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Might as well make one of these...


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I've never really used an introduction section on a forum before, but I thought why not?

So, I guess this is an introduction.

I started playing over two years ago in version .13 (when Kerbal was free!) but never bought the game when they added a price. I stopped playing, but then when it was added to Steam a friend who I had played it with (Mostly in English class :P) convinced me to buy it, and since I loved the game when it was free, I agreed! That was about a year ago, but I only started playing again in .23, and have been loving it!

I was pleasantly surprised that I picked up the game again right away, and was still able to land on the Mun. I then got addicted to Scott Manley, and am now trying to figure out how to make sure all my mods are updated ;) Since I've started using the forums for getting mods and picking up tips and tricks, I created an account (mostly to subscribe to mod threads, cause the search is aweful), and now I might even start frequenting here, since the community seems so nice!

So I just want to say, thanks for making me seem so welcome, even before I have posted anything, and I hope we can share a long and rather deadly explosion filled future together.

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When you mentioned how KSP used to be free, I'm now really jealous... :huh:

Why pay $30 when I could have gotten it 2 years ago for FREE?

Anyway, welcome! :cool:

You had to pay for it eventually :P

I remember a few friends didn't realize this and kept torrenting it like normal.


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