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[1.1.2]Aerojet Kerbodyne 3.0 (4/29/16 Better FX, still good for 1.1.2)


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Release is getting close, all models are done, all textures are done.

All that's needed are a couple of Config Editing and also the FX of engine, the HG-10B-2's is already fixed so all's left is LV-900 and AK10-118J for that.

Here are some information about the upcoming parts on its current state:

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Fairings and Interstage are not included in the documentation.

*Any manufacturer names that coincide with other mods are not intended and they are awesome for thinking of that name because I think that the names I have put here are cool.

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Will the x2.1 components remain? As in will I have to land all flights? And...will this use tweakscale so that the parts can be attached to say the 3.5m taurus?

Awesome by the way!!! Thank you.

Edited by SessoSaidSo
forgot something
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That looks amazing, great work blackheart. :) I like how you're including the new and old Orion MPCV concepts.

Oh, and did you place the connection nodes right on the adapter we made? There's only one node at the bottom, none on top. Decoupling doesn't actually decouple it. :P

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Will the x2.1 components remain? As in will I have to land all flights? And...will this use tweakscale so that the parts can be attached to say the 3.5m taurus?

Awesome by the way!!! Thank you.

This update will truly break saves. Most of the parts will be featuring tweakscale but I will have a different heatshield for Taurus. The bottom part of the Taurus (Cylinder like sticking out below) should fit the heatshield for it but for now, I'll use the 2.5m Heatshield model as a placeholder and most else will be released with tweakscale.

That looks amazing, great work blackheart. :) I like how you're including the new and old Orion MPCV concepts.

Oh, and did you place the connection nodes right on the adapter we made? There's only one node at the bottom, none on top. Decoupling doesn't actually decouple it. :P

I remember I did, but you remember that the length of ICPS is 8.90m and the length of the lower part that we extended is 8.92? That really needs to have some certain challenging attaching but you can check if I forgot to add the Decoupler Module hehe.

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It might hold a little bit longer because I made new parts for the Taurus Pod. Some of the parts that are already supporting Tweakscale, the other don't because they are not planned to have so and the advertised parts are already done and functioning. I just need to set the tech tree integration

Bouyancy like SDHI feature is not implemented even until the next release but planned for future if possible.


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Because most of the previous parts are either deleted, merged or separated. I completely remade the parts so it is also quite different from the previous parts.

Another one example is I have the "HG10B2" part name which is replaced by the "HG10B" part and the name of the product is different, node placements are different too. The remaining parts are gonna have messed up node placements on existing saved ships if that ship still exists because most of the parts are really gone for good.

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I'm still thinking what I have missed cause if I have missed nothing I am pretty close to release. I'll keep this short because I am about to rest. I've finished the FX of the engines today, switched to the default ones (not smokescreen anymore) because I have issues with tweakscale atm and it doesn't really make a difference too. But a major push today are the done Taurus Parts. Custom fit skeleton for the heatshield, an aerocap as well and umbilicals because they look fancy. I added the flag decal too.


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the CPS interstage fairing is insanely hard to mount on the correct node... is it possible to shift the node higher?

Echoing this statement... like, wow. Made me want to pull my hair out. There really isn't a justifiable reason to have to spend two or three minutes on one node. Every other node seems to be fine, except that one...

On a positive note, I absolutely love the rework! It looks even more amazing than before. Thanks for the work!

Edited by FiiZzioN
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Echoing this statement... like, wow. Made me want to pull my hair out. There really isn't a justifiable reason to have to spend two or three minutes on one node. Every other node seems to be fine, except that one...

On a positive note, I absolutely love the rework! It looks even more amazing than before. Thanks for the work!

There are three interstages at the moment, can you guys specify which for clarity?

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Ok, so, after playing with this some more I've found some more node issues. These two, especially the Taurus SM adapter one HAS to be fixed. It's borderline unusable... The problem is the two nodes in BOTH parts are almost on top of each other. I love the re-work, but I absolutely hate some of the new nodes.

Here's an album showing the issues. Hopefully you can fix them soon, because I love this pack, just not the new nodes.

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Also, the Taurus Heatshield you included has the same name as the heatshield that comes with the R&SCapsuledyne download. I'd recommend changing it so MM doesn't get confused, or other players for that matter.

Reason for editing (1): Heatshield issues

Reason for editing (2): Testing imgur album embed

Edited by FiiZzioN
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