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Project Odyssey: adventures getting home from an alternate dimension


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I've had vessels disappear before, but they did not have the legs on them. One day, one of the Deep Space Comm satellites I was sending to Kerbin L4 and L5 just plain disappeared. I had to put a new one up. I thought it had been a mistake where maybe I deleted it at the TS but didn't remember, but later it happened to more things. None of them had those legs. Does it only happen to craft with those legs?

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I never noticed it with other vessels, but it happens all the time if I try to use the legs and land the vessel. Sometimes they stay longer or shorter. At the end they all disapeared if I leave them alone.

The null reference exceptions (and the lag) starts always if you load the vessel (or another vessel in loading range) and will never stop. My theory is that the game gets trouble at some point to count the vessel as in landed state and deletes it like falling debries. Duno what's exactly goin on there, but the legs are definetly "broken".

Some more info and confirmations here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/35383-0-23-AIES-Aerospace-v1-5-1?p=982262&viewfull=1#post982262

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I never noticed it with other vessels, but it happens all the time if I try to use the legs and land the vessel. Sometimes they stay longer or shorter. At the end they all disapeared if I leave them alone.

The null reference exceptions (and the lag) starts always if you load the vessel (or another vessel in loading range) and will never stop. My theory is that the game gets trouble at some point to count the vessel as in landed state and deletes it like falling debries. Duno what's exactly goin on there, but the legs are definetly "broken".

Some more info and confirmations here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/35383-0-23-AIES-Aerospace-v1-5-1?p=982262&viewfull=1#post982262

While that is certainly "a thing" I believe that, since I did not have AIES legs on any of the problematic vessels, my issues were related to 64-bit incompatibilities with mods. KAS was particularly problematic. Also I think MechJeb has indirect issues in the VAB if not in other locations too.

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continuing episode 21...

Svetlana transfers to the Hydra II return capsule and releases the landing capsule to begin heading to her new home.


She makes it back to Kerbin without incident. The affects of the anomalies have been left behind on the Mun's surface.


She decouples the capsule to finish her reentry...


...and makes it home safely in a picturesque field.


Meanwhile, Raptor I has come through the wormhole into our dimension and activated their cloaking device so as not to be seen by Odyssey Station or any tracking systems.


Bill thinks he has seen something, but when he looks more closely there is nothing there.


The guys on the ground saw the blip as well, but now it's gone; nothing to report.


Raptor I has called back to their home dimension to their report findings. They can see Odyssey Station.


Sergei has ordered Captain Komalak to hold position and keep researching their tech level and capabilities, but then they lose communications.


But back on Raptor I, the cloaking device was activated too soon after coming through. It has created a dangerous energy feedback loop due to its proximity to the anomalous event horizon.


Raptor I's cloaking field destabilizes the anomaly and there's a massive burst of radiation.


episode 21 will continue soon...

Edited by Felbourn
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continuing episode 21...

Kranz is suddenly falling from the sky. This feels familiar.


Oh no! Not another anomaly shifting event! He has landed in a base that looks all wrong.


He sees Bob land in the distance, as well.


They meet to discuss their situation with a profound level of deja vu.


This is definitely not the base we came from, so the anomaly has sent us to yet another dimension. Now there are four known universes! We have our home, Svetlana's home, where we just were, and where we are now.


The entire team gathers at the flag pole to discuss the situation.


Neil, Joseph, and Jeb


Bob, Kesla, and Valentina


Svetlana, too, listens as Kranz explains their situation.


They search the base and then report back to "Kranz's" office to discuss how this base is devoid of life too.


"We'll need to start looking for Kethane right away" they say.


Ultimately we need to start over again, because this dimension has nothing in the sky.


There's also no one else around to help, so once again we'll be doing it alone.


episode 21 will continue soon...

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continuing episode 21...

A whole new lifter system is developed...


...at our whole new Mission Control Center.


We have a whole new Centaur second stage, though it looks more like a Delta in our world.


We also have a whole new TDRS communications satellite design.


The first TDRS-E class satellite decouples after being placed into a 2868km KTO.


The Centaur II reenters and burns up...


...while the TDRS-E circularizes at KSO.


It deploys its solar panels and communications antennae.


We're ready for additional launches at the new base!


Watch as the saga continues!

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Hi, what are your values for deadly reentry settings? I just cant find the video you mention it


It's in the Odyssey CFG file. I set all stats of all parts to a default, then override them with ModuleManager to fix them up.

@shockwaveExponent = 1.12 // up from 1.00
@heatMultiplier = 15 // down from 25
@ridiculousMaxTemp = 4000 // up from 2500, all parts are 1000 by default anyway
@title = FIX MY STATS
@maxTemp = 1000 // default maxTemp and crashTolerance to low values and
@crashTolerance = 8 // then set them higher in the configs below, as desired
@breakingForce = 200
@breakingTorque = 200 // default to a ~0.1 ton object needing ~4.5 Gs max

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The second TDRS-E has been launched.


This one travels to nearly the opposite side from the first TDRS-E.


We can see it here as it starts to open.


The communications arms then start to unfold.



Finally, the dishes themselves unfold and link into the RemoteTech network.


Back in our previous dimension, Captain Komalak's Raptor I is out of control after the damage from the wormhole.


Once power is restored, he looks at the carnage of what was once Odyssey Station. It has been blown to pieces.


Bill barely escaped the wreckage, but he is captured by Komalak.


Meanwhile, a new communications network for Mun is being launched.


We use a Centaur II to push us all the way to Mun.


The Mun network will only need two satellites, and we've launched them on the same rocket.


The first one decouples to go to L4.


The second one decouples to head for L5.


The Centaur II will eventually deorbit.


Watch as the saga continues:

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i sad it on the gateway threat but i say it one more time, so im sure that you would read it

can you build MIR as the new space station ?? that would be cool i guess?

i really like the project i wish my computer could handel so many mods but it cant unfortuantly

so i could try build it myself, but i wont come close to you haha.

Edited by jebandhisfriends
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i sad it on the gateway threat but i say it one more time, so im sure that you would read it

can you build MIR as the new space station ?? that would be cool i guess?

i really like the project i wish my computer could handel so many mods but it cant unfortuantly

so i could try build it myself, but i wont come close to you haha.

Mir would be among my "historical projects" missions rather than being part of Odyssey, but I like the idea of doing as a historical mission. I wanted to do the Skylab in RSS. Maybe I could do a Mir RSS as well.

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Mir would be among my "historical projects" missions rather than being part of Odyssey, but I like the idea of doing as a historical mission. I wanted to do the Skylab in RSS. Maybe I could do a Mir RSS as well.

Actually... you gave me an idea. Don't rule it out entirely, just yet.

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Scanned through the YouTube comments for e22, but didn't see this. So, since no one else asked...

How in the world did you get all those extra buildings around the KSC?

It's not in the comments because it was in the video, around 17:00. :)

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Btw something for the "AIES issues":

If anyone that get's Nul errors with legs and want a some what patch this will stop the error's but you will have to set a action group for the legs or toggle them 1 by 1 https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/Aies_LEG_PATCH.cfg.zip and if you are a RT2 user https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/RemoteTech_AIES_3.cfg or a AnntennaRange user https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/AntennaRange2.cfg

EDIT- Here is a patch if you want to use the Firespitter plugin for the legs https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/Aies_LEG_PATCH_FS.cfg.zip

Source: Link

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A new lifter is being created.


It's carrying a VERY heavy core module for a new space station.


It can lift itself to its initial orbit after decoupling from the boost stage.


It's going up to a 275 km orbit.




The ground crew is concerned that so far no Kethane has been detected on "New Kerbin II."


But the station is doing okay in orbit, waiting for someone to visit it.


Watch as the saga continues...

Edited by Felbourn
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....no Kethane has been detected on "New Kerbin II."

This is New Kerbin III now

Depends on how you count them...

Kerbin = our home

New Kerbin I = where we were shifted

Alternate Kerbin = where Svetlana came from, but we were never actually there ourselves

New Kerbin II = where we are now

But I could see it going either way (counting them all, which makes it III) too.

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