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[Development thread] Launchers Pack (Working on RSS-compatible Delta II)

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Unfortunately I know absolutely nothing about Unity so I don't know what I can do to help.

In your cfg, what are you using for the decoupler module? I believe I've seen issues in the past where other part authors have had to rotate either the connection node or the decoupler node. Is your decoupler module in the base or the fairings?

I'm not at a computer with KSP installed so I can't look at examples (KW and Procedural) to give you an example of their cfgs.

On the positive side, that's a fantastic looking Delta II! I like the surface detailing you've added, presumably using normals vs complicating the model. I think it looks great.

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@MaverickSawyer: The Fairing should decouple on this way:


But if I decouple them the Fairings and my payload just explodes, because that wrong collider:(

@MainSailor: I hope it`s that what you mean, here is the Fairing decoupling module:

// --- node definitions ---

// definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z

node_stack_bottom = 0.018698, -5.5756, -1.00693, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2




name = ModuleDecouple

ejectionForce = 100

explosiveNodeID = bottom


Btw: The fairing is connected to 2nd Stage with a small ring:


But I think in the config aren`t any mistakes, it is probably an error in the collider. And I can`t solve that problem! :( But thank you for your reply:)

Edited by Kartoffelkuchen
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Oh boy thank you so mutch blackheart for that hint! Now it works!!!:kiss::confused::cool: The collider is not on Fairings base, its a bit over the half of the Fairing`s size, but it works too! I think this was the last important step before release 1.0...now I will test all components and look, if I have to change something in cfg...but I think it is a good replica as it is now, but maybe I will find something..never know:D Btw: The rocket hasn`t an additional 3rd Stage, maybe I have time to make it in next days, you will see!

Stay tuned for more news (and maybe for a release?:rolleyes:),


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the Ariane 5 looks nice but notice that the emblem on your booster looks a bit different like the real [http://imgur.com/eEGaln0 ] if you want you can use this! :) and make the booster a bit smaller i think this looks a bit realisticer

And i have a tip for your upcoming launchers 1st tip: if you want to rezise all parts in original ksp sizes and balance the fuel and so on, because i love it for example to fly with a delta II main tank or a Vega main engine only a example

[ http://imgur.com/67j2mFI ] :sticktongue:

Or you add cool HotRockets! and CoolRockets! effects to your Rocket Engines and boosters that would be cool

but only a tip from me!

keep it up!

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Hi, sorry I had some things to do in RL so there wasn't too much time to tell you anything.

@Fr3aKyHDx: I made the boosters a bit smaller, but just a little bit. You are right, it looks better now. I'm sorry but I won't resize my rockets to ksp sizes, I will make them 64% scaled to fit with other Mods (Bobcats for example). ;)

So..did I fergot anything?

Aah yes...progress update:

- Improved Delta II Configs for a more realistic flight experience

- Changed Ariane 5 Booster a bit

- Made a big fairing for the Delta II

- Started working on American's Antares Rocket

I can't give you any details, the Antares is in a too early development to publish details now ;)

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Hey, I think I'm totally confused now X.x Some guys say that Antares Diameter is 3.9 metres and some say it is 4.1 in diameter. And another thing: If it would be 4.1m in diameter, i had tocalculate now: 4.1/64%÷2, ÷2 because I need the radius in blender. I am soo confused now..sorry :$

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Well I stopped working on the Antares, I couldn't get enough details and it would be too unrealistic without correct information. Anyway, I think there is just one russian R-7 replica, at least the it's the onliest one I know. So I decided to make one...it is painted in ESA/ Roskosmos textures:


Stage decoupler is missing, fairings are missing, Fregat 4th Stage is missing...yeah, but it works all in all very unproblematic :)

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