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Better Atmospheres Development Thread

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You could try adding a darker layer that's at a much lower altitude, so it's only visible in the low-lands and craters. It worked quite well when I was messing around with it.

This is kind of the opposite, but you get the idea (From running an RSS install).


And my own version of Laythe. Essentially because I liked the planet from the Forever War.


Only problem with that idea is it doesn't really "morph" into the ground pleasantly. I can probably make it work, thanks for the idea :)

That Laythe looks amazing btw.

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Alright you guys, took a long nap after no sleep last night from working on this pack, and did some editing after waking up. I would specifically like some Jool/Mun feedback. Those are the two I've been working on.


Magnificent ! Which jool texture do you use/recommend ? :)

edit : also last post is perfect !

Edited by vanlock
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I see, that is rather annoying... I hope you get it sorted because that glow and contrast was pretty much spot on.

He's right :D if you manage to get it to look that way without the flickering the moon would be perfect

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got a question im using astronomers alpha test clouds but when use this i tends to want to make the volmetric clouds almost transparent. think should match color of clouds and BM?

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Cross-posting this here, because I should probably ask in this thread rather than in EVE:

So, Mars actually has an atmosphere that's faintly blue; it's just the planet's strongly red surface and dust storms that make the planet red. But the horizon is blue. Could we have that for Duna?



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RSS can change atmosphere colors like that (for when in atmosphere); Starwaster has done it for real-Mars in RSS. You can also look at how Alternis Kerbol changes atmosphere color ramps if you want to change the edge-of-planet glow from space (protip: just replacing a single-pixel-wide texture that is the color gradient).

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RSS can change atmosphere colors like that (for when in atmosphere); Starwaster has done it for real-Mars in RSS. You can also look at how Alternis Kerbol changes atmosphere color ramps if you want to change the edge-of-planet glow from space (protip: just replacing a single-pixel-wide texture that is the color gradient).

I've tried the RSS, but it doesn't seem to want to save any changes I make. I don't even know if I'm doing the right thing, but it seems to be changing the atmosphere color. I'll use this if you would be kind enough to let me(I will only use the ability to change atmo colors and will completely credit you and anybody you need me to credit.), If i can figure how to work this thing, this will be a huge step forward in Atmosphere technology. Something like this would be very useful indeed.

Okay okay okay, don't move don't sneeze don't change anything ! :D

And go get some sleep ! :)

But release it before hopping to bed ^^

I can't release the whole pack until Duna is done silly willy ^_^

Edited by Thesonicgalaxy
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Of course I'll let you! It has a totally open license that way anyway.

I don't think "save to file" was ever implemented--just take note of the values you like, and add them to the cfg.

Just, um, if I could maybe appeal to your gratefulness and ask you to make a RSS version of this too [i.e. for real sizes and real planets], if it's not too much work and if the regular doesn't work right? ^_^

Edited by NathanKell
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Of course I'll let you! It has a totally open license that way anyway.

I don't think "save to file" was ever implemented--just take note of the values you like, and add them to the cfg.

Just, um, if I could maybe appeal to your gratefulness and ask you to make a RSS version of this too [i.e. for real sizes and real planets], if it's not too much work and if the regular doesn't work right? ^_^

Of course I will! I was probably gonna do that anyway :P

Though, I will release V3 first and then soon after that work on RSS settings. Thanks so much for letting me use part of your mod for my pack. <3

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