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[Development thread] Launchers Pack (Working on RSS-compatible Delta II)

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Thank you!:) What exactly do you mean with more detailed? Do you think about the stuff on top of the engine? I'm not able to do this at the moment, I can't model these little things in Blender, so I will use Sketchup, but I have to learn much about that program, so in version 1.0 the engine won't be so detailed..:) My main problem at the moment is to get the Fairing seperated correctly, one side seperates, but the other hangs and will just seperate if I cut off the engine, then it will fly away, but that was not really the plan...

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What do you mean blackheart? Are the Boosters too long? Or something else?

@Bioman: If I would now how that works with the Flag Decal Module. Can anyone explain it to me? :) I know it says in a post somewhere in the forum but I didn't get it..-___-

Btw: Release hopefully this week, I just want to make a small movie about it..:)

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I do mean the stuff on top of the engine (the turbopump assembly), yeah. Also could use a couple verniers, too (would need to be separate surf-attach parts). And even if the turbopump assembly is hidden (a fine excuse for "not doing it now") it'd still be good if you could do the turbopump exhaust pipe.

An image of a model of the bottom of a Delta II:


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  Kartoffelkuchen said:
What do you mean blackheart? Are the Boosters too long? Or something else?

@Bioman: If I would now how that works with the Flag Decal Module. Can anyone explain it to me? :) I know it says in a post somewhere in the forum but I didn't get it..-___-

Btw: Release hopefully this week, I just want to make a small movie about it..:)

Yeah, I don't know exactly, it would be nice if you actually base them on real sketches/plans and make them the same size almost. ie, resize the drawing so that the core of delta to is 2.5m or something.

Flag decal is on the lesser known bits, look it up btw, it needs a mesh that is uv'd correctly to fit the flag in it and it's then named as the module's transform name. They said you should go check the latest module on the present NASA pack since they use a more updated module.

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Okay blackheart, I will do that. I tried to get it real Delta scaled, and I tried to use real datas and parameters, but it didn't worked completely so as I wanted. One question: In ksp all is smaller than in real life, I heared somewhere that if you make Add-ons and you use real parameters everything must have a scale of 64%. Is that right?

Okay, I will add the turbopump and make it surface attachable, so it won't be connected to the engine, but in the next updates I will try to get the turbopump assembly on top of the engine. Ican't promise it that it will look good but I will try mybest.

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Wait what? No, the turbopump is a part of the engine; as the picture I just showed you demonstrates, it's OK to leave it hidden if you aren't up to modeling it right now. What I was saying that you should model are the exhaust pipe (attached to the engine--you know how the LV-T30 and 45 have exhaust pipes? So does the RS-27. You can't just randomly surface-attach an exhaust pipe...), and the two surface-attachable verniers. Those verniers are on the left and right of the enginebell (the turbopump exhaust pipe is above the engine bell)--they're the things that look like the small KSP radials (24-77s) except they have a gray jacket, not orange.

I know you will, and I look forward to it. :)

Now, regarding scaling. There are basically three options: mush it to fit Kerbal standard sizes (it will look squished or stretched), make it a uniform downscale of real life (64% of real life size is often used, because the MK1-2 pod is 64% of the width of Apollo, and the Mk1 is 64% of the width of Mercury), or make it true-to-life size.

The latter two are preferred for historical replicas, because even if you make it 64% of real life scale, others (who use RSS and need real-size rockets) can scale it back up again without things being distorted.

The argument for the first option is that then you can use regular KSP parts with it, seamlessly. Since the core stage is 2.44m in diameter, that's quite close to 2.5m...

Edited by NathanKell
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Hm, you want pictures? Now you get them!:) I thought I would need longer for the stuff I planned..


The new textured RS-27A during a test


Jep, Engine works!


Delta II 7920H on Launchpad with a weather satellite as payload




All systems nominal


I thought that white blank texture would be a bit boring, so I added some stuff.


First 6 Boosters are seperated, everything normal


I don`t know if I will release V.1.0 in a week, maybe a bit earlier, but I can`t promise it, but stay tuned! (Yes, I know, relase day changes mutch, sorry)

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Thank you! Okay, here are more pictures:


Enough for the first time. Now I have a big problem:

Everytime when I seperate my Fairing and I have some payload in it, the fairings collide with the payload and my payload will explode. It must be a problem with the collider, so I played a bit with Unity collider settings. I disabled the convex function, because I saw somewhere that then the collider won`t collide with other colliders, but that didn`t helped: Now the Fairing fell off already before I did anything, even Struts couldn`t help. So, this is the last important part which has to be done now, and I really don`t know how I could solve that problem. So if you know anything about that, it would be a good help for me!

Here is a picture:


I hope you can help me!

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