with CKAN it doesn't appear to removal all of the folders.

SO even though TACLS has been removed by CKAN there is still a folder structure for there which module manager is picking up.

If you delete the ThunderAerospace folder from GameData you should be good.

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Apologies if this was mentioned already, but I didn't see it when I searched the thread.

CTT integration:

@TechRequired = advancedExploration
[B]Should be:[/B]
@TechRequired = advExploration

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If you delete the ThunderAerospace folder from GameData you should be good.

I don't have ThunderAerospace and I only use USI Life Support and I have the same "issue", I gettings parts like CO2 and Oxygen, and I don't have any mod that uses those resources...

Also the Eva-X seems to contain oxygen aswell, which is no use unless you use mods like TAC Life Support I believe...

Edited by eodh
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Are you planning to add Mulch capability for USI Life Support to the waste wedge in the future? As far as I understand it, that's basically the equivalent to recyclable TAC waste, hope I'm not wrong there. Also, good find on the broken CTT integration with the EVAx. Came here to report the same thing. You can also solve it by just deleting it completely as the part is already defined in advExploration anyway.

I don't have ThunderAerospace and I only use USI Life Support and I have the same "issue", I gettings parts like CO2 and Oxygen, and I don't have any mod that uses those resources...

Also the Eva-X seems to contain oxygen aswell, which is no use unless you use mods like TAC Life Support I believe...

Because these parts are defined without dependencies, meaning you get them automatically when you install Universal Storage. However, you can use the oxygen, hydrogen and water in the resource converters (Alkaline Fuel Cell, etc.), I suppose that's why they're in there. Been wondering about the oxygen on the EVAx too, though.

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Is it intended that the EVA-X Can't be picked up without a wrench? Seems less than ideal.

That's a fair point. I will adjust that in the next release.

- - - Updated - - -

Apologies if this was mentioned already, but I didn't see it when I searched the thread.

CTT integration:

@TechRequired = advancedExploration
[B]Should be:[/B]
@TechRequired = advExploration

That's already fixed in the next release. In fact most of the parts have been rebalanced on the tech tree, both tech level and costs.

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How are these changes handled in a saved game? Because I added CTT to a saved game and now have a green house in 2 places because the game save kept old tech tree data when adding changes by CTT.

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Because these parts are defined without dependencies, meaning you get them automatically when you install Universal Storage. However, you can use the oxygen, hydrogen and water in the resource converters (Alkaline Fuel Cell, etc.), I suppose that's why they're in there. Been wondering about the oxygen on the EVAx too, though.

Well, I think adding oxygen, hydrogen and water is useless if you don't have any mod that uses such resources. IMO this mod should't be adding new resources at all. Having a storage mod adding new resources just because it adds another part that can use it, it's a bit silly in my opinion, just don't add those parts, isn't it out of the purpose of the mod, which is to store things not to add new resources...

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How are these changes handled in a saved game? Because I added CTT to a saved game and now have a green house in 2 places because the game save kept old tech tree data when adding changes by CTT.

I've tested this:

If the part isn't yet owned (either the node isn't researched, or it has been but you haven't bought the part) then it'll disappear from the old location and move to the new.

If the part is marked as owned, then it'll stay in the old location and also appear in the new location.

Any ships with that part will keep the part (the ship won't break).

- - - Updated - - -

Well, I think adding oxygen, hydrogen and water is useless if you don't have any mod that uses such resources. IMO this mod should't be adding new resources at all. Having a storage mod adding new resources just because it adds another part that can use it, it's a bit silly in my opinion, just don't add those parts, isn't it out of the purpose of the mod, which is to store things not to add new resources...

We wanted universal storage to be useful as a stand alone mod, rather than a mod that required others to be useful. This is why we have fuel cells, with the oxygen, water and hydrogen resources, as well as the science bay.

If you don't want these parts you can go into the part folder and remove them.

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There is not enough reputation on the forum to really describe how wonderful your texturing on those models has gotten to. I remember when it first came out, they were impressive then, now they're just incredible. Looking forward to the 2.0 concepts as well, unless you're keeping those preview ideas to the development thread for the most part.

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Really beautiful
There is not enough reputation on the forum to really describe how wonderful your texturing on those models has gotten to. I remember when it first came out, they were impressive then, now they're just incredible. Looking forward to the 2.0 concepts as well, unless you're keeping those preview ideas to the development thread for the most part.
My gosh, Daishi, the inside of my US bays are going to look nicer than the whole planet. :P

Thanks guys, it means a lot :) I'll try post finished things only here, and spam concepts and progress on the dev blog again (been a bit slack). Not sure if US2 needs a new forum thread, as I see it as more of an evolution than a clear cut sequel. But we'll see when the time comes.


Oh, and new specular maps for the WRS and Octocore coming too!

Edited by Daishi
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On the cores when in the VAB, there is a right click option to turn on/off locking clamps which seem to be those yellow and black tabs near the hub. I tried to do some searching to see if they are more the visual, but came up empty. Do they serve any function?

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On the cores when in the VAB, there is a right click option to turn on/off locking clamps which seem to be those yellow and black tabs near the hub. I tried to do some searching to see if they are more the visual, but came up empty. Do they serve any function?

They're just for show, so it looked like the wedges were supported by something when they attached.

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Your mod has parts that use hydrogen (gas), but have you considered switching to using liquid hydrogen? Specifically "name = LqdHydrogen". This will then make the resource compatible with Near Future Propulsion. There are some posts about this from a while ago, but I'm not sure what the verdict was. Is choosing it to be a gas by design?

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