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[WIP Plugin](0.90) Burn Together! Alpha v7.0 (3/29/15)


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That's sad. The BT dosen't work with the new ARM parts :(

On a side note (still rendering as of this edit), the multi-launch system isn't perfect, but it works. Physical warp kills it though.

Edited by The Destroyer
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Thanks for the reminder. At the moment the plugin only supports ModuleEngines (the new parts use ModuleEnginesFX for the new effects). I'll add that to the todo list.

As for the multilaunch, the program really only accounts for engine thrust and mass so atmospheric effects tend to throw it off. Current settings of the SAS it uses for the followers is a bit floppy too. I should reiterate that it's mainly intended for synchronous burns in space, so any other capabilities it has (like launches, landing etc) are coincidental and I probably won't focus on improving them until much later.

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  The Destroyer said:
I know, but just was amazed that 7 rockets flew (almost) the same trajectory. 5 made it into orbit, only because I phsyical warped.

Actually, if you add an ASAS or two to to those rockets, and give them 4 rcs blocks at each end, I'm sure they'd follow a much tighter formation.

  MeCripp said:
So if your using hotrockets it changes all the engines to ModuleEnginesFX that it as a cfg for.

Right. I'll add support for ModuleEnginesFX soon, don't worry.

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Alpha v3 is now available. (Link in the op)

alpha v3:
-works with ModuleEnginesFX now (for new .23.5 engines and hotrockets(?))
-Added "Toggle AG Mimic" button to make followers copy leader's action groups. (Currently only supports landing gear and lights)
-Added action groups for main functions
-TWR matching now takes engine throttle limit tweaks into account.
-leader ships with higher TWR than followers will now have their max throttle limited.
-followers will now cut engines if the leader runs out of fuel
-improved RCS kill rvel function.

  Legendary Emu said:
Can you use this to fly multiple planes in formation?

No. To be honest, I doubt it will ever be able to, since atmospheric control is much more complicated than control in space.

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  skykooler said:
I like how BahamutoD declared that this couldn't fly planes in formation, and the very next post was flying planes in formation :D
  Batteriii said:
Flying in formation is so fun a little unstable but i just do it for the pictures
  BahamutoD said:
No. To be honest, I doubt it will ever be able to, since atmospheric control is much more complicated than control in space.

Notice BahamutoD said he doubted it would because atmospheric more complicated than orbital and Batteriii said it was a little unstable (is that for an experienced flight sim pilot or a novice?). That is not a big declaration that wouldn't, also we don't know how long or how many attempts Batteriii made to get that shot. BahamutoD was probably just being cautious so the forum trolls wouldn't ride his ass for the mod not doing something he said it might.

From personal experience, I don't know how many times while doing tech work that people claimed I said I could do something when I said it might be possible.

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My statement was based on the way the plugin works. It throttles the engines at a certain ratio based on max thrust to weight; this works fine for rockets because thrust is consistent and instantaneous, but not so well for atmospheric engines, which spool up and down and vary on altitude. It doesn't take into account other atmospheric conditions like drag or lift. Also, the plugin uses RCS translation to make smaller adjustments to keep ships locked in formation as opposed to attitude control. Nevertheless, that's a nice shot, Bateriii!

Edited by BahamutoD
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  StEligius said:
Notice BahamutoD said he doubted it would because atmospheric more complicated than orbital and Batteriii said it was a little unstable (is that for an experienced flight sim pilot or a novice?). That is not a big declaration that wouldn't, also we don't know how long or how many attempts Batteriii made to get that shot. BahamutoD was probably just being cautious so the forum trolls wouldn't ride his ass for the mod not doing something he said it might.

From personal experience, I don't know how many times while doing tech work that people claimed I said I could do something when I said it might be possible.

This was my second atempt but it was the first atempt on 3 planes. i dont know how many pictures i took to get it just as i wanted to but i think it was around 5-7 in this posisjon total images was around 20-30 i don't know any more because i deleted the hole ksp folder with all the pictures by accident

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Turns out it works great with my VTOLs... they do have tons of torque though so maybe you can just combat issues by adding a ton of torque haha.

The others ARE a little slow to respond to my inputs though, as you can see by them crashing at the end.

EDIT: to combat drifting, just switch to the followers every once in a while and get a little closer maybe? Like on every step on an interplanetary journey so variations don't get exponentially worse.

Edited by horndgmium
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  Cpt. Kipard said:
What happens if the leader has a higher maximum twr than the followers?

It was mentioned in the changelog that the leaders' throttle is limited if followers have lower twr. This is kind of a WIP feature though. A known issue is that the leader's throttle is permanently limited until the BT module is reset (turn it off and on again).

  colmo said:
One more question. Does this work on rovers?

No, sorry. It's only designed for ships with rockets in space.

Also now that I think about it, it currently doesn't work with engines that are mounted at an angle.

Edited by BahamutoD
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When you're done sorting out a lot of the bugs, could you add support for KSP Interstellar? This would probably fix the issue as stated with really long-range drifting by making the trip as short as possible. I know it's asking a lot though, with how the warp drives are coded, and all, but I think it would be really cool to have a large fleet of ships warp into Joolean space at once, as opposed to one ship, or all of them arriving several hundred kilometers apart.

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